Blog 11 Ideas for an upsell offer

11 Ideas for an upsell offer


This list is assuming that you're creating an upsell on a group program, or course, but most of these ideas could absolutely work for digital products, free challenges and more. 

Mastermind with more access to you

This is an especially good fit for a core group program that has the standard group calls, core content and community. You can add a more personalized, small group offer for people that want more access to you and the ability to connect at a deeper level with a smaller group. You can either limit how many people can be in the mastermind by removing the upsell option once you reach that cap OR if you have the bandwidth, by running several mastermind groups (if needed). 

Voxer or email access to you for a set time period

I've done this on numerous occasions and it's always a hot ticket item. Make sure you set expectations and boundaries around how long the access lasts, and when it starts. I generally go with unlimited access during the access time period, and haven't had anyone abuse it...but go with what you're comfortable with! 

An automated, high touch email series 

Oh, how I wish more people offered this! So often the content is just *dumped* delivered at your inbox and there isn't any nurturing or reminders after that (I'm totally guilty of doing this as a creator too!). And yet, a supportive experience is well worth an upsell and you can make it feel even more valuable by giving them the option of how they want it to be delivered (i.e. dive deep over a several day period or stretched out over a longer period), and let them trigger the automated series when they are ready (this could be done using multiple choice quiz questions in the upsell product that trigger your automated email series). The content delivered by email (or text message, if your email tool supports that) could be ALL of the content, helpful supporting content or a deeper dive into an area covered in the core content.

1:1 call

These are the easiest upsells, in my opinion, because there isn't a lot of admin setup for the product and it's direct access to you, which makes it high value. If you like serving your people in a 1:1 capacity, and have a 1:1 retainer offer, this is a great way to fill your pipeline with a shorter call. And it's FAR better than discovery calls, in my opinion!

Pre or post workshop series

Help ensure people are either prepped for success, or have accountability to keep following thru. You can even combine them for a really supportive experience before and after the group program/course/etc. I know some people really like live workshops, but I definitely think you can get creative with how you deliver these if you don't enjoy hosting live calls.

Personalized assessment

I've done these in the past and loved it. You create a simple product in MV with quiz questions, set an action trigger to email you a notification when they pass the quiz and bam. The only things to decide is how you want to deliver it, and what price you should charge. On the first, I've done both Loom and email, and while people liked both, I got the most success stories from the email. People said they loved being able to revisit it and check things off (I wrote it in bullet point checklist style, which also made it easier for me). On pricing, that's up to you but more than ever, remember to price on the VALUE of the direct access to you and not the actual clock time it takes you to review answers/write back. (Side note: it might not take that much actual time, but these DO take quite a bit of mental bandwidth and energy...or at least they do for me!)

Custom deliverables

If you're a service provider that writes, designs or creates materials -- this is a slam dunk. If your course or group program helps them take an action, but you know that people will still struggle with X, then offer a focused package of deliverables. Be sure, as always, when doing client work to be extra clear on boundaries, expectations and what the deliverables will be. And you might find that you have to tweak your intake process a bit to make sure you get the info you need to create the deliverables.

Private content via a private podcast, private social media feed or Voxer/Telegram broadcast 

I've done a private podcast before, but not the others and it's one of the more tempting options on this list for me. I love creating audio content, and it's far easier than video content energetically speaking (for me). As a consumer, I know I'd love the VIP feel of any of the above, and even more so if it was super topic specific for a deep dive into whatever that core content was, or a supporting topic to help me take action even more.

Access to a private community 

This is assuming there isn't already a community associated with the core offer, but even so, don't shrug off the value of a smaller community, a more niched down topic community, or a community that is available before or after the core offer happens (if it's a live program). 

VIP session/day or intensive

This is a great one to not only offer at the start of the program, but also throughout and after -- as often consumers (myself included) will go for the lower priced instant gratification offer, but then realize "oh yeah, I don't have time for this" and be much more interested in the "just do it for me" option. 

Discounted access to another offer

If you have another offer that is complementary to the core offer they are buying, this is a great opportunity to give them a small "buy one, get X% off on this other thing" offer. And it's pretty easy peasy for you to implement. Just be sure to decide how you want to handle people who bought the other offer separately, and are now purchasing the new offer. Because I guarantee some of them will email you and want to know if they get the discount, after the fact. Here's my customer centric advice -- if it's a no, still offer them something (maybe that discount on a different offer, meaning they'd have then purchased THREE things from you).

Ideally put a deadline on it, like "I can't offer a discount on X offer, retroactively, but I'd be happy to apply the X% discount if you wanted to purchase the core offer and my other product Y, which is great for [benefit of buying it}. You can use [custom discount code] to get that discount -- and it'll expire on DATE. Thank you so much for being such an awesome client/customer/person!"

And a bonus idea that I LOVED from Lindsey Aleson! "You could also do an accountability group/retreat (in person or virtual)! Or a lot of people are calling them virtual immersions. Essentially a bonus day (or weekend) of training that supplements the group program!"

Have un upsell idea you'd like to share? Or thoughts/questions about the ones above? Drop it in the comments!


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