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How to generate more leads…18 ideas for you.
👉 Anything that gets you in front of other people’s audience, where you can share a link (paid or free) is my go-to. 👈
1. Participate in or run a summit or bundle
2. Do an email takeover swap with someone who has a compatible niche
3. Gamify asking your audience to share a specific blurb for an offer in exchange for X (or entry into a giveaway)
4. Reach out to past clients and offer up a referral bonus with a very clear ask (ie I have X spots open for Y, if you know of someone who wants to Z…from now until X, I’m gifting everyone who refers a new client to me Y.)
5. Create event energy around a pre-sale, challenge, etc (ie I want to get X people in for this so that I can help them Y…let’s do it!) and motivate your audience to share with a giveaway, rewards, bonuses, affiliate opportunity, etc
6. Paid ads or sponsorships
7. Sponsorship swaps with a small group
8. Create a visibility support group where you invite X number of people who have complimentary niches to help each other boost posts on Y platform for a set period of time
9. Start showing up daily on the discovery platform where you’ve had the most recent best success
10. Show up in communities where your ideal clients hang out and show your expertise in a non-spam way (and make sure your profile on that platform is optimized for leads)
11. Reach out to community and membership owners and offer to run a free workshop or Q&A for their group
12. Sign up for a referral tool like Sparkloop and reward people who share your newsletter with a shoutout in your next email
13. See if your email tool has a referral system, like ConvertKit's creator program, and sign up for it
14. Reach out to people with audiences that you want to get in front of and offer up something zazzy as a giveaway for their audience (ideally tiered, so one big thing and several smaller or everyone can get the smaller)
15. Reach out to people with audiences that you want to get in front of and offer to do X for free, no strings attached, and knock it out of the park (which will likely lead to them shouting you out to their people, if relevant)
16. Put together a giveaway event with prizes from a group of people and the way to get entries is to share/follow…use a tool like
17. Set up a gamified rewards program (using an affiliate tool for tracking) where people share your free opt-in, and if they get X conversions, they get Y, and Z conversions they get P, etc
18. Talk up your emails on social, before you hit send and after
Have your own ideas, or a favorite from the above list? Share in the comments! 🙌
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