Blog 10 Reasons MemberVault is an Excellent Platform for a Membership

10 Reasons MemberVault is an Excellent Platform for a Membership


1️⃣ - Quiz questions

Quiz questions are incredibly powerful for ANY type of product, and in fact, you can even use them for onboarding new team members and carrying the heavy weight of operations in your business when organizing something like a summit (that's seriously the only way I can run summits because it cuts the workload by at least 50%).

⚡️You can read about quiz questions here

🤩 Here's what your members see when you reply to their quiz answers (which side note, is an excellent way to bring people BACK into your membership product, and no, you don't have to answer all quiz questions)

And you can check out the Fill in the Blanks product template (free to use, in your account) for an example of how to use quiz questions for a "start here" module and a feedback/testimonial module.

20 quiz questions to get you thinking

2️⃣ - Comments 

Comments are a great way to create a dialed in conversation in your membership product, outside of the community. Or if you don't WANT a community in your membership, but still want to have some engagement (i.e. in a welcome lesson, or on podcast/newsletter lessons, etc).

People can interact with each other, and again, it's a great way to get people back into your membership product when you reply to their comment.

💬 More on comments here

✏️ What will they see when someone replies to their comment

 3️⃣ - Community (ungated) 

The ungated community type is viewable by anyone, but they can only interact if they are signed in.

You can use this for membership promotional efforts, i.e. a challenge, etc.

If you have a community in your membership, this is an excellent way for people to get a taste of engaging with a community in your MV. And then you can close the ungated community down (or not), depending on you strategy.

But imagine a -- "This community is closing tomorrow! Loving X, and don't want to stop? Come play with us in [membership]. We're talking about Y over there right now!"

🗝️ More on the ungated community here

4️⃣ - Community (product)

If you want a community for your membership, this is the option you'd choose. Only people with access to your membership product will be able to see and engage with posts in this community.

Members can interact with each other, and create their own posts. We're adding new features soon to the feature, and have even more on the list to add in the near-ish future!

💡 More on the product community here

5️⃣ - Bonus modules

Keep people motivated to move thru your content by adding bonus modules (I don't recommend more than 2-3, unless you have a very specific experience in mind).

This is also a good way to gate content that people don't need to be diving into until they've dipped their toes into your membership.

People can SEE that there is a bonus module that they can unlock, but they can't open it until they reach that level of EP (engagement points).

🪄 More on bonus modules here.

6️⃣ - Teaser modules

Teaser (public) modules are attached to your product, but can be viewed by people who don't have access to the product.

Give people a taste of your membership! Recurring revenue offers have a bit more friction than one time offers, because it's an ongoing cost and people are much more wary about signing up and forgetting to cancel if they don't use it.

So you need to apply as many levers as possible to show them that THIS membership is one that they not only NEED/WANT, but it's one they'll actually use.

A sample of your membership in your teaser module that you can share on social, via email, etc will give you yet another way to talk about your membership AND even better if it gets people a quick win or perspective shift.

💻 More on teaser modules here.

And I recommend using our link direct feature (it's like or pretty links) to make the teaser module link easy to remember

7️⃣ - EP (engagement points)

You can use EP in a variety of ways. See who your most engaged members are during a specific time period and reach out to reward them (surprise and delight goes a long way towards retention, assuming they're seeing value with your membership).

Go into the engagement report for your product, and you can see your most engaged members.

You can also use EP to create in-product celebrations for your membership at different milestones (don't do a TON of these as people who are binging might rack up the EP super quickly in one go...definitely space it out!).

This is an example of the Celebration Actions:

Here's what it looks like on the member side (Of course, seeing the confetti in motion is even more fun! 🎉):

📌  More on EP here

🎉 How to add a celebration

8️⃣ - Celebrations

Everyone loves a little acknowledgement that they're doing something, and confetti + a message is a great way to boost your member's dopamine. 🎉

You can also trigger other actions alongside your celebration, i.e. if you want to unlock another product, send an email (maybe with a gift inside), etc.

Create in-product celebrations for your membership at different milestones (definitely space it out!).

🎉 How to add a celebration

#9 - Unlock products

This is a fun way to acknowledge progress (i.e. you just finished X, so I gifted you Y) AND/OR encourage progress (i.e. you'll get access to X when you Y).

If your membership includes All Access to your other products, like mine does with the All Access membership, and Laura Robinson's does with her All Access Pass....then you can just trigger an email to remind people they have access to a certain product that might be helpful based on what they just did inside of your membership. I shared more on this idea here

And you can also do this based on which answer someone chooses on a multiple choose quiz question. SO many fun ways to implement.Remember you don't want to overwhelm, so use this sparingly for highest impact and maximum supportive feel.

You'll use Actions to unlock a product based on what someone completed. More on Actions here.

🔟 - Actions

For long time MemberVault customers, Actions frequently is the most loved feature and for good reason. It opens up ALL kinds of fun possibilities, many of which I covered above.

⭐️ Learn more about actions here.

BONUS #11 - Engagement tracking reports

If you haven't taken a peek yet at your engagement reports, you're gonna love this!! No more wondering what people are doing or loving most. This is ESPECIALLY important in a membership.

It's key to know whether people are diving into different aspects of your content, and also it's the start of testing whether you just need to share that content more with your members (and potentially play with the way you describe it, name it, etc).....or if maybe your members just aren't that interested in it.

If you're getting low engagement on something that takes you (or a team member) a lot of time...this is permission to cut that from your membership.

And for things that are getting HIGH engagement -- optimize it, talk about it more, showcase it in your social/email/sales page/etc.

📉 More on engagement reports here.

BONUS #12 - Hot leads

Hot leads are people who don't have access to a product, and have checked it out multiple times over multiple days.

You can see your hot leads on your main dashboard, which for me is always a great test of whether I've been talking about an offer enough (case in point, I need to talk about All Access Lifetime again more) OR if it's a new offer, whether people are interested.

If I'm not seeing purchases and I'm not seeing hot leads? Something needs to be tweaked in my offer positioning, or potentially it's just a stinker (it happens to everyone).

You can also set up a hot lead trigger in actions to send an email or series of emails to your hot lead. That could be an on-the-nose automated email "heyo! caught you looking! here's a coupon for X% off to make your decision easier" or it could be a personal email from you (just set your hot lead action to send you an email notification instead of adding a tag).

Or it could be a more subtle series of emails that will help answer questions about the product and bring it more front of mind for someone who is already considering it.

🔥 More on setting up the hot lead trigger here.

Want to try this out in your own account? Sign up for our free, no credit card required trial here, or look up your account here.


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