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Blog 3 Blog ideas to help you get started!

3 Blog ideas to help you get started!


Hello friends,

In this episode I talk about the Blog/Writers Block I experienced at the release of the new MV blog feature... and how I overcame it. Plus I deliver 3 ideas in this podcast episode that you can use to get started using the MV Blog today.

The transcript from the episode is below and links to listen to the podcast as well. Enjoy.

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Well, hello there friends, it's Remi here from Team MV, I am a user success lead with membervault. And I also am a small business owner myself.

I use MemberVault to create all of my business offerings and to serve my customers.
And it's my whole business ecosystem.
I use MemberVault for absolutely everything: running challenges, giving away freebies, and lead magnets and opt-ins and selling my one to one selling my group programs. I put those all into MemberVault. So besides being part of Team MV, I am an actual real life fan of the platform, and absolutely recommend it to everyone I meet and all of my clients as well.

So, in this episode, today, Erin actually asked me, Erin is the CEO of MemberVault, she asked me last week to do a podcast around the new blog feature, and to share my top three tips for writing a blog.

And when she asked me, let me tell you, I, my brain literally seized up and I had nothing I couldn't think of anything to put on my blog post.

Now if you know me, you will know how ridiculous that this is because I produce content every single day, on multiple different social media platforms. But for some reason, when I was asked… in that moment to do a podcast, to share three suggestions on it, three top tips for users… my brain was completely blank.

Do you ever have that where you get writer's block?

And you just don't know how to shift that? Well, that's how I was.

And what's really frustrating is that I have been absolutely anticipating and so excited for this new blog feature to land that MemberVault largely so that I could get rid of my WordPress account. I mean, I have actually canceled my renewal. So it renews in July. So I've gone ahead and cancelled my WordPress in the excitement and anticipation that wow, we're going to have this inside a MemberVault, I can put all of my blogs and all of my website pages all here inside MemberVault. And then the feature landed and I was sat looking at this screen; this blank screens going. “I don't know what to put on my blog. What am I gonna write about?”

And so when Erin asked me it really it kind of triggered me because I thought oh my goodness, what am I going to put on my blog? And, and I sort of said to Erin, “I've got nothing my tanks empty. I've got blog block, I don't know what to put in there”.

And she was like, Okay, we'll do a podcast about THAT… do a podcast about the blog block and how I overcame it. So I thought, well, actually, that's really nice. I can come here and talk to you all about how I figured that out. And I was still a little bit stuck.

But I want to tell you, I was able to shift my block. And that was very much in thanks to Erin and to Meg. So if you haven't listened to a few days, but about five days ago, there are some blog posts before. Sorry, there are some podcast episodes before this one where Erin is interviewing Meg Casebolt, who is the MV SEO expert. She's an SEO expert in her own right as well. But Erin asked some brilliant questions all around the blogs for people at different stages. Some people who've never blogged, some people who are, you know, expert bloggers and those people that are in between, and Erin put out four episodes, four podcast episodes that I started listening to.

Now, I've only got through two of them. But what happened was while listening to this podcast, hearing, Erin asked these amazing questions. And Meg giving these brilliant examples of blog ideas, and way different types of businesses could create blog post.

I had like these light bulbs start popping off above my head.

So if you are stuck, please go and listen to those podcast episodes. There's four of them. They're all on the same day. And it's Erin interviewing Meg Casebolt SEO expert. Go listen to those podcasts. Because for me, it just kind of opened the doorway to really stretch my brain to think about all that I could put onto my blog. So I listened to those and I started just typing in my Trello board.

I now have a Trello board or Trello card that is just dedicated to blog posts for my MVP and it is full of really exciting ideas. So I'm absolutely thrilled.

So what I'm going to share with you today just some three ideas, three of my many ideas I've now got on my Trello board, but three ideas that you can use. I've just pinched off my list, if you are feeling stuck about what to put into your MemberVault blog.

Blog Idea #1
So number one on my list, the first thing I'm going to do is because I do have an existing blog post, so a blog site over WordPress, what I'm going to do, the first thing to do is I'm going to go to my WordPress site, and I'm going to look through all of the old blog posts and look for the ones that are most popular. And the ones that are most popular, I'm going to copy and paste those over into my MemberVault account. And I'm going to be quite strategic about only copying the popular ones that are related to business growing a business, you know, aimed at small business owners, because that's my field. And that's what I do on my MemberVault platform. The reason I'm saying that is I do have some other blog posts there that might be you know, family related posts, or, you know, if I've had a dear diary moment, so I'm not going to be bringing those posts over. But I am going to be looking for the most popular posts that I've already done, that pertain to business, and will really help small business owners.

And when I bring them over, what I'm really going to be looking at is making sure that the titles that I use are there making sure they have a refresh, making sure they are really keyword heavy. So that means they will be words popular words that my ideal client or my ideal audience is, you know, searching for in the search engine. So making sure I'm creating titles that are really keyword friendly, and making sure that I am filling out in the blog settings, the SEO descriptions, and all of those SEO boxes and making sure that is really set up so that small business owners can find me and know that I am the place to calm the portal to land on if they are looking to grow or scale their business. So that's the first idea is to copy over some popular blog posts for my existing blog. But being really strategic about the type of blog posts that I'm going to bring over.

Blog idea #2
So the second idea that I have for blog post is I'm going to…now, for those who don't know, I am a small business coach, and a tech coach. And I run my own Facebook groups, I've got my own Facebook community filled with small business owners, and often in there, I will go in there and I will do some training and some coaching in there for the members of that community.

So my second idea is what I'm going to do is I'm going to look through, and I'm going to take some of those popular business training videos that had a lot of engagement, that people really connected to. And I'm going to go and put those videos into otter and transcribe those.

And then I'm going to pull out those words and format them, make it look good, add some images in and pop those in as a blog post.

So my second idea is to convert any popular videos that I've done before, transcribe them, pull out that text copy and use those for blogs as well. So that's the second idea that you can also do as well.

Blog idea #3
And then my third and final thing that I'm going to do my blog post, is I'm going to create some blogs all around my current existing offers.

And really talk about what those offers are, who they're for, how they help. And you know what the transformation is and what the outcome is on each of my current existing offers, so that they can land and connect with my people. But so that my blog is also being quite strategic, in that I will be talking about my offers. And then within the blog, I will be putting links in the blog, so that people can go straight to click on those and buy those whilst they are on my MemberVault platform.

And I'll cross link to some other blogs as well, using the links to the blogs.

And I will just kind of talk about my existing offers in a bit more detail than perhaps you would get on the sales page. And perhaps give some testimonials to show people who have bought it and who have used it that type of thing.

So those are my three, I'll go over those again very quickly. Number one is I'm going to copy over some old blogs from WordPress being really strategic about that. Number two is I'm going to convert some of my popular business training videos. I'm going to convert those into text using otter and I'm going to share those in the blog. And my third suggestion is I'm going to create some blogs around my current existing offers that I'm selling and go a little bit deeper and a little bit more detailed around who it's for and what they get what their outcome will be as well.

So that is how I overcame my blog block. I did need a bit of assistance, I can't even pretend I did it on my own.

I was very much inspired by Erin and makes podcast episodes, I've still got to to listen to, and I'm sure I'm gonna have even more ideas. But that really helped me get over my blog block. And just got me just got my brain firing on all cylinders and, and shooting down some ideas.

But these three that I've shared with you today are going to be real world strategies for me to use to get my blog up and running and go in.

And easiest one is going to be copying over some old posts and given them a given them a little zhuse, a little update and making sure that they really are SEO friendly and keyword activated to get me going.

So I hope that you found this useful.

Those three ideas to get you going as well, please do have a play around with the blog feature.

As somebody coming from WordPress, I have to tell you the MemberVault setup of the blog feature and I know it's you know it's a minimum viable stage, right. It's a real basic stage at this point.

But it's so simple and easy to use. And I can see I can see myself probably getting a bit carried away with using this blog feature because it's uncomplicated. For me WordPress had too many things going on too many plugins, too many extra things that would distract and confuse me.

And the MV blog is just so it just seems so light and really easy to use.

So outside of having a blog block, I recognize the simplicity and the ease. And that for me, as somebody who likes to write content just makes it super easy for me to just get involved with that and be like, Okay, I've got a piece of content, I can now convert that into a blog so easily Inside a MemberVault is all in one place, I can screenshot some images or I can add in some video links. I can you know, Bold and Italic and Underline the text and make it stand out and change the colors.

The block editor is coming very soon, which is just going to make this even more fun to use.
But for now, I really encourage you to go into the blog section or the Post section that is go into your dashboard, click on content, click on Post. And that's where you can set up your blogs and in the top right hand corner at the moment. And there's a blog settings are going to have a little play in the blog settings. Get that set up to your liking and just start repurposing. You know that might be the first step is if you're putting out good content already, repurposing that copying pasting that into your blog post and making that searchable so that you have another way to be found on the search engines. That might be the first step that you want to take just to get you into that blogging mindset using the MV blog feature.

Anyway, I hope you found this useful, and I will catch you on the next episode.

This podcast episode is hosted by Remi Oduyemi, from #TeamMV, and you can check out Remi's own MV site at www.onlinebusinesstemple.com

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