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Blog Build Your Profitable Course Creator Mindset, and Avoid These 4 Common Limiting Beliefs with Jessica Rodriguez

Build Your Profitable Course Creator Mindset, and Avoid These 4 Common Limiting Beliefs with Jessica Rodriguez


In this episode, Jessica Rodriguez shares four common limiting beliefs that many entrepreneurs face, plus how you can address them so you can get in the habit of having the right mindset when creating a profitable course!

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Podcast and transcript are provided below.

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Do any of these sound familiar? 🤔 

  1. You're going through the pieces you need to build your course (a training, a program, etc) and then life happens. At that point, you promise yourself you'll come back to your course creation after whatever just happened settles...

  2. You got started and life didn't necessarily throw any curveballs your way, but you got distracted by Shiny Object Syndrome (maybe you saw someone doing high-ticket programs, or started a membership) and decided that you should shift gears and pursue that, too...

  3. You get started and something doesn't work out as planned (your launch didn't go right... you didn't make as many sales as you planned for... someone you hired didn't do the job right...) so you decide that you're gonna go back to what you were doing before...

  4. You create a profitable course because you trust the process and truly know that the outcome is going to be yours...

👆 These are all beliefs that affect your profitable course outcome.

Listen to the full episode here.


Hello, and welcome back to The Vault Podcast. Jessica Rodriguez here, your course expert and the CEO behind Freedom Driven Success. And while a lot of the episodes that I've been putting out are more on the strategy side, tactical how to all of that goodness, what I want to talk about when it comes to courses today is really the mindset behind it, specifically the mindset of someone who is profitable with a course because, hey, if you're anything like me, you don't just want a course out there into the world, you want a course that is actually helping to support the people that you are meant to support, as well as the bottom line of your business. 

So you want it to be profitable, you want it to be able to grow and scale. And we want to make sure that you are really in the right place from a mindset perspective in order to do so. So I want to kind of go over a couple of things and an exercise that I just love to do for myself really in any area of business that I get hung up on, which we'll talk about in a in just a minute here, in order to help support you to see continued success with your course. 

Now, what I know from about seven years of helping people with courses in their business is that one of four things can happen along the way. Number one is you get started, you're doing some things to get the pieces in place for your course, maybe you're going through a training or a program, or there's something happening there. And life happens. Whatever it is, it has happened, it is bulldoze its way through. And you promise yourself that you'll come back to course creation when X settles, right. So whatever has come in, it has taken your eye off the prize and that has taken your time before right now. 

Number two is you got started. And life didn't necessarily you know, throw any curveballs, your way anything, you know, different than the regular, but something shiny or came along. And you decided to chase that. So whether it was now a membership, or you saw somebody doing high ticket group coaching or something else happened, and or came along your feet, and you went, Ah, now I'm doubting my course, I'm gonna go do something else. So you chase that next thing until you get that same feeling. And then you chase the next, right. So typically, if you fall under number two, you're going to find that that is a continuous habit that you have. And that's something to work on. Right, I'm very big on awareness versus judgment of yourself. So being aware of that and going, Okay, I need to stop chasing all the different things, because it's actually making it harder for me to run my business. Because anything that is successful is going to take focus, action and work, right. So I need to be able to really give something that chance. And that is something that you learn in time, right? Sometimes if it is a habit, you have to see it play out a couple of times before you realize Hold on, I'm gonna make a change here. 

Number three is you get started, you're doing the things and something doesn't work out as planned. So this means that you didn't get the sales that you want, maybe you're launched in a goal, right? You hired someone and they did a bad job, any of that. And you'll immediately decide that courses aren't going to work for you. And you're gonna go back to what you did before. Now this happens a lot with people who come to me, especially from like a one on one client perspective, is where they have shown up, they either created the course before they pre sold it, which I talked about in a previous episode, they hired people to build out a full course but don't have any way to market it like things like that. And they start to go back to taking clients because Hello, bills need to be paid, right? And that's the only way they know that they can bring money into their business. So they kind of default to that because that would be human nature to do that. Right? Okay, if that's working, I might as well do that because this is not. So you're getting into these three different categories where like I said, you get started, life happens, you completely fall off track, you get started something shiny or comes along and you start chasing that instead, which just repeats the pattern, or three, you get started, something doesn't work as planned with the course itself. And you kind of just toss it aside and say, maybe I'll be back later. Like, I'm just gonna go back to doing what I did before, because that seems easier. 

Number four, is the person that really does create profitable courses. This is where you get started. You trust the process and follow through until you're seeing the results that you want. You reach out for questions, you get support until you're there because you know without a shadow of a doubt that the outcome is going to be yours. And when you know that the outcome is going to be yours, right like that as part of your vision. That is where you are heading. The timeline becomes irrelevant, because you're not you're no longer foreseen results in it has to have Up in in 30 days or two weeks, or 90 days or a year, like you're not trying to put that pressure on this offer in your business, instead you're saying look, just like when I was working with clients, or just like, when you did anything else new when you started the first time at your job, like all of these kinds of things, there was a learning curve that happened, right? You had to come in, you had to get started, you had to fall a couple of times, you had to learn like, oh, this works. This doesn't, this works. When I was first booking one on one clients, I got lucky because only because and I say lucky, like with quotes, but I already had a business before that, that was doing very well in the online space. And then when I started taking clients, it was for social media. So it made sense, right? Because I had all of that behind me. And people were asking for the work already. So I was able to just fill it was like, Yeah, I'll show you what it is that I do. Or I'll do it for you. So either way, like that kind of flowed right there. Then when I went into the next visit, and I completely changed out of social, I had to go through that process of okay, I'm putting an offer out there.

Is this connecting with people? Is it landing, I'd you know, keep switching up the messaging and seeing what's catching. And then once I got that, it was like, Okay, great. Now I'm booked out, right, like, now I need to do something else. And that that's that evolution of business and offers. 

So the same thing goes with a course where some people will get started, they will knock it out of the park right from the beginning. And that's all relative depending on what that definition is for you. But regardless, you have to trust that process, because there are going to be things that don't go as planned, there aren't going to be certain life will happen, right? In any well laid plan life will happen, or something in business will happen, right? Because that's just, that's just how it goes. Like we can't expect perfection and like all the right circumstances. So this is where that fourth person is really the person that creates a profitable course because they understand that, okay, this is a process, it can pay off for me and it can pay off well and over and over again, right, because you can keep reusing the work that you did. But I may need to get support throughout the way I may need to change some things along the way, right? Like I'm gonna show up and do those things that are needed. Because I understand that I am creating, for my vision, right, I am creating for more freedom for myself, I am creating to be able to have no cap on my revenue, I am creating an order to get to this place that I want my business to be at. And I understand that the road won't always look perfect, but I can figure things out. I know I'm capable of that I know I'm capable of getting support, I'm capable of doing these things, right. And you are already in an amazing community because you're in the MemberVault community, right? So there is so much access to resources and you know, different things that are available to help you really get to that place with your course as well like, Hey, I'm right here talking to you. And they, they offer this for free, right, just as a way to be able to support you and your goals. 

So this comes back to the really the power of your mindset and how you are viewing it. Because when you are already in doubt of what is possible for you, it is very hard to follow through because you are going to get easily distracted. And that's what doubt does that doubt will have you questioning things. And as soon as you question it, then you start to take different actions, right? You take actions to actually take you further away from where you want instead of closer. 

So let me kind of give you some examples here. So if you were planning on creating a course, and deep in your mind, you're thinking no one buys courses, do you think you'll ever get to number four? No, right? Like, you won't fully give it your all because deep down you believe that nobody buys courses. So if I believe that nobody buys courses, or people or coursed out, or there's too many courses in my industry, or you know anything like that, then it's going to be really hard for me to not only initially show up, but to follow through, when things don't go according to plan. It's really hard to be able to keep showing up and to stay committed, if deep down there is that belief, if you're convinced that and again, I have a lot of people that come in with this. So I'm going to use this as an example if you're convinced that you can't make the same amount one on one with a course, what are you going to do? You're going to keep defaulting to working with one on one clients, right? Because that is already in your mind as the reality. So as soon as there is any kind of dip, especially in the beginning, right? Because again, you're figuring things out, you have to give yourself that time to do that. So at the beginning, if it's not immediately matching your one on one, you're gonna go Oh, well, let me do a flash sale for clients. Oh, let me send something for clients. Let me go follow up with clients. Let me go do that. Because that's all you know is to default to that, right? And at some points, yes, sometimes that can be a bridge. And I've worked with plenty. It's like, okay, like, we need to make sure cash flow is there, let's just be reasonable about that. But we don't want this to be a repeating default to you. If you believe that the only way to sell your course is with ads, and you don't have the money for ads or the expertise or the knowledge or any of that, then guess what, you're probably not really sharing that course, organically, because you're under the belief that it can only sell through ads. So you're not really focused on your course. Well, now you're not making money for what's right in front of you. Right? There's people right now, whether it is 50, whether it is 100. So this is why I'm always looking at these beliefs. 

And recently, I did a we do like these live streams within my program clients to courses, like in the live stream, we went through this checklist of essentially, here's all the beliefs that don't serve people when it comes to courses. And they were rating themselves on a scale of one to five. And this was like, one has no charge. Like, that's not me. I don't feel that five. Yeah, I have that belief a lot. Right. So just to see kind of where you fall with it. Talking about things like I'm not techie, so I can't have a course. Well, one I know use MemberVault, if you're listening to this, or most likely are looking into MemberVault. And that pretty much makes tech irrelevant as far as like a hinderance because it is it's so tech friendly, right? Like you don't have to do a lot of the stuff that you have to use with other platforms. So we're catching things like that things like, I'm not the most known in my industry. So nobody will buy a course for me. Guess what, I'm not the most known in my industry, when it comes to courses, you may already know who is. But guess what? I still run a very, very profitable business like, right, like there's still room. 

So what we're doing is we're trying to catch what are all those thoughts that are coming up? And the fastest way to do this is when something isn't working as planned? What do you default to? 

So let's say you have already created your course, you have put it out there. And let's say two people bought and you want to 15 to buy? What did you say right, then? Did you say, Oh, my audience doesn't want this. Nobody wants a course. I knew a course wouldn't work. My people only want me one on one. What was that default? Because that is the belief that I'm looking to pull out from you. Okay, and there may be a couple of them. Because, hey, we're humans. And we have thoughts and we have feelings. So I want you to really start being aware. 

And this goes even beyond courses. And you'll see that a lot of what I say goes beyond courses because there's business, right? But I want you to really think about that when things don't go according to plan. Where do you default? When you are thinking about a course? And you haven't started yet? What do you default to when I have time? So do you believe that creating a course takes a lot of time. Right? What is happening for you? And what is that looking like? Because what I want you to do is then one of my favorite things, I have done this for years, it's so second nature to me that I just I do it automatically. So I want to share this with you. And this is the positive proof test. Okay. So this is a way to be able to catch those thoughts and start to switch it for yourself. And I don't mean switch it as far as like, only those that are techie can be successful with courses. I am a tech master, like, don't lie to yourself. If you're not great with tech, you're not great with tech. That's okay. Right? Like everybody has different experiences and different expertise, that's fine. 

What we're doing instead is to really look at what is serving us what is serving our big vision, and how we can do that. So first thing I want you to do is I want you to pull one belief that you have in relation to courses, one belief that you know, isn't serving you and I may have said it, and that's why I kind of like riffs on a couple of different ones because I know that these things are real and they're deep seated, whether you realize it or not. So I want you to pull one so let's use the techy one just because I know that can happen a lot with courses. So let's pull only people who are techie can be successful with a course and that's not me. So let's say that's the belief. So your thought, is that okay for me to be able to create that course then okay, I'm either gonna have to hire somebody and I don't have the money to outsource all that right. Like it just may not be feasible for you to do so. So then I can't do that yet. So I have to make money in a different way. or it's just gonna cost so much to get like the tools that match with that and things like that. So let's say you're like running all these different scenarios in your head. So the first thing I want you to think of is, if the belief is that you're not techie, so you can't be successful with a course. Because what if things come up and I can't handle them? And then I can't hire a team? And I don't have this? Right? Like, whatever that belief is, I want you to ask yourself, is this 100%? True? I mean, 100%, which means that nobody out there, no one in the world has ever not been great with tech, and created a successful course. So I want you to think about that. How many people do you know, that are not techie, they would not consider them tech savvy at all. Yet they have successful courses. I can name a lot of people. And I happen to be pretty good with tech. Like, it's just one of the things right, but most people that I work with, are not tech savvy. I don't they would not consider themselves that. Okay, so we know that it's not 100% True. So if it's not 100% true, then what's the opposite of that? So what is an example that shows us it's not 100%? True? I like to think of this almost like taking yourself to court in a way. Right? So if you took the stand, and you're like, No, this is correct. Like, you have to be techie in order to be successful with a course. And then the other side brings all this proof and stacks of people who are not techie and have been successful with a course and I know this may sound silly to play out, but trust me, it works. So if you're looking at that, and it's like, are you going to lose your case? Yeah, you're gonna lose. Why? Because it's not a valid belief. Because it's not true. It's not rooted in truth, right? It's rooted in scarcity. It's rooted in different things that you've experienced, right? Like, who knows where it initially came from? You probably do, but I won't. And then from there, I want you to really think about that. Okay, so what is the positive proof? What is that stack that the other desk has in the courtroom, right? So what I have done is I, I found this for so many different things. And one example I give just because it always like, it always just kind of like catches me, when I originally started doing this is there was a period of my business where I was stalling my income, and it was just plateaued. And I could not figure it out. And I was like, I'm doing the work, right. Like I'm showing up, I'm doing the things like, what is going on, I feel like I've tried so many different things. And it's just, we're not making more, we're not making less, we're just kind of like, there. And then I realized that the belief that was happening is if I started going into the next threshold, and the next income bracket, that it was going to hurt my marriage. And I was seeing how many people that I knew that were past a certain point in their business, that were getting divorced, and that were having struggles with their marriage and different issues with being the breadwinner, and stuff like that. And I didn't realize I was taking that story on and I was like, Wait, if I make more, it could harm something that is so good in my life, right? Like, I don't want to take that risk. So if I stay here, this is safe, right? We know how to navigate this much money, we know how to invent, like, we know how to like deal with what we have right now. If I do more, what if that changes the dynamic of our marriage? And when I caught that I was like, Oh, interesting. So is that belief? 100% true that people who make a lot of money always have a bad marriage, or like, you know, wind up getting divorced. Like, that can't be true. Like, like, it can't be 100% True. So I had asked my mentor at the time, like who do you know that like, not just social media marriage, but like, they're genuinely happy behind the scenes. And they're at this point. And she had given me names and she was like, go ahead, you can follow them and just kind of see, so I just started watching it almost like okay, it's really good to be able to see how this person is navigating this this threshold. Amazing, okay, there is my positive proof. Because really, if it's possible for somebody else, it's possible for me, right, it's possible for you somebody already showed that you're capable of it right like it is actually something that can happen. So this is where we flipped to what is your new truth? So what is the truth that I want to believe because it serves the vision for myself, my business, your course, right? Like, what is that new truth that I want to instill. And this is where the difference for me is, if I was just, you know, kind of fluffing myself with super positive thoughts type of thing. I wouldn't believe it right, just like the example of like, I'm a tech master. Like, that's not the reality. So I could say that a million times, I'm never gonna actually going to believe it, right? If that's not your truth, so instead, I always think of the new truth of like, okay, what is going to serve Me? And in the example I gave was that, hey, like, money just amplifies who you already are, we already have a strong marriage based on communication, and laughter and love and all of these things. So more money is just going to amplify it, right? Like we already talked about money and like, what our budget does and stuff like that, we're just going to have to do it with more money, right? Like, and it sounds so common sense. But it's not when you have that belief, right? That's taking hold there. So I started shifting, and then I would watch people, and then eventually, that became a belief that no longer was there anymore. Instead, it was great, we got to earn more money together, right? And we just get to like, do more trips and more adventures and more, right, like it just became this more money just meant more of what we already have. Not that it was going to change it. Right. So same thing with the course, if we're talking about from a tech perspective. Okay, so what is the new truth? Is it that I am capable of navigating any tech issues that happen? Is it that with every tech platform, there are FAQs, there are YouTube videos, I'm capable of searching answers, I am capable of asking for support as needed right there. There's a whole community for MemberVault, specifically, and their customer support, which anyone I refer to MemberVault, I will say the same thing as far as like, you will not find better customer support. 

So I'm glad we can talk about this here on the podcast, like you will not find better customer support. And when I first signed up for MemberVault, there was like, barely any FAQ, because it was everything was being built, right. So it was brand new, and to look at it now. And it's like no, like, you have access to everything right here, right? You don't have to be tech savvy, you just have to learn how to Google right? That you just have to learn how to search in an FAQ, or reach out to support right, ask for help that you need. It's there. It's available to you as a member. So this is where you start to see that difference, right? If we run this through something like there's other people that are more known, so nobody will buy my course. Okay, is that 100%? True? So you're saying that only that person is who everyone buys courses from? Or do other people? Are there other people out there that have a course on that topic that are doing really well. I love finding people who do the work that I do, especially if I don't know their name, like they're not familiar at all. I get really excited because I'm like, look at that. It's somebody else that's doing really well. And they don't have to be so and so right. Like that is just a fun, positive proof thing for me to see within my market. And I'm like, great, like, I hope they're doing well, because I do great, more people, different views and opinions and things like that, and certain people will track to me and certain people will track to them. Same thing, what is the positive proof as I see people coming up in my feed that offer similar things? And it seems like they're doing good based on their messaging. And I'm like, awesome, like, there's the positive proof that you don't have to be the most popular to do very well. What's the new truth, there's room for everyone, and that we all have different stories and experiences and things that we bring to the table that connect to the same person, right? So you can run through this with everything. And I'm always looking for like, what is that positive proof? And then what is your new truth and how that will start to serve you and then you start to see that that's how you put yourself in that number four category where it's like hey, we get started. And we follow through right we get started and we navigate the good and the not so good. We get started. And we actually see that finish line we see the vision actually getting played out we get started we earn the money that we want to earn because you have a belief system with you already. That is setting you up for success right you have that profitable course creator mindset that's actually serving you serving your goal. And you are either learning the skill or already self aware enough to catch when these thoughts start to come out. Just like I said usually in my down days is like the best for this and I know that sounds weird, but because I'll see what I default to in my mind. Like, what do I say? And how many times have I said that and then I go Whoo. All right, we need to do a little work, right? Like, let's go ahead and let's find this positive brute, let's start switching it over so that I can essentially rewire my brain to a truth that is going to serve Me. And again, you get to choose this truth. So you're going to trust in yourself and your ability to work through that piece. But first, you have to know it's happening, right? And then it's repetitive. 

So with that, let's go ahead and wrap this up. I hope this was helpful for you. Like I said, this is IT strategic, but in a different way, right. And it is something that is going to help you to not only choose the right strategies for yourself, because you're really trusting in yourself and your journey and what is you know, coming up for you, but also to follow through on them right to really show up and make them happen without those mindset Gremlins kind of coming in behind the scenes. So if you have any questions or feedback on the episode, feel free to pop on into the MemberVault group over on Facebook where you can find me there. Feel free to tag me at JESSICA RODRIGUEZ. And then since you're on the podcast listening, if you want to come over and follow along the Freedom Driven Success Podcast, you can pop it right into the search bar and we can connect over there as well. I'll talk to you soon

Transcribed by https://otter.ai


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