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Blog 5 Upsell Ideas & 5 Order Bump Ideas to Get You Thinking

5 Upsell Ideas & 5 Order Bump Ideas to Get You Thinking


In day 1 of our sales series, I spotlighted an under-used feature that can help get eyes (and more sales)Day 2 was the IDEA of increasing your cash flow, without growing your audience.

Today, let's keep it simple with a list of 5 upsell ideas and 5 order bump ideas to get you thinking. First, our jargon de-coder below.

 a paid offer that people can add on AFTER they hit buy

ORDER BUMP - a paid offer that people add on BEFORE they hit buy



  1. Voxer/email support for a set time period (or recurring)

  2. Private Q&A podcast, voxer broadcast or telegram channel with the option to submit questions

  3. Pop-up (or ongoing) community

  4. 1:1 intensive call (or a recurring call)

  5. Audit or assessment (MV quiz questions work great for this!)

See more upsell ideas in this Collab post.

Want to see an upsell in action? See below screenshot for an example upsell I have on my Questions that Convert action lab, where I recommend a complimentary action lab.

This is what people see AFTER they purchase...and if you want to see the upsell flow yourself (and get a step-by-step on sending a survey that actually gets answered), you can snag that lab for 50% off only $4.50


  1. Templates, swipes or time savers related to the product

  2. Buy one, get 50% off on a different but supportive product

  3. Automated email check ins (see my screenshot example below)

  4. 1:1 15 min lightning round call (or voxer/email one off access)

  5. A chatGPT bot trained to help answer questions

And then see below screenshot for an example order bump I have on my No Sales Emails Needed Action Lab. You can buy just the lab for $9, or you can buy the lab + accountability emails for $15. So in this case, the order bump is EXTRA support (automated on my end).

This lab is one of my fave audience growth + sales strategies, and if you want to see it in action, you can snag that lab for 100% FREE here (or take $9 off if you want the order bump too).


Which of these upsell and order bump ideas would you like to try first? Share with us in the comments below!


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