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Blog 5 Free Canva Templates to Use for Your Upsell or Tripwire Offers
5 free canva templates to use for your upsell or tripwire offers

5 Free Canva Templates to Use for Your Upsell or Tripwire Offers


We highly recommend adding additional revenue opportunities to your products and offers in MemberVault via upsells, order bumps, and tripwires. Selling is supporting when done in a non-pushy way!

Adding these options to your products/offers not only increases your potential order value (aka how much someone spends with you in this purchase), but it can also be an incredibly supportive buying experience for your people! Learn more about upsells (aka a paid offer presented after someone has purchased something else) and order bumps (aka a paid offer someone can add during the checkout process), including ideas on what to use here (and a tripwire is essentially the same thing as an upsell, it's just offered after someone signs up for a free product/offer).

Just because adding these additional revenue generators is a GOOD idea...doesn't make it easy to do. And we know it can be tough to decide what visual to use for your upsell/tripwire. That alone can keep you stuck!

So we made 5 free Canva templates for you to take and make your own. See them below, or click here to copy and use in your own Canva account!

Below is an example of what people will see after they purchase a product or sign up for a free opt in, when you have an upsell/tripwire in place. We didn't do a designed upsell graphic for this example, and instead used this free mock up generator.

Want to see the above upsell flow as a buyer? Use code CANVATEMPLATES for our popular Questions that Convert Action Lab to get 50% off -- the perfect micro-course to take you from idea for a survey to actually sending it to your list (and getting answers!). See it here.

And you can read here to see how to add your new upsell or tripwire to your MemberVault products/offers. It's super simple, tech-wise...just a matter of knowing where to put your offer!

Upsell/Tripwire graphics by Erin Kelly


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