Blog Fast Track Call 4 - Transcript

Fast Track Call 4 - Transcript


Hello hello, welcome to fast-track call number 4.

I'll be covering, it's all high-level stuff that we're doing in these fast Track calls, but we are going to be covering how do people get access to your member vault.
So I'm going to be showing you the back end and member vault and how you can add people into your member whether that's manually or wherever you want to bulk up load people into your member vaults. We'll be showing you that and I'm also going to be showing you how you share links to the products that you have created in member vault channels showing you where the links are, which ones are good for what and talking you through that so that it makes it easier for you when you are ready to sell and when you want to start getting people into your account.

For those who don't know me, my name is Remi. I am the user success Lead here at member vault and my role really is just to make sure I can help as many customers as possible, at member vault to use the tool and to get their products up and running and to start selling. So that's what I'm here to support you with. I'm going to share a screen I will be putting links into the chat. Feel free to say hello in the chat. Let's get the chatbox open so I can see. Now I've had some problems with Zoom. So if I'm talking and what I'm talking about is not reflected on the screen please do let me know in the chat sometimes it behaves and sometimes it doesn't.

Right then, the first thing I'm going to put into the chat is going to be our knowledge base link.

So this is the link that is super, super helpful. If you've not visited the minimal knowledge base. There are tons of step by step guides in there. And the easiest way to use it is to go to the knowledge base and in the search box, just type what you are looking for. And it will bring up a list of results that will help you and it's very good. It's really simple step by step instructions. So that is a link if you haven't bookmarked it yet please do. So let's do a share screen. We're gonna try this one. Let's see what this gives us. Say you should see the member vote knowledge base on the screen. Can you see that? Well okay. Thank you very much. love a thumbs up. So we're going to jump into the demo account. And the first thing we're going to look at is how do you get people into your account? And this is a common question that we get asked that people are like, well, I've got a load of people on my email list and how do I get them into my account? Or, you know, I just want to add like one person in so that they can test it. How do I do that? Remember vote so we are going to start with that.

So let's start with how do we add people one at a time. So if we go over to once you're once you're logged in into your account, you've got your left hand navigation. And so if you wanted to add somebody in one at a time, you would go down to where it says users. If you click on Users, it will expand into a menu and you can see you're immediately brought into lists. And there's a button here called add users. If you click on that, it then allows you to put that user's information in their email their first name, their last name, and the password by default is always going to be the same as their email. So if you wanted to just manually add somebody very quickly, you'd fill in this bit here. And then underneath that, you can see all of your products. So this is the demo account we're in. So there are a couple of products here. So let's say this was your membership. If you wanted to give somebody access to that you'd put their details above. And then you would select which which products that you want them to be able to access. And that and then you just confirm that you've got permission to add this person and then you would click on Add User and that user can now have access to a product. So that would be how you could do it manually. And just whilst we're here, it's a really good point that I wanted to share with you that for you as the creator of these courses or workshops, memberships, whatever it is you are creating. It's really good idea for you to create yourself a user account in your product. So if you ever wanted to just go and see, well, how does my user see this? Then filling this in for yourself and creating yourself a user account inside each of your products is a really nice way to make sure that you see what they see. And any emails that you've got triggered to make sure you're getting the emails that they're getting. So you can see if there's any, you know, problems in your your setup if the emails are not going out. Or if you can see something on the back end and you're not sure if they can see on the front end. You can then always log in as yourself as a user. So that's a little, a little handy tip for you to do as well.

So if you're in a situation where you wanted to import a big number of people into your new course or your new program, then you can do that by again on your menu, excuse me go to Users, and then we're going to click on import. And you are then brought into the upload area. So the easiest way to upload a group of email addresses and names is to download them from your email service provider or if you've got a manual list that you're keeping somewhere, put them all into a CSV file. And you can then click choose file and you can then upload it into into member vaults. And that will import people into into your account. So there is a knowledge base link that again, can walk you through this step by step and the knowledge base also has some guidance on different emails counts. So there's like if you're using Active Campaign, how can you bulk load a load of people in if you're using ConvertKit? How can you bulk import a load of people? So I'm gonna put that link into the chat in just a moment. For you all, let's see what's happening in chats. And that's just the AI bot. Okay, brilliant. So that would be how you could import a lot of people at once by going to users input and then selecting your CSV file. You clicking confirm and then you ask it to import and it will upload your users that way. And the links I'm sharing in the chat here. I'll also make sure they are shared in the replay area as well. So that is importing in bulk.

Next we're going to talk about so if somebody buys something, you know they come to your your member vault and they buy a product of yours and you sort of want to see you want to see where those people are in or who's in what product, you would simply click on Users again, and then list and you will then have a list of email addresses. And I'm not clicking on that because there are lots of you know, our customer details in there. So I'm not going to show you that view. I'm just going to talk you through through what you would do. Click on users click on list and you'll see all of your, your buyers that you can then click on each buyer individually and you can see what they have access to. So if you wanted to remove access from somebody, then you again go to Users list, find that person, click on their name and you can either you know just check a button that removes them from from that products, they no longer have access to it. Or if you wanted to add them to other products and give them access to more things that you've created. You'd do those same steps and you'll just check on the list to add those people individually. into whatever else they have access to. Right so you can manage your individual users by going into the list and then going on to their their personal link and then adding or removing them and giving so that sort of given access and taking away access if you wanted to do on an individual basis. So this this could be quite handy. If somebody has cancelled their monthly payments and they no longer want to be in your membership. Then you would go to Users list find that person, check the or uncheck their access, save it and then that user can now no longer log into to access that product. Okay. So that was adding and removing users individually.

And then the other thing that I wanted to show you because this is another question that we get asked quite a lot really is if you have an app or an email service that you want to integrate with member vault, but it's not sort of natively or naturally connected, then how do you make that happen? So for example, if you had I'm just going to say say you were using something like flodesk, which doesn't natively sort of connect to member vault, then you'd have to use something like Zapier to connect them so I wanted to show you where that is in the back end. It's called web hooks, but it's essentially connecting one tool to another so you could connect member vault to whatever your other app is. And you get them to talk to each other via using a a web hook or something like Zapier.

So to access that, you would on your left hand navigation go down to integrations and tap on integrations and then tap on advanced. And you'll see here these are all the different advanced types of integrations you could use. If we click on Zapier or Zapier, if you're if you pronounce it differently. There is instructions in here, like step by step instructions of how you connect member vault to your other app that you want it to talk to. So this is really good if you if you didn't want to use the member vaults checkout and you had something like Thrive cart. So you've built your sales page over on Thrive cart and your buyers buy on Thrive cart. What happens is once they purchase Thrive cart stores their email in your whoever your email service provider is and your email service provider would need to talk to member vault to give that buyer access to the content that you are storing in member vaults. So this is when you would use something like Zapier here, it's got WooCommerce it just says you know, it's got other ideas so it might be active campaign or it might be WooCommerce that you want to connect to member bolt but the most common sort of usage we see of this is really going to be if somebody's using an external shopping cart and somebody's bought and then you want to give them access to the content, you would come to integrations advanced and then follow these step by step instructions of how you get them to talk to one another. So this is a brilliant explanation in here of how you do that. So I'm not going to go all the way through it but I just wanted to signpost you to where you could learn about how you do this for yourself. So that is using webhooks and how you can integrate one app and get it to talk to member bolt or the other way around.

So we're gonna move on now to links and what links you share and when. Because this is also another thing that people get quite confused around, you know, they've created something and then they're like, What link do I share? What what link do I tell people to come and buy my stuff on? So we're going to quickly go through that now, as well. But before I go on, any questions about what we've covered in terms of apologies for the dog sponsor, have any questions around what we've covered with bulk adding people manually adding people web hooks? I'm going to just tighten the dog things make one moment.

Apologies if it's not children, it is animals. Hopefully he'll be quiet now.

Let's have a little look. And the chats all good I already have the set up on my cat. Brilliant. Well done, Karen. So no, no more barking mate. You're fine. All right. Let's move on. We're gonna move on to the links. Shut that chat box. So to figure out what the links are we're gonna go over now onto the navigation onto content. And this is where we have our products created. So this is the demo account. So we have you know, this is kind of like a free get a start a starting conversation get to know our, our users. We've got a membership one that we're selling. We've got a one to one coaching product in there and we've got a waiting list for a freebie in here as well. So if I I'm going to use the membership one as an example. So if I've created my membership, and it's all built out and it's ready to go and I want to start selling it, what I would do is I would find the membership product and then I would go across to the right hand side, far right hand side where we have this gear icon and click on that link and it gives you two links. The first link is called the product link. The second link is the one click link. Now, the product link the one at the top this this one here. This is the link that you can share everywhere you can share on social media. You can share it you know, on you can share it on live calls that you're doing, you know if you're doing a webinar or something like that you can share the links there. You can share it in your emails as well if people want to buy so this is the main product link that is the link that you would use publicly. Okay, so anytime you want to sell a product, this is the main link you would use. If you wanted to have a personalized link we do actually have a link feature built into measurable. It's over here on the left and content and then there's links.

So you could take this link, put it into the links feature and shorten this link if you wanted to, to share that publicly. So some people rather than having a VIP member account, they might have their own domain. So like mine is my my business name. So online business And then I could have forward slash membership versus forward slash products courses view 16 Right so if you wanted to make your links shorter and prettier, then do use the links feature. All you would do is copy this link, go over to the Links tab. Insert this copied link there and then say what you want to call it, you know name it appropriately. So because we're on the membership tab I might just have a Ford slash membership. And then that link is what I would share everywhere. You could put this in your bio on your social media profiles. So whether that's Instagram, or whether that's on Facebook, you know, if you run a Facebook group, then this is the link you'd want. Share. To drive people to come and buy your products. Okay, so this is the main link you'd use. And then the second link.

I like to call this the magic link is called the one click link. And this link is to be used inside of your email. And the reason it's to be used inside your email is because there's a little bit of code in it that that uses the end user so the person who's receiving it it uses their email address and it cross checks to see if you have already purchased this if you are or you've already been granted access to this because somebody's either manually added you or somebody has bulk added you or if or if you just bought a product and if you have it will recognize your email is being allowed and given permission to access your account and it will automatically let you log in without the user having to put in their username or password. So it's a really powerful link. That saves time but it can only be used in an email setting. If you took this link and used it on social media. It would default it to this link and people couldn't log in because they wouldn't it can't find the email on social media. It will only recognize it on an email platform. It will cross check the emails it will cross check the emails are registered the member role and if they are registered member they can click Login and get immediate access and I'm going to take this a little bit further in just a minute and show you the modules and the lessons because you can do this at a deeper level as well. But I just want to show you to begin with the difference between the two core links that each of your products have.

One is for social media and one is on social media in general use you could still use this in email. But this link is particularly useful if you are segmenting your email list and you're only talking to perhaps people who were in your membership or people who've bought your workshop or people who've bought your course and you want them to log straight in with no friction without having to look for username password. Then this the one click link is the type of link you would use in that scenario. Alrighty, so we have got some more links that I want to show you that are really really cool. Just going to move the zoom window over there. So let's use this membership one again as an example. So I'm going to click on the Edit button and I'm going to go into the membership now. As you come into the membership, you can see there are several modules that are in here. Now with some memberships or subscriptions or programs. If you are adding a new module every month, then what you could do is when you have a new module come out, you can send your users directly to that new module. So instead of sending them to the top level of your course and then them having to go through and find stuff, you can, you can create a link that takes them directly to a brand new module so that they can just get that information and that new content really, really quickly. So again, you'd find the the module you want to share, go across to the gear icon that is at the end of the module that you want to share. And here you can see here this one's called a module link. So this is a direct link to a module versus, you know, the overall big product which was the first link. And also again, super powerful like I said the one click link. If you do create a new module and you just want a segmented part of your list or specific users to have access to that you can put that in an email to them and copy with one click link and this will take them straight to the module versus the top level of your product. And it goes a little bit further. So if we go into one of the modules by clicking the edit button when they're at the lesson level, and again, this is pretty similar to what I just described in terms of the module is that if you are let's say you create a weekly lesson every time you do a new lesson you can grab an individual lesson link and send that directly to people again. You know, I've gotten your lesson out this week and I'm covering this topic. I really want you to see it.

Here's your one click link and that link will take them you know, not to the top level not to the module but straight into the content, which people absolutely love. And I do this I mean I've literally just done it just now. I just uploaded some videos for some of my retreat members. And I just used a one click link that just took them straight to that lesson. And I've put it in an email so when they click on it, they just land on the page and they can watch that video. Within seconds. You know they don't have to go and hunt for login details. They can just access it immediately saves them time makes them feel happier. And I know that they're getting the information quickly. So you can use this at the module level, lesson level or the product higher product level. And so to access that, wherever you're at if you're on the lesson level, or the module lesson, just always go to the gear icon to get the links at that level that you are on that you want to send people directly to just have a quick look at the chip. So Karen is saying that she has a third link on my account called a direct link which I use with coupons Yes. So if you create a coupon, it will automatically generate a third link. So see if I can do it. This is a demo account. So I don't know if it will let me create anything or not but I will try and demonstrate that for you as well. I'll try this one at the bottom. So if you so this is at the module level. Module level I want the top level. Right. So let's go back to the top level.

And right it's not where I want to be back to content holder content. So at this level I want this gear icon so this is the product level so you can see the products from the outside. So I'm gonna click on the gear icon there. So it would be at this level at the top level of your product that if you've created a coupon, you will see a third link appear so it would sort of sit there I'm going to try and demonstrate it in just a moment for you. But the coupon link is if you were doing like a special offer or you were doing like you know a Black Friday deal or a 50% off deal or or whatever your offer is you can do money off you could do percentage off. You can create a coupon inside of your product and that would generate a special magical link that you would use if you are giving somebody money off so this is great if you're you know let's say you're doing a five day challenge and then you're going to sell something at the end. And you say to people this is the full price but for you guys who've been in the membership in the challenge sorry, you can have 25% off or you can have 50% off. You could use a special link, a special coupon link for them versus using the main link which will have the main price on as well. And when you share that coupon link, what happens is the buyer clicks on that link and it opens the shopping cart and they will see the original price crossed out and they will see their discounted price that they can pay.

So it's a really cool feature to use. Let me see if I can actually get it to work or not in inside of the membership one. Let's see. So we'll go down. Go down to the payments. We might not have payments set up on here. Now this is set for links. Let's have a little play. I put it to payments. Yeah, so it's a demo account so it's may not work. Let's see. If I do a quick demo price. So we've got a full price. Let's call that 100 And then I'm going to add a coupon so I'm going to add a coupon I'm going to call it half off so I'm gonna say take 50% off of that and then I am just going to hit save and then we'll go back to the top level and see if it will show us that now is a demo account. So it may not but hopefully it will if we go back to their main product level. Let's see. So if we go back to the membership, tap on the gear icon. Now it's not showing us it's because we're in demo mode. So it's not letting me show you that but as Karen has just said she's got three links because it does work but because I'm in the demo account I can't I can't show you that. I'm afraid it's just not. It's not letting me do it. But yeah, that would be and again, I will share a link for how to set up coupons as well. I'm just gonna get logged back in and you see it's by default it's put it back to that's why it's not showing its put it back to the link. We're not supposed to mess with the demo account basically. But that's that's where it would be if it did work. So if you follow those steps I've just gone through, then you would see a coupon link pop up. So I put in the chat this is the main knowledge base area, so I'm just going to show you how to use it. So I've just gone to the knowledge base, I've hit the word coupon and then there's loads of different articles about you know how to use coupons in member vault. So, so using coupon codes to discount a product. We'll grab that. And so in here, step by step of how you set that up, which I've just literally walked you through. So but I will share those links so people can follow those in their own time, step by step and pop that into the chat window. So I'm going to say coupons and I will also share all the links to all the other stuff that we've covered today including the one click links the module links the lesson links, bulk adding users and manually adding users how to add web hooks I will add all of those into the chat and in the replay as well. Let me know if you have any questions in the chat box around what we have talked about today. Links and adding people go ahead and pop some questions in the chat if you have any. If not, we will end the call there

I'm gonna grab some more links while I'm here. Let's do bulk adding How about add users grab that link had to manually add a user which I walked us through again today. I will share that as well. Are you typing Karen Are you just waiting for me? 

Brilliant right Okay, I'll stop the stop the share

that was his that was great. Thank you always little nuggets on the calls. And for me today it was links for specific lessons. I can see lots of uses for that. Yeah, it's really really cool. But also I really love the this the one click link for me and being able to pop that into an email. Like, like people love it. It just, it just removes all the barriers. You know, I used to run memberships and again, it's like every week I'd bring out new content and rather than making people log in and click through and click through one click through just giving them a link straight to the lesson so they can just do it and get going. Justice. This is a fantastic. So yeah, I have a play have played Karen and use those links. And thank you for joining me today on the call and I think this call next week. I think there's a call the start of December. But Lovely to see you and enjoy the rest of your day. With them and take care bye bye

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