In this episode, Jessica Rodriguez shares specific elements of an opt-in that supports the sale of your course.
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Hello, and welcome back to The Vault Podcast, Jessica Rodriguez here with Freedom Driven Success and your course expert here at MemberVault. And I wanted to take today to really talk about your opt ins. And not just any opt in, I'm talking about an opt in, that really does help to support the sales of your course. Because this is going to really allow your audience to get to know like and trust you and really see what you're about. And for me, that is the the main goal of the opt in is that there is this free piece of content out there, that is available for people to sign up for. And they are going to be able to experience through that opt in your style, what you're about some of your expertise. And this allows them to see if you are the right person for them. Because of course, if you are in an industry, where it is validated, which means there's other people who do what you do, then we want to be able to utilize this opt in to show why you're different. And this is going to attract the right people and repel those that are not, which is really what we're aiming for here, right, we don't want anything that's just kind of in the middle, we want to specifically pull in the right people and repel those that are not the right fit for the work that you do.
Now, if you already have an opt in, or maybe you have multiple opt ins going on right now, or that you've created over the years, I want you to use this episode as kind of a little audit for yourself. So as I go through each of these points, you can go yep, I did that. Or oops, maybe I should go back and refine that a little bit, especially if you've had problems with promoting your opt in getting people to sign up, or they're signing up. But it's not converting to the course that you have set up, then this is going to give you a way to kind of go through and see. Okay, this is probably what I need to correct for this opt in and then put it back out there.
If you do not have an opt in yet, because you're either not at that point right now, or you have 80 million other things going on. And this just hasn't made its way to the top of that list just yet, then I still want you to listen in because you're going to be able to have this foundation. And if anything, I'm going to plant the seed here so that when you do go to create your opt in, you can always come back to this episode are go wait a minute, I remember her saying this, this this, and you'll have that already in your mind when you go to it. So either way it is going to serve you.
Now before we get in, I gotta just plug something really quick. So since you love podcasts, if you head on over to the search bar in your podcast, you can head over to Freedom Driven Success, because we launched our own podcast in April. And I am beyond excited to share all the goods about not only course creation, but really scaling your business and what that looks like behind the scenes, some great interviews all of this goodness. So if you want to listen more, and you like my style, feel free to go ahead and search I would love to hang out over there as well.
So let's go ahead and dive in here. And I want to again, use this as an audit and or a foundational piece for you when it comes to your opt in. Because these are going to be essentially your best practices and things that I really want you to keep in mind to not only simplify it for yourself, but to convert your opt in at a higher rate.
So the first thing that we want to look at is does your opt in serve one person with one problem in one step. Okay, so this is the power of one here. And I'm going to break this down into smaller pieces here. Because when it comes to just business, in general, the best thing we can do to get the fastest traction in the least amount of time is to niche down to really know who your one person is that you serve, if you're trying to serve everybody or I like these people, but also these people, like you can fight this game as much as you want. But I will tell you, it will be continuous uphill climb for you trying to master it that way, especially if you're in the earlier stages of business. So just like with business, our options are the same way where we want it where that one person can see the opt in and go, Oh, that's for me, they know right away that is for them. When I look at my own options, whether it is a worksheet or a tracker or a webinar or any of that, it will always have the lens of turning your one on one into scalable, right. So it's very specific for people who do work with clients, one on one, and there's a reason because that is my one person. So that is going to reflect in my opt in where other people could see that and maybe they were interested in a course, but they would go Oh, but I don't work with one on one clients right now. So they're gonna go to somebody else. And that's okay. Right? Like, that is fine. So this is why there's more than enough room out there for all of us. Because when you niche down, you stand out in a different way. So when we think about that you have your one person, then one problem. So what is one problem that your one person has, now they're going to have multiple problems, because, of course, what the work that you do, there's going to be different layers of it. And people have different problems in different areas. So if someone was coming to me, we may not just be talking about a course, because, hey, maybe their course isn't selling, but they're also struggling with their marketing and getting traction on that. Or we find out that they have a funnel built, but it's not converting to SEO, those are all different problems. So if I tried to solve all of that, and and often, it would be impossible, because that will leave me with only just kind of like, very surface level that I could even address. Otherwise, the opt in turns into a whole program in itself. So instead, I want to think of when I am doing market research with my audience, when I'm talking with my audience with my one person, right, when they're the right people, then what is the one biggest problem that they have right now, what is one problem that I can really focus on for this opt in because I can't solve all of their issues, that is going to be something that when they go ahead, and they pay for the program, the course the one on one, whatever it is that you're offering, on the back end, that's where you can go into all of that. But we want to focus on this one problem. So it's easy for them to consume, it's easy for them to get that win, and attach that win to you. If you have it, where your opt in is covering so many different things. This makes it harder for people to go through it. And when they can't get through the free thing. What makes them think they can get through the paid thing. They're automatically going to count themselves out. And we don't want that right. We want people to be able to experience that they can have a win in this area.
So you have your one person, your one problem. And then you're one step. Now this is the part that most people I work with struggle with. And it's because you mean, well. It's because you want to solve everything for people. Free is not the place for that. Because think about our attention spans. Think about how we value free, right? This is just like human psychology, we have to keep this in mind when we are running our businesses. So if you have one problem, what is one step of that problem that will allow them to get a win, to make a shift to make a decision, it's something that they're going to be able to feel accomplished doing. So let me give an example. If you were helping beginners, learn how to crochet. And your opt in was how to create a mermaid fin blanket. I'm going to use this because it's secretly one, I always want a mermaid fin blanket no matter what your expertise is, right, like at the beginning level. Do you know how complex that is? I don't even crochet and I know that's complex, which is why I don't have one, right? So what would be one step if somebody wanted to create a full blanket or you know something to that extent with crochet? Okay, well, maybe the one step is learning if crochet is for them. Maybe it's a decision that they need to make before they can even explore doing tutorials and trainings and things like that. What if, for them, it could be you know, what is the beginning starting purchase that you need, right? Like here is exactly what you need to get started with crochets from like, your hooks in and I honestly do not know this well enough to use the right terminology. But I'm sure you see where I'm heading with this. Right. So this is what is that first one step that they can achieve that they can go okay, yes, it helped them either make a decision or have a small win. It could be like this is why people have lists of tools and things like that, because depending on your industry, that could be the starting point of what people ask. So in this example, it would be somebody who isn't quite sure if crochet is for them, right? If they could even do those type of things. They just kind of always see it and they appreciate it, but they don't know if they could get there. Well then, okay. What kind of opt in for that one person with this one problem. The problem is, I don't know if it's for me. Okay, well, then what is one step that we can help them to make that decision? In my own business? I have a training that is specific for those that are looking for the most profitable way to create a course from their one on one expertise. Okay, so we know we have that training, why I know the one person who has been reliant on one on one client work, the one problem that they have is that they do not know if going into a course is going to work for them. So they're used to having their money from clients, and they don't know if it's going to work. So then they keep putting on the back burner. Okay, well, then the one step that I can give them is to show them, like, this is what it looks like. So my One Step is to educate them on the path. Okay, so if I can take them through, like, this is what it looks like. So they can decide like, yes, that's worth it for me, or no, that's not really my thing, they can make that decision. And that alone is the when I have another opt in that is specific for those that are going into evergreen, so they already have the the offer itself, and they've probably been live launching, and now they want to go ahead and automate all of the sales. Okay, well, that's a different one person, right? For that, their problem is different, because they already have the offer, they already know they want to leverage it. They're just tired of having to live sell it all the time. So then the one step I take them through is actually calculating what this offer can actually do for their business before they go do the work. So again, it's helping them to make a decision as far as like, okay, I see what this would look like, and how I can structure my business to be served in that way. So I want you to be thinking of this when you are looking at your optimum. Is that often serving one person? One problem that they have? And with one step, so what is like one step of the puzzle?
It's usually when I work with people, I will say, okay, so if you're helping somebody with this problem, where do you start? And why do you start there? Like, what is that starting point? What are the questions you ask what what are those? Because that usually helps to find? What is that initial step in that you can create an opt in around, because we don't want to have it where Oh, I always ask these questions first, because it gives me clarity on step 80. And then you create something based on stuff 80, right, like they're not ready for that. So instead, we want to really think about that initial phase there. Because this is going to make it a lot easier for them to not only connect with it, so when they see it out there in the internet streets, they're gonna be able to go, oh, that's me, that's a problem that I have. And once they sign up and get access to it, they feel empowered, and able to take that one step, because it's one step, it's not 15 steps for them to do, and all of these hoops and different things to jump through. Because they're busy, they have things that are going on at any given time, just like all of us. So we want to be aware of that with your opt in.
The next thing I want you to think about is does your opt in, offer what they want, or what they need, okay, so this is something that I know can trip a lot of people up. And again, it's because you're coming from not only a good place, but an informed place. So there is there are certain things that your audience will say like, I just need this, and you're like, what you actually need is this, this, this, this this, and it's because they don't know, right? Like, they just don't understand that yet, which is why they need your help. And being able to go through your system, your process your framework. So when you are going to create your opt in, or you're looking at your existing opt in, I want you to be very aware of this. Okay, so looking at the title of your opt in your promotion, everything, are you giving people what you want. Now, because of my background, I've worked with a lot of people in the health and wellness space. And this is something that comes up so much because it's it's like this contention point, I guess, is the right terminology here is where their audience and I have the same thing, right? Like that's, that's the space I used to be in in a previous lifetime. So, where the audience they are going to sign up for things like losing 20 pounds or how to do this or you know, like that type of terminology. When really, you know that in order to lose weight like as a professional and somebody in high integrity which will go in here like you know, that for somebody to lose weight. It's about so much more than just the food that they are eating right so there is a lot of mindset work there is habit formation, like there are just deeper levels to wait in general, right? We have society, there's just so much that goes on. People aren't ready for that upfront, right because they they're not even in that space yet because depending on where they come from in their background, they know diet, to diet to diet to diet to diet, right, like, that's exactly what you do. So they're signing up for that next thing, right, the next thing that is going to help them to lose the weight and be consistent and all of that kind of stuff, you have to be aware of that. Because even if you know that, look, it's actually the deeper work we do behind the scenes. Or maybe it's not even deeper work that you do, maybe it's more of like macros and stuff like that, like any of that, like that happens once they come in, because they don't know they need that yet. And you're never going to sign up for something that you think you may need, right? Like, you're only going to sign up for what you believe you need. So this happens a lot, as well, in the mindset space, right? Where if you're leading with things like having a fulfilling life, things like that, like that's not really what people are looking for. So instead, I always look at and this is comes back to market research, is specifically asking your audience like, okay, so what does a fulfilling life actually look like? What does it feel like? So you can get those specifics, and then use that in your opt in. So we really want to lead with what it is they want. So the same and I wish I could credit it to the right person. But I've never noticed as this is that seldom what they want, give them what they need. Right. So that is how you create a true transformation where on the front, you aren't going to meet them with what they think the problem is very similar to in MySpace, if it's like, okay, like, I need to have a profitable course. Or I need to have a course that makes money. And I'm like, okay, great. So this is why I have a webinar with that title, I have those kinds of things, then as you come in, its like, of course, I'm gonna go over all the strategy and stuff like that, because that's, yes, you need that. But we're also going to talk about what a course is doing for your life, we're gonna talk about the belief system you have about how courses are only for certain people, or you need to have ads or the you know, like, we're going to talk about all of that kind of stuff, because that's what you actually need for all of the strategy that we do to work, right. And to be able to choose the strategy that's right for you, we need to have a conversation about how you work best. And getting rid of all of the the mind trash that is in there of like, well, I, my day has to look like this. And I have to do this because this person does this. And you know, this person does reals. And I'm like, why? Like, you know how many ways you can market a business? Like, let's get to what you actually want for your one and only life, we structure your business around that. And guess what, you're going to make more money as a result. So see how and I would just go on a tangent there. But I see the difference there of want versus need. So I always know I'm on the right track, when I lead with something, and go, oh, there's so much more to it than that.
It's okay, keep it right. All of that is behind the scenes, right? All of that is in your actual program. So I want you to be aware of the promise of your opt in, is it actually giving people what it is that they want? So is it you know, making more money easily? Is it overcoming cravings is that you know, like those type of things, is what people want. Then as they come in, they take that first step. Great, too. They're getting that initial win, right? The one person one problem one step, then you're able to unlock a whole new world, right of like, okay, well, in order to make this sustainable in order to make this long term, like, there are certain things that we need to dive into. And you're utilizing a paid container in order to do that. So really think about that with yours. Have a look, I know, you know that people probably need something much deeper than the promise of that opt in. But that's where they're at right now. Right? They are at a point where that is going to be the solution for them, because they don't know the other things yet. So instead of trying to convince them of like, everything you think is wrong, we're gonna go over here and do this. That's very hard to do from a free perspective. Once somebody paid and they're in, then you can really explain like, here's your belief, here's why we're going to start doing it a different way. Here's what to expect. Here's hesitations. I know you're coming up against here's how to ask questions, right? Like, you can go through all of that in a paid environment because now they're paying attention, right? Like they've already invested in making a change and you're showing them all the aspects of how that change happens. Okay, so I want you to be very aware of that with your opt in.
And then the next thing that kind of goes hand in hand with that is I want you to think about that when it comes into the promo copy of your often. So are you speaking in their language, are you talking about that specific person, that problem and what they've tried that hasn't been working before? How is what you offer different than what they see out there. So we really want to think about that. So if I use the example of, let's say, losing 20 pounds, is it without giving up the foods that you love? Is it while still being able to eat out, like if you are working with somebody who is a corporate client, and they're always, you know, they work really long hours, and they have a lot of lunches with other clients and things like that, that would be very appealing to somebody like that, right? Because they are going to have all of these lunches and things like that going on. So see how that starts to now make it different than somebody else who could be helping somebody to lose weight. But now it's under these different lenses here. So I want you to think about that, because a lot of people will focus their opt in on just screaming free, you want this because it's free, it's a free, it's a free, there's so much value in this and it's free, right like that, that doesn't sell anything, because everybody has free things, right? There's free all over. That's Hello, welcome to the internet, everything's free. So in this case, I want you to really think about as you're promoting your opt in and you're writing your copy is what's really in it for them. So this comes back to speaking to that specific person, that specific problem, and why it's worth it for them to get this opt in, because it's gonna show them something different, right? It's not just another meal plan, or it's not just another crochet task list. It's not just another list building, opt in, or, you know, I'm just riffing on different things here. But it's not just another of what they've seen, this actually has a little bit of difference to it right? Or a lot of it, actually. But on the front end, it's going to tell them exactly how it is different. It's going to speak their language, it's going to talk about the things that they've tried. It's going to make it that when they read your opt in page, you're like, how does she know? And that's something that a lot of clients say to me, when they read my copy, they're like, who is your copyright? I'm like me you like it's, I just I enjoy creating copy. And they're like, no, like, it was scary how accurate you are. And I'm like, Yeah, because I always talk to people, and I'm always doing market research. I'm like, I'm hearing your words. And then I'm just giving them back in the form of copywriting. So that really allows me to call in my people because I can talk about that deep seated problem that they have, and the things that they're saying to themselves behind the scenes about that problem, because I've heard it right, and I've listened, and then that's in my promotional copy. So the same thing for your opt in, I want you to really be keeping that in mind.
So for the sake of time, I'm going to go ahead and wrap this up right here with these three, just to give you some things to be thinking about some things to be considering here with your opt in, because we want to make sure that your opt in is generating sales, that it is something that people are in the right people are consuming and implementing. And this is going to help you in that step forward. The other thing I want to remind you about is my previous episode, here on the vault podcast, I talked about the the process our framework as far as courses and I do talk about when I believe it's the best time to create an opt in. And I want to just kind of refer you back to that. So I won't repeat it here because I do think that is going to be important to have in mind again. So with that if you guys have any questions, feel free to go ahead and pop them into the MemberVault group over on Facebook. And if you would like to hear more from me, I'd love to see you over on the Freedom Driven Success Podcast as well and we will talk soon
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