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Blog An update on our upcoming comments feature

An update on our upcoming comments feature


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Hosted by Erin Kelly, CEO @ MemberVault

Hey, hey, Erin Kelly, CEO and co founder of MemberVault here.

So before I jump into today's topic, which is going to be about the new comments feature coming soon, very exciting, I want to remind you that this is the final week to lock in legacy pricing, or grab our lifetime plan before all of those go away and are no longer available for purchase as of April 1, and we'll be switching over to our new plan tight, which will be the only plant paid plan available. And that is the Unlimited Plan, which be $9 a month, or 990 a year. And so we'll be talking more about like fun things to do with your account and do you know really cool customer experience journeys to set up and all of these really fun, like optimization, and sales and engagement and delivery.

And we'll be having even more of these discussions moving forward. If you've been listening to the podcast, you might have already noticed that shift that were really really focusing in on helping our users make the most of their member vault accounts and run successful, fun, enjoyable businesses that their people really enjoy, you know, consuming their content and participating in their offers and buying and all that good stuff using member vault. So this week is the final week to lock in that legacy pricing. If you have a paid plan and you know that you have another business know that we do have a discount available for paid users who want to add multiple plans. So the second or beyond accounts that you add are available at 50% off. And so we've had quite a few people want to take advantage of that before the the pricing change. And so you need to get a custom code, you can either ask via chat support inside of your member account, or reach out to hello@membervault.co. To get that 50% off coupon code to use for your second or beyond, we have some people that have purchased like three different plans. So your original primary plan will stay full price, but then anything any other accounts that you add on. Beyond that will be at 50% off. So that's available, if you want to lock in additional plans for additional accounts, before the legacy plans are no longer available, you can definitely do that. And then if you are on a free account, and you want to lock in, you know, like our starter plan, which is $90 a month, or 190 a year or a base plan, which is $49 A month or 490 for the year that you can do that this week.

So make sure that you do that before April 1 Because we in AI this is this is a whole integrity discussion. When we say publicly that it's not available anymore, it is not available anymore. So even if you email us and say oh, like I somehow I just I missed this, even though we've been trying to talk about it everywhere, that we will not let anyone sign up for a legacy plan as of April 1, so the only there's only one contingency on that. And that is if someone has made a purchase can prove that they actually like started the purchase. And for whatever reason, like their bank declined it or something and they thought that it went through occasionally that has happened in a very, very, you know, rare blue moon.

But other than that, you know, once the legacy plans are gone, and once a life plan, a lifetime plan is gone as of April 1, those are gonna be gone. So if you want if you like using MemberVault If you are enjoying it or you're even curious, and you think that it's going to be a good platform for you, this is your chance to lock that in and all of our legacy plans and our lifetime are they include all of our features, current and future. So it's a really great option.

And I'm also really excited about the unlimited plan. So it's not like we're going away and we're closing up shop. So don't stress too much. If you you know are just not ready to to upgrade, we're still going to be around and we're going to be doing really cool things. So I'm really excited about it. And honestly, I think a lot of people are like we've gotten so many love notes. And we had so many people say that they're really excited that we made this transition because it's forced them to to take us seriously and to actually use their account and they are falling in love with their account and it's been so much fun to set it up etc, etc. We've doubled our MRR which is our monthly recurring revenue. So like this is been a really fun transition. But we are definitely I can say that team MV is going to be taking some rest time in April because we're all we're all feeling the the weight of this change and holding space for it and everything but it's a very exciting transition.

So enough about that. If you have any questions you can either email hello@membervault.co you if you're a paid user and MemberVault you can use chat support inside of your account. You can go to our MemberVault collaborative Community, just search for MemberVault Olson it'll, it'll show up on Facebook. Or you can go to membervault.co forward slash collab CO, ll A, B, we have a ton of really smart people in there that will be able to give you insights, if you're wondering if MemberVault can do a certain thing or what it looks like when you do something and member evolves or how it compares to a different platform, etc, etc. If you have questions, please feel free to go and ask them in there, we have had a lot of people doing that recently. And there's a lot of really helpful people that give insights. So definitely make use of that this week.

So comments, I am really excited about this feature, because it is unlocking the potential for so many fun things to do inside of MemberVault. So the lifetime of member vaults, early days, we anytime someone wanted to do comments, we would always recommend using a tool called discus, which is something that people use on their blogs. And it kind of did the job, but it wasn't really the best experience, it was never something that we really were in love with. And so for a while there, we were really testing out circle, which is that's what circle does circle is another tool, that focus focuses completely on being a community solution. And it's really slick looking.

And they're you know, it's, they're doing really cool things in the community space. And so we were like, Okay, well, why would we add a community feature if we can integrate with circle and other tools like circle, and let them you know, do this really, you know, really focus on community will focus on, you know, sales and deliverability. And, and, you know, that kind of stuff. But unfortunately, we really could not get the circle integration to really work that way that we that we want it to and the level to which we expect a integrated solution to work, you know, without feeling like we need to have our own solution. And the main issue is that you your people, if they have, if you're using circle for your community, they have to log into both member vault and circle. And that is just not I mean, I don't know about you, but like, I hate having to remember passwords. And so like that is just an additional amount of friction.

And there's a lot of potential for a drop off. And it's more work for you as the admin to set it up. Like we actually we are still currently using circle until we have our comments feature. And so like when we add anything into our MemberVault that we want to have comments on, which is like a lot, it's like 70% of the content that we put in there, we want comments on it, we have to go into a circle, we have to do a post, we have to go back over, we have to embed it into the content and MemberVault like it's an it's an additional burden on you as an admin. And so when the integration wasn't going the way that we wanted it to. And Mike was going back and forth with the developers over at circle again, like it's a really great tool. But the way that we wanted it to work, we just could not get it to to work that way.

And so we had a heart to heart MemberVault meeting and we're like, Okay, this is the sign like we need to add this feature in house for MemberVault. It's really important. And it was something that we were going to do like next year, it's like no, this is now at the top of our feature list. And so we're here like, it's almost to the point where it's going to be pushed to our Early Access people so that they can poke it and prod it and test it out and break it. And so it should it should fingers crossed be available to all accounts in the next two weeks or so. And so the way that comments will work is that it is going to be something that you can just turn on for any of your content inside of MemberVault. So your products, you know all the different product levels, like modules and lessons, you'll be able to turn it on for pages, you'll be able to turn it on for posts. So if you're using our new blog feature, and so like pages, you could for example, like embed a webinar replay or something and then turn on comments. You can have comments on a sales page. Like there's lots of ways that you could use it there. Obviously, comments on tired of blog posts and inside of your products is pretty self explanatory. But the thing that I'm really excited about is the ability to gamify comments.

So there's just like with everything inside of MemberVault, you'll be able to gamify it so you'll be able to track EP and reward people that are high engagers inside of your comments. You'll be able to trigger things based on comments activity. Then the other thing that I'm really excited about is just like with quiz answers, if you go into a user record, like let's say you have a hot lead for your one to one, and you go into their user information in member vault and you can see all of their quiz answers for all the stuff that they've engaged with. You'll also be able to see all of their comments.

And so that'll be really powerful. From a sales conversation and from a support conversation, it'll be really nice to have all of that information in one place. And this is definitely laying the groundwork for even more kind of, quote, unquote crme, customer relationship management, like type features. So that you can really support your people and use MemberVault as the hub to do that. And so it's gonna be really cool. And then even if you don't do any of that stuff, even if any of that, that both of those things kind of like, overwhelm you, when I'm talking about it, it's going to simplify your life. So you're not going to have to like use another tool like discus, or you're not going to have to, you know, embed your circle comments, I cannot wait to be able to have comments in house and not have to do that anymore.

And to just have one spot to go and reply to comments and to support people. So that's going to be its I personally as an admin in member alt, I'm also very excited about this. But to be very clear, it is not going to be a group select solution yet. So if you're wanting something that is going to take away the need for like a Facebook group comments is not the solution. So comment is more for engagement inside of a specific piece of content, you know, to be talking about that. And obviously, there's a lot of ways that you can get really creative with how you get those conversations started. But there wouldn't be the opportunity for someone in your community to then create a new post, right, so that's something that is going to be coming.

Soon, we don't have it scoped out to the point where I can give you an estimated time. But know that that is definitely high on our feature list and likely will come in late summer, early fall will be a group solution to MemberVault. So this is common. So it's like the first step into the community space for us.

And then we will be working on a group solution later in the summer, early fall. But comments should be coming within the next two weeks, really excited about all of the things that it's going to open up. And then as with anything that we ever release, it's going to be a minimum viable feature. That's kind of like bare bones. And you know, in a lot of ways, it works. And it lets you do the thing. And it's simple to use. And then we'll get feedback from everyone like, okay, like, what would you what else would you like this to be able to do? Like, what do you like? How would you change this? Like, how would you like, what else do you want, and then we'll be optimizing it as we go.

So really excited about the comments feature. And again, last reminder here on the podcast about the pricing changes coming as of April 1, and this is not going to impact anyone that is already on a paid plan you will be you are locked in on legacy pricing, your pricing is not going to change. This is only a message for people who are not on a paid plan yet that you know want to lock that in before April first or that want to get a lifetime plan. And of course, as of April 1, we no longer will have a free plan for people to sign up for on our website. I'm really excited about our solution for that.

So I'm sure I'll be doing a podcast episode talking about that as well, in terms of why I have made some of the decisions that I've made in terms of customer experience for people to sign up for MemberVault. I know a lot of people have been like, why aren't you doing a trial? Like why aren't you doing this? And so that's a whole other conversation that I can bring to the podcast. So if you have any questions about the transitions, definitely reach out to customer support at hello@membervault.co via chat inside of your member account if you're on a paid plan, or by going to our Facebook collaborative community.

Again, just search for a member vault while you're in Facebook and it'll pull it up. Lots of helpful people there and yeah, I am very excited about the future of member vault and I'm very excited for April 1 to be come and gone so that we can really focus in on moving forward

Transcribed by https://otter.ai


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