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Blog An update on our community feature

An update on our community feature


Over the past few months, we've been hard at work on our community feature and planning out how we could solve that pesky "engagement" issue that non-social media based communities often struggle with. And we're extremely excited about what we've cooked up with our gamified community feature! 

The thing is...despite us wanting to get this full feature into your hands (and ours) ASAP, crafting a gamified community feature is pretty darn complicated with lots of unseen decisions and work going into so many of the little details. 

Our goal launch date was before the end of the year, and despite our best efforts...we have a big decision to share with you.

The community feature will not be available in all accounts by end of year. Here's why. 

We don't want you spending time and energy moving your community to a feature that isn't ready to solve the engagement problem. We've got the foundation there, but the gamified bells and whistles haven't been added yet. 

Instead, we're going to be launching the foundation of our gamified community feature to our early access testers, who are a mix of tech nerds and community organizers, before end of year so that we can collectively groom this feature into something we hope you'll love.

We'll also be rolling out a free, un-gated community ourselves as part of testing and you'll have access to that. So you'll have the opportunity to engage with the new community feature before end of year, as a community member, and help us evolve the feature thru feedback that way.

If you'd like to be an early access tester, please email erin@membervault.co with why you want to be added to early access (i.e. you work with clients and have a lot of experience with other community tools and/or you have experience running an engaged community and want to share your knowledge). We have to manually add people to early access, which takes time away from actually developing the features -- so if you don't fit either the tech service provider or the experienced community organizer description, please help us evolve the community feature instead thru your active engagement in our community as a member.

We have big (gamified) plans for 2024, from this community feature to other tweaks and additions to the platform that will help you increase completion rates, reward your most engaged members and encourage your audience to share your content and offers. Lots of fun things coming your way, slowly and steadily!


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