Blog Fast Track Call 1 - Transcript

Fast Track Call 1 - Transcript



From Fast Track Call 1 - 01/11/2022

Hello, hello.

Remi Oduyemi  
We have a couple of people join us. We're just gonna wait for a few more people to come in and then we will get started. If you want to say hello in the chat, please do. Let me know your name and where in the world you are. We are an international company and love to hear where you are logging in from today. Just muting my thing we'll get started shortly. We'll give it another minute or two and we'll get started

Remi Oduyemi  
Oh, Hi Kim. Kim is from Abilene, Texas. How's Texas today? Hi, Maura. Maura is in Utah. lovely to have you here. Wondering if we're gonna have any Brits show up today. I'm in the UK

Unknown Speaker  
I thought I muted my phone and we can

Remi Oduyemi  
hopefully we'll have a couple more. Join us I'll give it one more minute and then we'll get started. Thank you for being here

Remi Oduyemi  
okay, I think we'll get started and as people join me, they will just come in and they'll catch up and this will be available on replay. So my name is Remy I'm the user success Lead here at member vault. I have been using member vault for a very long time. Personally before I started working for MV and there's yeah and Hi Desi. How are you? Oh, it's a beautiful day in Texas. Oh, that's lovely to hear. So you'll be surprised to hear it's raining where I am in the United Kingdom. It says gray and wet and cold. So not very nice. Hi, Desi lovely to have you ever that's Are you again there's even a world you're in Caribbean somewhere on or somewhere tropical and beautiful. Go make me jealous while I'm sat in a wet and raining. UK Trinidad and Tobago, there we go. Lovely. Sunshine and beach emoji. not jealous at all. So I'm Remy work for MemberVault. I'm the user success Lead for MemberVault. And my role is making sure that everybody here and everyone using MemberVault really is getting the best success out of using the platform. I do know that we have people who have signed up for MemberVault and just have never got started or are a bit unsure about what they should be doing to get started in MemberVault. So we are running these fast track calls for the next four weeks. And today we are focusing on really the basics of getting you set up in MemberVault. So if you're experienced this may not be ideal for you. But if you're somebody who wants some pointers, wants to know what the boxes are and what goes in the boxes, then this is exactly the right place for you to be so you can open your member vaults or work alongside me or you can watch absolutely welcome questions if you have question Students as we're going through, pop those into the chat, and I will sort of stop after every sort of section and check questions and try and answer any questions. And then at the end, I'm going to give you a little task to do so that you can really get going with using MemberVault. So on today's call, I'm gonna be walking through sort of three steps to help you understand how to feel more confident, building a product inside of MemberVault. And I, as I said, I will stop for questions after each step. So please do go ahead and drop those in the chat. What I'm going to do is I'm going to do screenshare. And I'm going to show you like the public view of what a couple of MemberVault websites look like. And then I will show you the back end of how you would create those front end and where things go in the boxes on the admin side, so that you can get started with setting up your accounts. And then at the end, I will actually create a product so you can see how to create a product from start to finish, where what things go in what boxes. And that's what we're going to be covering on today's call. So like I said, any questions as we go along or anything you're unsure of, or doesn't make sense? Go ahead and fire those questions in the chat. Alright, so I'm going to start with a screen share. So I've got a couple of counts for you to look today. Oh, my windows a bit jumbled up. Let's see if it's this one see, let me know if you can see. Can you see the screen share? Let me know in the chat if you can, if you can't more importantly. So we're gonna start with this is Maxie Brown, this is our soccer W account really, you can also go check this out if you want to. It's NBA coach dot VIP member And this is a fixed a fictitious account. But it's really good for demonstrational purposes to show you how things get. So the first thing that you're looking at here is the welcome area. In this this member vault, on the left hand side, there is text so you can do a welcome message here for when people are finding you for the first time and you can give them some information about who you are what you do. So that's a text area on the left. And then on the right hand side, just gonna move this zoom bar out of the way

Remi Oduyemi  
out on the right hand side, you can put you can put a welcome video here, you could put an image, you could put an animated GIF like we've got here. This is an animated GIF, I'm going to show you mine in a minute, I've got a welcome video mine. But you can put different types of media in this column. Now if you don't want to use this column at all, when you put your welcome text in, it will by default, it will spread across these two columns. If you don't put in a welcome video, or you don't put in a photograph of yourself, or you don't put in an animated GIF, right, it will by default, it will just be text that the user will see going across here. And I'll show you on the back end how you sort of control that and turn things on and off. Now this account doesn't have a announcement bar, which is something you can also turn on and off to, you know, announce your important things like your latest podcast, or if you want to send people to your calendar link or your Facebook group. So you could use an announcement bar here and I'll show you what that looks like in just a minute. And then if we scroll down the page, you'll see here there are five products for sale. So in MemberVault, we call each thing that we create, we call them a product. So this product here is selling a bundle of things. So this is a bundle of courses put together. This one here is their subscriber hub or like a free labor library where they give away some free resources to people. This product is a group program. So you can create a group program in MemberVault. This one over here is a monthly membership called maximize your membership. And this one is a group mastermind, right so this is just to give you a feel of the type of products you can create. And so this is a a member vault account that has multiple different types of products to sell. And you can create that yourself. I have seen some MemberVault accounts where there may be 20 or 30 products for sale. I've seen other MemberVault accounts that have one thing for sale. And I've also seen member vault accounts where there's absolutely nothing visibly shown on the front end, because some people like to have all their courses hidden. And they promote them at different times. So if you have something that's invisible, so not visible from the front end, people can still buy it and access it because you're sharing the links to it. But if they were to land on your main front page, it will not be visible. And it's really preference. Some people just don't like to have all of their stuff here, some people have too much stuff, and they would rather hide it and then sort of promote them individually. It's personal preference. And again, I will show you how to turn these on and off. So this is Maxi brown account, and they've got a welcome area, and they've got five products for sale. So I'm going to show you my account now because this is slightly different. And I want to just show you some of the differences that you can use. So I'm just gonna move the zoom bar.

Remi Oduyemi  
Here, this orange bar here, this is what an announcement bar could look like. Now I've customized and customized mine to my own brand colors, I put on here, grab your notebooks, because I have my own and notebooks. So I've got a direct link at the top of the page people if they want to go and buy a notebook. And I'm also trying to drive people into my Facebook group. So I've got a link here, on my announcement, while driving people to my Facebook group, you can customize this and put whatever you like in this notice, say this announcement bar, it's whatever, you know, if you have a new course, you could promote it up there in the announcement bar. If you do a weekly podcast, you could change this each week and put the new podcast link in there. You can customize your announcement bar with whatever, you know, thing that you are promoting, it could be a new five day challenge, it could be a new book that you've written right, you can totally customize your announcement bar how you like. And if you don't want an announcement bar visible, you can turn that off. And in just a moment, I'm going to jump into the back end. And we'll show you how you can do that. Of course I've got my logo here in the middle of the page on Maxi browns. Also, you can see there's a logo in the middle of the page. Now my welcome area, I have a I've got a title here. So that's the big bold text that you can see here, I will show you how to set that up as well in a minute. I've got some text here. And I've got a couple of buttons on mine. Maxie brown doesn't have any buttons and you don't have to have buttons. My buttons lead people to my sort of primary button leads people to my seven pound Tech Club. And my secondary button is a link people can click on straightaway if they want to work with me on a one to one basis. So you can customize this again, with just text with buttons without buttons however you like. And then on my right hand side of my right hand column, I've got an actual welcome video. So if I click play, there's this me. And I'm welcoming people to my my member vault, my MemberVault I actually use as my main website, so I drive all of my traffic here. I know that some people like to just drive people to individual courses. So they might have a sales page elsewhere, they might have a website elsewhere. And they only drive people here for their courses. I drive people here for everything. So for me, it was important to have a welcome message on my page. I've paused it a very awkward position. So my lips look really weird. So I've got a welcome area. Welcome video because people may not know who I am. So for me, it was important to have a welcome video so that I'm recognizable. And people know who I am and can sort of recognize a face associated with my website. And then my product area is set up slightly differently. So on Maxi browns, you can see they're all individually listed out all of the individual products. And mine used to be this way. But I had lots and lots of products. So I've actually grouped mine into almost categories, which is something you can do. And you can do this with Casper, CSS or Cascading Style Sheets. So I've got all my products and services in one area, my mini courses or workshops in another area and my signature programs in another area. And I'm showing you this just to show you the flexibility that you can have with MemberVault in how you set it up. So if somebody is interested in my products or services, they click on this button, and then my products and services are all listed in here. Sort of almost categorized. It's completely up to you how you want to layout your products, but you do have the flexibility with member vault to do that. So just jump back to Maxi brands again. And then we're going to go into the back end area, so that we can have a look at how you would create a welcome area like this. So this bit here, the big bold text is the welcome area. And so let's go into the backend and look at how you would put the title in your welcome area. So I'll jump over to Maxie Browns admin area. So this is the main dashboard that you would log into for your for your account. And to access the welcome area, I'm going to go down to where it says appearance. And I'm going to tap on appearance.

Remi Oduyemi  
And then you can see there's some options here welcome area, announcement bar footer, and you can preview your account and today we're going to look at the Welcome area, the announcement bar the footer before I go into creating a product with you. So we are going to click on welcome area so that you can see the front end and the back end at the same time. So the first thing you see in the welcome area settings is it asks you Do you want your welcome area on or off and there is a drop down so you can say yes or no? If you say no, then you have a welcome area like this. Where there isn't anything if you say yes, then there is a welcome area where it is visible. So you're you're welcome area. So I was showing you the announcement bar, but it's your welcome area, you can actually turn that on or off. Some people don't have a welcome area, they just have their products. So I think it is a good idea to have a welcome area, it's a really nice way to let people know what they're going to get from your account. But if you don't want to out welcome area, and you just want your products on your page, you would turn this to know the welcome title would go into this box. So you can see here it says welcome. We're so happy you're here. That's the welcome title. And that is what you will see here. Welcome. We're so happy you're here, that would go into the welcome area, and then into the welcome Title box. And then we have if we move down the page, we got the welcome text, and a welcome text here it says you found your way to the MB demo site. And if we go to Maxie Brown, you can see here you found your way to the MP demo site. And this is where your welcome text would go. If you were creating that in the admin area. So your welcome text is what shows on the left hand side. And then the right hand side, which is where your media your welcome media goes, you have the options of choosing none. So it'll be blank. If, if you don't want an image or a video, or you can choose an image, or you can choose a video, if you want to choose an animated GIF, you can select image and that will pull in an animated GIF, so I'm going to leave that on image and and then here is where you can actually upload your image or your or your video to this area if you want to change your. So if I select video, let's change that. Then there is where you would embed your video code. And if I select image, you would put your image upload your image by clicking on the change the welcome image. Now we saw a Maxis there was no buttons if you did want to have buttons on your main welcome page, this is where you would edit it if I jumped to. So you can see here Maxis hasn't got any buttons on this page. And if I jump into mine, I've got my two buttons here. So if I go to my admin area, I can show you what that looks like. So this is the welcome area. If we go down, we have the button text. So my buttons on mine I've got join the seven pound club. And you can see I've written here, join the seven pound club. Now if you're looking at this and thinking what are these weird looking things at the side and the front. These are just some simple code that you can use. And I've put this code in you don't have to do this, just to make my text bold on my button. Okay. But if I took that off, then if I show you, I take off that be there and the close bracket be there. And then I refresh the page, you'll see like show that site and go back to mine. So that moment you can see the text is bold on the join the seven pound club, I'll refresh it. And now it's not bold. It's just normal text. All right. But this is the area

Remi Oduyemi  
where you would set up your buttons. You write in what you you know the call to action or what You want to show up on the button, and the primary button location. Because this is a product inside a member vault, I would select the product for my tech club. And so when people click on this join the seven pound club, it will automatically take them to this product as my primary button, I can have one button, I can have two buttons visible, or I can have no buttons visible. If you don't want any buttons visible, you just leave it blank, as you can see here on the maxi account. And then my secondary button goes to my one to one coaching. So is this button here. So again, I've written in that I want it to say one to one coaching, you can have whatever call to action you like. And then it goes directly to and I've put it here in the product link that I've got from my member vault product case, that's a different product to this one. So I've copied that URL into the space, there isn't a drop down here for the secondary button like there is for the primary button, right, so you can just copy that from your product itself and paste that in. I've also chosen my brand color and I've put that in, you can get your brand color from Ebro designer if you use someone to design yours, or inside of Canva or any other design tool. And there are some apps that you can use that sit up here on your toolbar that will tell you the colors, the specific code for your colors. So mine is sort of a burn orangey color, and it has a specific code. So I've put that in, because I wanted this button to be standing out in that color. And then my button text is white. And so that's the code for the white. If you don't know your code, just click in the box and a color palette will come up and you can go ahead and choose the color that's nearest to your brand colors, or a color that you like. Alright, so that is a quick walkthrough of how you set up your welcome area. And how you can put buttons on or off, and how you can hide your welcome area if you if you don't want to have a welcome area on your MemberVault. So let's go down we're still on appearance, let's go down to the announcement bar area. Now, if you've got any questions, as I'm going through, do pop those in the chat and I will, I will come back to those. So the announcement bar is, again, it's this bar that sits at the very top of your page prime real estate for putting things in

Remi Oduyemi  
the announcement bar. Again, you can either choose to share it or not showing it show it by selecting yes or no, you can again, customize the color to your own brand. Or, again, click in a box and choose a color that you like, or that resonates with your other brand colors. And the text color. You can also choose color for the announcement bar, you can change your announcement bar if you want to. And then the announcement text. So here you can see it says grab your online business temporal notebook. This is where the text lives. And here on here, you will see to move their thing. Grab your online business temporal notebooks right. So this text in the back end matches that text on the front end. So you can see how those correlate and connect. In the back end. If you're just joining us do say hello in the chat, let me know your name and where you are coming from in the world. Lovely to meet you and greet you. So say hello in the chat box. And if you scroll down, you can have a little preview. So as you're editing it here, and you can see here as well. So I was gonna say I finished that sentence. As you're editing it here, you can preview to see the changes as they're happening in real time. But obviously, you can see here, I've got text, but I've also got links. So this link is going to take people directly to my Amazon, right so they can go and buy my notebooks. And the other link that I've got is to my Facebook group. So I put that into the announcement bar text so that I'm driving people to the places that are most important, but where I would like them to go. So the announcement bar is really a powerful place to put those immediate things that you want to drive people to I'm going to be releasing a new course soon. So this announcement bar may change and it might just be promoting the new course and and getting people to sign up for a waiting list for example. So you have as much freedom as you like to play around with your announcement bar with the text with the links and with the colors to catch people as they come into your member vault. And then the final area that I want to look at before we answer some questions and before we go into creating a product together is the footer. So if we go to the maxi Brown, so you've got your welcome area, you've got your product area, your available courses. And then right at the very bottom of the page is your footer. And I often see people don't fill this area in. So I would encourage you to make sure that you are filling in your footer area of your member vault, we have an about section, do use this right, I'm going to show you in a minute where you can do this on the back end, but do use this. It's a micro about section, but it's a really good place to explain who it is your help what it is you do in the about area, then we have some links here and you can put your own links in here. We've got privacy policy, we've got Terms of Service, we've got our website link, and we've got a direct email to member about team. And then in the third column, we've got all our social media links, so you can fill out all your links here. So if people come to this page, and they do want to go and check out your Instagram or your YouTube channel, you can put all of those links into this column. So we've got Facebook, we've got Instagram, and we've got YouTube. So this is the footer area, often underused, I will encourage you to make sure you have filled out your footer area, it's just as important as the announcement bar at the top. So if we go into the admin area, so I'm on my account here, actually, we'll go on to Maxie Brown, because I've just showed you that one, let's go to the footer area. And let's have a look at the settings and how we set it up. So the first question is, do you want to show your available products in the footer, so you can show products at the bottom of your page as well. So if you are in like one area, let's say you're in the free resource library, you could show all of your other available products in the footer as well so that people can see those. And you can turn those on or off. Okay, so yes or no, that's up to you. And this is where you would fill out the about section. So Maxi brown includes one to one and group coaching, right. So that's what you'd put in the text. And if we have a look, it says here, maxi brown includes one to one and group coaching. So that's the same text, and that would go into the about text box. And it says here, you know, put in a short sentence or two about what you do.

Remi Oduyemi  
And we're going to scroll down to links. So this is where all the links were our privacy policy, our terms, our website, and if you want to email the team, so you would write in the name of the link that you want to put here. If you don't have all of these things, don't feel stressed that you have to get those done immediately. But if you do have a website and you do have an email, you can go ahead and put those into this box, the name of your link, and then you would copy and paste your links into the URL URL, U R L area. So our privacy policy has its own privacy link, our terms of service has its own link, our website, we put the main website dress in, and then the email address is an email address. And if you want to have it, so that window pops open, you just add the word male, two colon, and then you put the email address and that will if they click on that link, it will open up into whatever email they got connected on their phone or on their laptop, and so they can email you directly. All right, so that's the link section, which lives here, privacy terms website and email. So that's how you would update those. And then the final one we're looking at is the social media links. I'll go back to Maxie Brown. And we'll click on social so we're still here in the footer area. And we're gonna go down to where it says social and it will expand. And the options you have here are for Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube, and LinkedIn. And you can fill in those relevant links to those relevant platforms here in this area, as well. So that is your welcome area, your announcement bar and your footer. I'm going to have a quick drink and while I'm having a drink, tell me in the chat if you have created a welcome area if you've created an announcement bar, or if you've created a footer yet. I'm going to stop sharing for just a minute, so we're all back on. Can the staff from Kansas City amazing? Desi says Can we change the color of the social link icons

Remi Oduyemi  
go back and have a look at what you mean.

Unknown Speaker  
Do you mean these ones here? Let's see.

Remi Oduyemi  
Let's have a loot. It might be default black. But let me find out and I can come back to you in the collaborative group and let you know. I haven't changed mine. And I don't know. I don't know if you can, because looking at the sand

Remi Oduyemi  
I don't see anything for that. But I will find out. What's a great question I will find out for you and come back in the collab that you know. No problem. So Desi has done a welcome area and a footer. Amazing. Does he did you not want a announcement bar? Or have you just not done one yet?

Unknown Speaker  
So I did have an announcement bar. What happened is when the Page Builder came out, I got excited. So they paid me builder is what people actually land on now. What it was before. Yeah, and I felt like the announcement but I was kind of throwing it off. So yeah, what I did actually is I think I made the announcement bar static so that I could put my menu items in it. Yeah. But I would love to use it. Oh, I can do both.

Remi Oduyemi  
I'm not sure either about what use that of the page. But yet again, another good question. Let me I will ask, I will ask and come back to you. Because hopefully, yeah, I don't know the answer. Thank you. No problem. All right, what have we got? So, Amara, I started my account two years ago. Can't remember if I did or not, but I'm going to go back and set it up and fix it if not very helpful info You're very welcome. Very welcome. Indeed. Yeah, a lot. A lot of people the same Amara have an account and haven't yet used all the features that we've got. So this is going to be a really good reminder to not just you but a lot of people as well of things that can be done. So yeah, if you get stuck with that, let me know. Kim sorry, is my puppy. What's the matter Bobby? I have a welcome area. And I think I have a footer area. I haven't used the announcement bar yet. Cool. All right. But at least you know where the settings are now Kim so if you do want to use the announcement bar, then you absolutely can do that for sure. When you are ready, but I'm really pleased to hear that you got the area so once

Remi Oduyemi  
someone's at my door bear with me one minute I'm sorry.

Remi Oduyemi  
Apologies. Sorry. There was somebody at my door my daughter didn't know what to do. This is mum life. Right. Okay, let's carry on. So what we're gonna do now is, we are going to will, I'm gonna walk through how to create a product, so that you can just see how you do that. Because I know some people haven't done that yet. Kim says so far, I have to save I have three courses uploaded and two are active. Brilliant, brilliant, brilliant, brilliant Kim, well done. So I'm just gonna walk through how to set up a really simple product. Remember vault, showing you the back areas just to try and do a screen share. And then you can see what that looks like. So to get started, we I'm in my account now I'm not in the max account, I'm in my account. So from your main dashboard, actually click on content. And this then I click the wrong tab, excuse me, click on content, Remy There we go. So you can see these are my sort of three categories I have on my front page. So I'll just show you that again, the sort of three chunky areas that's what we're looking at. But if I want to create a new product or a new course, I'm going to start by clicking on Add

Unknown Speaker  
product. Just go back to that window that I was on.

Remi Oduyemi  
And acted means that it's live and it's visible on the front end. So what I'm going to do for the purposes of this so it's not on my front page, is I'm just going to make it invisible. So I can still work on it, I could still share the link to this, but it's not going to be visible on my main page, I'm going to leave it as regular just for ease for now, just means there's no time order, people can go through it however they need to. And I'm going to call this product, because what should we call this, we'll call this just gonna call it your business, your business workshop. All right, I'm gonna make a workshop is going to have a couple of modules in it. This could be a course, this could be a program, this could be a membership. So let's, that's what I call mine, your business workshop. So at the moment, it's set to invisible, I would regular Scott, the product name here. So if you ever need to change your product name, you just go down and change it in that field, you'd put some some words to describe what this product is in this box. I've got some gobbly gook text from earlier, I'll just put into here. So this is the product description. And if you ever want some pointers, there is like a bouncing white question mark on a green background. And it gives you some pointers around, you know what you should put into here and how you can personalize things if you want to. So always click on these little green bouncing bubbles, as they are super, super helpful and giving you pointers as you go through. And you might think what are the boxes? How do I do that. So any images that I've got for my product, I would simply click on Change image and upload an image here. And again, the image sizes that are ideal for showing up so they don't look too squished or they don't look too big are 1280 pixels by 486 pixels, then you can use jpeg or a png file. And PDS do not really work well for your product images. Okay, so that is how I would add an image that would. So I'll show you on the front end what a product image looks like. I go into here. This is the type of image that I'm talking about here, they can be a static image. Or if you're real fancy like me, like a Sprinkle of Glitter, I just put an animated GIF and I just made that very easily inside of Canva 1280 pixels by for whatever it was that I've already forgotten 1280 by 486. And then I just added a an element in Canva that was moving sprinkling glitter, and I uploaded this as a GIF into this area from the product image I've just clicked Change Image and uploaded that product overview text. So this is the area I like to call this the welcome area. So once somebody has bought my my workshop, this will be the first area that they see. And so I'll have some sort of welcome message in here. I'll go ahead and pay some gobbly gook in there as well. Alright, just so we can build this out. This is like your welcome area and the signup type. This is where you decide how somebody signs up. So I'm going to say payments because I want somebody to pay to access this workshop and say workshop gonna say workshop full price. Let's say it's a one time price of $99 or pounds because I am in the UK, you choose your currency and any tax that you have to apply. You can add that into there. And then I will say workshop I'll say payment plan, right somebody can't afford it. And then I will say you can pay monthly let's say three payments let's do some quick maths rim $43 There we go three payments of 33 pounds

Remi Oduyemi  
that they could pay to access this workshop right so you can do different types of payment plans. So I'm just gonna do a full price and a very quick payment plan and then it Here, I'm going to say sign up as a signup button. So that's what they will see at the bottom of the page and learn more. Now the law button will take them to this section that you were going to fill in next. I love using this, learn more or get more information. In the promo text, I actually call this like the sales page area, this is where I'm going to put the majority of my text that says everything they're going to get in this workshop, right? So and this is where I'm really going to tap into the problems that I'm solving. You know, what the outcomes that they're gonna get and what they can do, once they've gone through this workshop with me how long the workshop is, when the workshop is, if there's any replays, things like that, I'm going to put into this promo text area, right? Again, I'm just putting some more gobbly gook text in just to fill it in to save time. Terms of Service, I will normally leave this as it is. But I would go ahead and I would turn these into links by highlighting the texts, clicking on the link, and then putting in my URL. That will then turn it into a link. So if you have a terms of service, where you have your own privacy policy, you can link to those straight from this box so that people can access that. And they'll normally see that before, you know going through the checkout. And also, this is a great box. Not really what we're talking about today. But I'll just throw it in also a great place. If you wanted to do like a sort of a one time offer or something, you could probably put it in there. No, that's not correct. That's the wrong box for me is this box, the signup box, sorry, forgive me, do not do what I said don't put a one time offer in here. This. This is your terms of service box, my brain got frazzled there, the next box down, you've got your email consent. So you know, do you we could turn this on or off. But it's good practice now to make sure people consent to emails because GDPR and all of that stuff, and then the signup box. Once somebody has paid, they then get this screen that pops up that says success, you now have access to this product. This is all can be modified, you can take stuff out, you can add stuff in, it's a great place to give people their username and password so they know how to log in. But this is also a great place, if you want to put a one time offer. This is sort of the only place on MemberVault, where you can kind of do those quick upsells would be in this signup box where you could say, you know, if you buy my next workshop, you can get it off at 50%. And you could put a link in there a direct link to your next product in MemberVault that they can get. And again, that would be invisible. And it would only be they'd only see this one time, they would never see this message again or this offer again. But this would be a great place if you wanted to do one time offer. Steve Knotts who works for us has done a fantastic walkthrough on creating a one time offer. So if anybody wants that link, let me know in the chat and I will get that link over to you. And on the replay, I will share that link as well because this is a brilliant feature to be using to do like a little quick upsell or a down sale depending on where your pricing is inside of the signup confirmation box.

Remi Oduyemi  
And so just some extra things down here. If you want to turn comments on and off, then you can select those if you have set up categories, which we're not going to go into too deeply today, then you can you know, select a category to put it in, you can decide the layout, whether you want your layout to be in a regular frame, or if you want it to be in a grid below the product. Again, you can play around with all of these extra settings. And then there are actions at the bottom. But we're not touching on actions today, right and try to keep this simple. So that's the basic kind of setup of the call structure that the settings behind your calls. Now what I'm going to do is just create some quick modules and lessons so that you can see how easy it is to create a product inside of MemberVault. So the first thing I do in my business workshop is I'm going to add a module and my first module is going to be called Welcome. I am a big fan of always having a welcome module, just click the Add Module button once you've decided on the name, but if you want to change the name, you can come down and change it here in the title. So I have a module called welcome. And inside of my module, I'm going to create a lesson because that's where I'm going to put my content and I'm also going to call All that welcome. And the reason I'm keeping it the same name is so that when the user clicks on my first module, welcome, it will bring them straight into the lesson. And inside of the lesson, I can add all of my content here. Generally, with a welcome module, I will add a video in, it'll be again, a short, you know, two or three minute video that welcomes them to my workshop, and explain to them what they're going to get, what the product is, how they can best use it, that type of thing. So if I was to add video, I would choose my video host, I use Muse personally. But if you put yours on YouTube, select YouTube. And then you would go ahead and you would type in or copy and paste your embed code from the video hosting platform that you have chosen, for example, right. So with YouTube, you would just simply copy the YouTube link from your YouTube account, and you'd paste it into this box and it would have your video will appear right here. And you can decide the lesson level as well as the module less level if you want to have comments turned on and off. I love comments because I love getting engagement and responding to people. So mine are pretty much always yes, but if you don't want any comments on a video, then you can turn that to no but with a welcome video, it's really nice to have comments turned on because you can give them an action task of introducing themselves in the comments below, for example. So always nice to have that feature as well if you want to. And then any lesson text, if you have any, you're welcome video, you would put them in, you may not. And if you want them to take an action, you could put that into the homework area like the action might be. Introduce yourself in the comments below. For example, write nice and easy, and then click Save. And that's my first module and lesson created, we're not going to add any lesson files or quiz questions on my welcome module. So I'm gonna go back to the top level of my workshop that I've just created. So my first module is called Welcome, I'm going to add another module, which I'm gonna call I'm gonna call it set goals, right because this is your business workshop, which is not particularly imaginative name. And then I'm going to add a lesson again with set goals and add a lesson. And so now I've got two modules with two lessons. So I'm gonna go back to the top again. So there's my modules. So in the welcome and just be welcomed set goals are do a lesson on setting goals. That could be a video or it could just be a checklist or it could just be a file that I upload and say, you know, go work through this workbook to set your goals can be whatever you want it to be. And I'll do another module, which I'm going to call excuse me, six month, six month plan

Unknown Speaker  
making this up on the fly.

Remi Oduyemi  
And I'm going to add a lesson with the same name

Remi Oduyemi  
six months adolescent. Okay. Again, videos, you can add comments, you can add your lesson text, you can add any homework for your customers and clients. And if there's any files that you want to upload, you'd simply click on Add File, you would give your file a name, so I'm just gonna call this workbook bit heavy on the capitals there wanted to open in a new tab. And then I'll click here to upload a workbook that I've created. And that file and click Save file and that file will now live inside of that lesson. I don't have a file to upload, so I'm not walking through all the steps on that. All right, so let's go back to the top level

Remi Oduyemi  
so we've got a couple of modules here. And then maybe the final module, I will call something like next steps. Next steps and then add module. Again, I'm going to add a lesson called Next Steps

Unknown Speaker  
add that lesson.

Remi Oduyemi  
And again, I would go into here and I would add any videos or any lesson A text that I want to add in here. Normally in next steps, I will be sharing with people the different ways that they can continue to work with me. So I might say something like, you know, hope you've loved this workshop, if you want to continue working with me, I do one to one coaching. And then I would, for example, turn my one to one coaching into a link to one of my products that are hosted inside of MemberVault. And it's a way to keep you know, that person in my world. So that's what I would probably put in my next steps module. This is just a really quick walkthrough of how you can very easily set up you know, a course or a program or a summit or workshop, simply by creating modules and lessons, and how you would add text how you would add a file, how you would add a video to your workshop. And this would then be a completed course, right. And so we've gone through the settings here that we filled in the product name, product description, product image, your your welcome text, how people will pay, you got some different payment plans here. Your Buy Now buttons, your promo texts, your terms of service, your your thank you page, or your one time offer page. And when we're like comments or categories on and how you want it to lay out. So this is a very simple walkthrough of how to set up a course. I hope that makes it easier for sorry, crazy puppy. I hope that makes it easier for you to get started with creating a product inside of member vault. Like I see, there's some questions, let's go and have check out the questions I'm going to stop sharing for now. If you have questions about creating a product in MemberVault, do pop those into the chat now. And I will jump over to the chat area. Now. Let's have a little look what we've got actually do stop share makes it easy to write the chat window. Does he n is there a way to have the Terms of Service and the privacy policy automatically added? When you create a new product? Sometimes I forget to hyperlink? Not currently there's the end. But that would be a really good feature request. To to fire into the team. Not currently at the moment, it is a manual thing that you have to do. And I know what you mean about I sometimes forget to sometimes have to make a bit of a habit to go through and sort of just quality check my courses to make sure I filled in all the boxes and put the links in at the moment no, but would be a great feature requests that we could implement. The only problem is that. Yeah, I'm not sure how because not everybody has Terms of Service or privacy policy documents. So I don't know how you can automate it so that it's just saved for your account. But maybe Mike knows Mike is super clever. So there may be a way but definitely put that in as a feature request for sure. Amara wants the upsell link. Cool. I will make sure I send that to you. Actually, what I'll do is I'll put it into the collaborative group. I mean, I'll put it in the replay as well. But I'll put it in a collaborative group and I'll make sure I tag you, Amara in that. And Steve's one time offer link. That's awesome. Kim wants to same links. I will share that with you both. Desi dances, minor requests, so that's cool. I have to run call. Thank you for being here. There's Lovely to see you. Not jealous that you're in Trinidad and Tobago at all. But thank you for showing up and being here today. I appreciate the support my darling. And enjoy the rest of your day. Anybody else have any questions? We've got Daniella here. Hi, Daniella. Whereabouts in the world are you Daniela? Let us know in the chat. Any questions about creating a new product in member vault? If there's anything unclear or you're unsure of let me know, in the chat, and I'm Kim says can't think of any questions right now. But I may have later when I'm able to log into my account and we'll ask in the group and tag you. Yes, please do. Feel free to tag me with questions. I'm always in the group. So for those of you who haven't yet created anything in MemberVault Let me know what you are likely to create first. Mario says is there a video library where we can upload and save videos in member vaults?

Remi Oduyemi  
There is There is you can upload videos to MemberVault isn't the best way to do it. Because our servers are not necessarily like streaming servers. So your your best bet is really to put videos onto a video hosting platform like loom or Vimeo or I use muse. musc is cheap, secure, does all the things like $5 a month, something like that. But you can save videos in MemberVault. But it's not, you know, we can't sort of guarantee it's going to be the best sort of streaming experience for your users. So we don't really advise people to but it is possible. So yeah. Hi, Daniela. In Vancouver, hi. Hi. from Vancouver, lovely to have you thank you for being here today. So what I'd love to know is what are you going to build next or first in member vault? Let me know in the chat what you Daniella wants to know about quiz questions. We're really just doing the basics today, Daniela, my darling. But I will tag you in the collaborative group with a link to our knowledge base all around quiz questions and how you use them. Because we are running out of time now we've got a few minutes left. But today was really just about covering the basics and getting started and actually building a product in that member vault for people who haven't yet started doing that. But I will tag you don't worry and share you with you the knowledge base on all things quiz questions for you. But yeah, I'd love to know what you're going to be building next in member vault, you're going to be building a course or a program or a membership or something fancy. Do let me know. I'd love to know what you're creating. You can tag me in the group. My name is Remy or DME aren't? Well, I mean, you've probably seen posts from me in the group. Anyway, I just put the spelling of my name in the chat. So you can find me in the collaborative group. And yeah, any other questions before we wrap today? We are back I should say yep. Typing, chatting. While I'm rambling. We are back next week. What's next week? I think it's branding. Might be talking about branding and how to make your MVP look good. So come and join us next week, every Tuesday. For the rest of this month, every Tuesday 4pm. UK time. Amara says that this was awesome. Thank you. You're very welcome. And thank you for being here. And I hope you've found it useful. And yeah, hopefully see all of your lovely beautiful faces again next week. Come and join me so I'm not sitting here on my own, looking like a pumpkin still in the Halloween mode. Oh, Kim says can you set your course where the student has to complete module one before they can move to the next module? Yes, that's called drip feed. Actually, no Drip. Drip feeds more time time. There is. Let me send you some links, Kim, on how you can do that. That's probably the best thing to do. I'll send some links in the collaborative group on how you can do that. Yes, all right. We are at time thank you all for being here. I will tag all of you this evening. This afternoon, maybe where you are in the collaborative group. So look out for a message or a tag for me in the collaborative group. And I will try and share as many of these links as I can in the replay as well because your questions will more than likely be questions that other people have too. So thank you for all of your amazing questions. And I hope you found this useful. And let us know in the club if you found it useful, and you're gonna come next week, let us know in the collaborative group. Alright everybody. Take care and enjoy the rest of your day. Evening or afternoon or morning if you're watching this on replay. Alright take care everyone. Bye

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