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Blog How Gabriela Casineanu Uses MV

How Gabriela Casineanu Uses MV


In this delightful interview with Gabriela Casineanu from 'introvertsacademy'.
We chat about how she is using the waiting list features inside MV to pre-sell her Linkedin Course AND she shares some ways to get started using Linkedin. The interview turns into a very handy LinkedIn Mini masterclass with lots of useful gold nuggets and lightbulb learnings. 


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Remi Oduyemi  
Hello, everybody, and welcome to another user spotlight here at member vault. My name is Remi and I'm the user success Lead here at Team MV . And this week, I am meeting with the lovely Gabriela Casineanu. Who is going to be talking to us all around LinkedIn. How should using MemberVault to teach people how to use LinkedIn better? I guess so. Good morning, Gabriella, how are you?

Gabriela Casineanu  
Thanks for having me here. It's sunny here. Good.

Remi Oduyemi  
Sunny Days are always good. Um, can you tell us how long you've been using member vault Please?

Gabriela Casineanu  
More than one year?

Remi Oduyemi  
Yeah. Was you using any other platforms before? Was it your first platform?

Gabriela Casineanu  
Before? Something like this? A platform where I have the courses and the free formation of the resources. I didn't use another one. I was looking for something. So I tried different platforms. And I settled with MV because I love it.

Remi Oduyemi  
That's lovely to hear. And so who do you mostly work with? Who's Who's your ideal client? Who do you sort of connect with and sell to on MemberVault?

Gabriela Casineanu  
I'm using the introverts Academy, so mainly are introverts, if you're talking about individuals, but I also work with organizations to help them better understand how to create that work environment that makes both introverts and extroverts to flourish. Now, I'm targeting the platform to individuals, so they can go there and consume that content at their own pace. And I'm also going to organizations and do webinars and workshops, I sometimes do webinars, and LinkedIn lives for the individuals as well for the doors

Remi Oduyemi  
are fabulous. So do you want to talk us through what it is you sell on member vault? I know it's to do with LinkedIn, but can you give us more details about what it is you do? Using the platform, and that'd be that'd be really helpful for our viewers and now, our community?

Gabriela Casineanu  
Sure. Introverts like me, you embraces a holistic approach. So we started the professional culture, we started with a wheel of life, the different aspects of the wheel of life, and rebuilding content on the platform for the different aspects for career for personal development, relationships. So we have a lot of content on different topics. And how I'm using can we create a resource hub, what I have some webinars that I did in the past, based on each of these areas of the wheel of life, then I added courses and I have another product, where I features the books for introverts that do we have a having a few kind of, in process, products they're waiting for, people can sign up for the waiting list, like, for example, the courseware, LinkedIn, I have two courses coming up. And they are both on the waiting list. So I'm using it also to build awareness about what's coming up. So courses, resources, books.

Remi Oduyemi  
And so are you using member vault to actually create the waiting list as as a product as well? So people are brilliant. At any you doing anything inside of your waiting lists, when people are holding? Are you doing anything? Or do they just sort of sign up on Wait, are you adding any lessons or any freebies into your waiting list product for for your people,

Gabriela Casineanu  
the further waiting list first, they go into my newsletter if they are interested in so they become kind of warm, warmer warmed up, they get they get the announcement that the course is ready. I'm also creating the modules. The first one was an overview of the course, I have to follow LinkedIn, for example, I will create two courses LinkedIn one on one and LinkedIn to a one. Because I notice people are not familiar that there are a lot of features on LinkedIn, so they are not using them. And the second one is about strategies. Because one thing to know about the features of the platform, another one it was strategies you're using as a business owner, to make the most of the platform. So I separated into different courses, and I'm working on the first one. And the first video it's including the first module it can kind of overview of that course. And I put it for everyone to see it until I build the rest of the course.

Remi Oduyemi  
I would like like a teaser module. Oh, fabulous. Yeah, that's brilliant. And so would you say your your courses are for absolute beginners who want to learn about LinkedIn? Or is it for somebody who's got bit of experience but just kind of needs a little bit of you know, some hacks and some strategies

Gabriela Casineanu  
of LinkedIn on On one about the features is mainly for beginners and intermediate because I'm sharing a lot of tips for tips for the specific features of LinkedIn. And they might not think about that. So if they feel familiar with LinkedIn, they're already using it, they can go directly into the second course LinkedIn 201, when I take them, so strategies I can use to build visibility, increased visibility to build more trust, to connect with other people to show project that is they want for the business and attract more people on the pile pipeline. Yeah,

Remi Oduyemi  
I see. That makes perfect sense. I wanted to separate both. Yeah, I think that's really sensible. And it's a progression, isn't it? And, and what you could do is from 101, is, you know, at the end of 101, is, you know, tell people about 201. That's coming and thinking them through

Gabriela Casineanu  
each of these modules, when I have the chance, I talk about strategies like that will come up in the LinkedIn.

Remi Oduyemi  
Yeah, absolutely. Brilliant. Anyway, so the other thing that I wanted to ask you was, could you share with us? If somebody was watching this, and they're not using LinkedIn? What would maybe be three little tips that you could share with them? That they could get started with LinkedIn? Would that be something you'd be able to share with us? Sure. It's

Gabriela Casineanu  
no problem even more. It's more Yeah, I love LinkedIn. First of all, keep in mind and LinkedIn, it's the only social media platforms that it's targeted to professionals and companies. So if you have a business and you're not on LinkedIn, imagine that you're using a lot because 95% of the companies are on LinkedIn right now. And a lot of professionals who are working, so they have money to buy your product. The second one is create a profile, that personal profile that represent you, not your business. So talk in your own voice, how you structure the profile, what you showed your profile, because you can also create an Indian page for your business. And then you can update them to company page and share on your profile or the other way. So you can play with these two features. But there are many other features that you can use, like groups, LinkedIn newsletters, so we can write articles. And LinkedIn is very good at spreading out your newsletter to your connections, so you can connect with people. When I started my LinkedIn newsletter, I, it was kind of four weeks, four months ago, I published only eight articles in that newsletter, and LinkedIn brought me more than 100 subscribers. Wow. without me doing anything else, yeah, more, you're active on LinkedIn more you activate that algorithm, and it is helping you. So also, the last one, if you I'm just,

Remi Oduyemi  
I'm loving these.

Gabriela Casineanu  
Look for other people that do similar things like you check out a profile and see what you like about a profile and see how you can implement those ideas into your profile. For example, that is a header in your LinkedIn profile, I notice many people don't use it. But this is prime, you really state why you don't use it to project the image that you want to showcase was coming up or whatever you want. And keep updating the profile with whatever you need. Because you want people to know about you ask those who now you your clients, former clients to write recommendations for you that show up on your LinkedIn profile. Ask people to endorse you create content for all the sections of the LinkedIn profile, because more sections are populating. morling Dean is willing to promote you use keywords in your profile. So that are many other aspects that you can use regarding the profile, but one that I found my most important, and now we're talking more about the strategy. Look at LinkedIn as a platform that helps you build your image in time, build visibility and trust in time. So it's not too good to just have a best profile right now and forget about it. If you're active on LinkedIn, if you post about something if you share your opinion, if you comment on other people first if you join groups, if you write articles, people get to know you better as an individual. And they might be curious to check it out what else you're doing. Don't look at LinkedIn like another media platform, the traditional media platform because it's still a social media platform. The social part is their professional path for So build all these in time because it's very All right. And and I mentioned earlier, it allows you to also link the live. So why not doing LinkedIn lives that you can broadcast in parallel on Facebook and YouTube? And you already have content on all three platforms? Absolutely. Yeah. That you can repurpose, then in smaller kind of just the team bits here. And so there are a lot of things that you can do is LinkedIn.

Remi Oduyemi  
Brilliant. Excellent tips, Gabriella. I'm, I'm, I'm a part time LinkedIn person I don't. I'm not in love with LinkedIn. Yeah. But I want to be because I understand the power of it. So I'm trying to get better on LinkedIn. So I've been sitting here listening intently, because it's really good stuff to know, the stuff that you're talking about is really important. If people

Gabriela Casineanu  
listen, yes, why? What's stopping you to use more LinkedIn?

Remi Oduyemi  
I think for a long time in my head, I really, I came from the corporate world, and I left the corporate world. So I had LinkedIn, but I just had it because I was in that world. And once I left, I felt like with my small business, I couldn't find my place on LinkedIn, I didn't really understand it. And so it created a barrier for me. But as I over the last few years, I've started understanding the importance of not just using it for my small business, but also it's about me using my voice and my personality, and showing who I am. And I think I always had to post like corporate things and professional things. And so it just stopped me because on Facebook and on other platforms. I talk how I speak, and I'm very open. But I felt like with LinkedIn, I almost had to put suit on and be something I wasn't. And so that's what held me back. And I think a lot of people might feel like that, too. I'm coming

Gabriela Casineanu  
from the corporate world as well. So what I'm noticing here is more that you come to build a business, you don't be small business, but with the mentality of the corporate world, yes. So leave that mentality, that mindset in the corporate world, because as a small business, you identify with your business, people buy from you if they like you as a person. So I like what you said you'd like to share how you're talking? That's what I'm doing. That's how I'm writing books. That's how I'm posting on LinkedIn and other social media. Exactly how I speak to you. Yeah. So just be yourself. Because that's how you become more authentic in their eyes, and they might connect better with you

Remi Oduyemi  
100% 100. That's why I said I was sitting here just nodding like this is brilliant advice is absolutely on the money. And I think I think you will help a lot of people today, or what have you got that? What's that?

Gabriela Casineanu  
This is the other features that I feature, I will feature in LinkedIn one on one, okay. And I'm talking about each of them. So as you can see, it's not just a LinkedIn profile, there are so many features out there. And how you put them together is most important because you know your business, what's the most important thing for your business? I know, what do you want? Nothing about LinkedIn? What do you need the most for your business? I'm asking you.

Remi Oduyemi  
What do I need the most for my business? I don't know.

Gabriela Casineanu  
Maybe that's the first question you need to start with? Because you need an objective.

Remi Oduyemi  
Yeah. I don't know. Like, my business is kind of going on right at the moment, like, so I'm trying to think what I need. I mean, obviously, more customers would be nice or more. I don't know. I don't know. Okay, let's

Gabriela Casineanu  
just start with what you said. I let you think about it later. But you just said that you need more customers. When you think about what customer what kind of customers do you need, you can go on LinkedIn. And LinkedIn has a lot of groups and local reach groups, you can join to find those type of people. And when you are more active in that group, you're kind of increasing visibility of yourself of your business, towards the right audience. narrow down exactly to the audience you want. The posts that you're putting out on LinkedIn, what you're sharing could be articles could be your opinion, could be your product services. You can write them and you can use hashtags. LinkedIn is a platform that has hashtags as well, so people can find you. But also you can click on other hashtags. And you can see on LinkedIn, all the posts and companies post that helps us hashtags. So you can go that and comment on them. So yes, visibility. You can comment on the post of your competition competitors. Yeah. So they followers who have the same audience, same potential clients might see you as well. And if they like what you're saying, they might visit your profile, and if everything is good, though, they might follow you as well. So anytime you build them, that visibility that If you're looking for, and you're just yourself, I found sometimes, especially since I started in LinkedIn live and this LinkedIn newsletter, I'm thinking that I will start focusing more on LinkedIn, because this seems to be my platform where I get what I need. Yeah. But any kind of business can be on LinkedIn. Because you can learn from other business owners even if they are not in your field. Yeah, absolutely. I can build partnerships. I build partnerships with people who are in different fields, and we help each other. We send each other opportunities and clients. And so there are so many things that you can do, because people who are on LinkedIn, who are active on LinkedIn, they are molded our business professional, world professional environments. So I feel very at ease in in this environment, thinking about my business. Yeah, your company page, as I said, could be a page on its own, you can put there a lot of content, you can put things that you put on other platforms as well. But you can say, for example, when I say something on my profile, I say, you can find more information on my introverts Academy page. Academy page. And when I share let's say LinkedIn live on introverts Academy. I say it's hosted by Gabriella so I cross promote to both.

Remi Oduyemi  
Yeah, yeah. And I think you're right, I think it's important to have both, isn't it to have your personal profile on LinkedIn, and a business page that represent your business as well, like you say, you could cross promote? To Eva, these have been absolutely Golden Nugget tips today. So thank you so much. Where can people find you actually, I'll say, where can we find you, they can see it on the screen. It's written on the screen introverts academy.org.

Gabriela Casineanu  
If you're on LinkedIn, with my name,

Remi Oduyemi  
or with LinkedIn, I'm going to add you on LinkedIn soon as I hop off here. So you'll, you'll get a request from me, as well. But this has been brilliant. So if you are interested in Gabrielle as interfaith Academy, learning about LinkedIn, she has two amazing courses that are available do go to her web. Well, coming up is one when I went down yet or two, one or is it the waiting list, didn't you? Sorry?

Gabriela Casineanu  
Yes, waiting list is good for now. And halfway through the first one, and I keep adding to it. Okay, because it takes time to recall them too.

Remi Oduyemi  
I midway through recording the calls, it takes time, it absolutely does. Have you published

Gabriela Casineanu  
books before? Yes, I have more than 10 books published. Have you really published also, award winning also,

Remi Oduyemi  
oh my goodness, I

Gabriela Casineanu  
have the best selling books. So it's incredible. As an introvert, I'm an introvert myself, I found that is much easier to write, than talk. So I developed my speaking skills, public speaking skills in time because I wanted to reach out more people, but I'm more comfortable writing things that I'm thinking to do. After I finished the courses, I take the transcript and put them in a book. Brilliant. Brilliant. Yeah. So they can check out me and also to my Amazon profile. So when people find one book, they can click on my profile, they can find all the other books. So I cross promote.

Remi Oduyemi  
And that's just absolutely brilliant way of repurposing your content. You know, if you're, like you say, if you're filming videos, and or you're doing work books, anyway, all of that content transcribed, put into a book is genius. absolutely genius. And you reach

Gabriela Casineanu  
out different audience. Absolutely. Amazon, they can find my website and the other way.

Remi Oduyemi  
Absolutely. Yeah. No, that was another Golden Nugget you've just dropped for us, I think. Well, this has been super fun. I'm gonna make sure I put all of your links into our podcast and into our blog as well. Anything else you wanted to share about using env? Before we wrap this interview today?

Gabriela Casineanu  
Keep working on it. It's a work in progress. Don't just put it and forget about it. Because there are so many things, especially with VBA. So active to release, releasing new features. I'm like, oh, I need to set aside some time to create a blog and to create this. And I didn't even add the comments yet to my platform. So it's, I have a website for introverts Academy, and I'm sending people from the website to the platform and the other way around. But I noticed that the platform needs constant attention. Yeah. So that's the main things that it's a kind of an advice for myself. because he can get redirected in so many places your energy kind does get caught in so many things to do. And you forget the main important things that that platform is kind of your window towards the world. Yes. And it needs to represent who you are, where you're going. And it needs to be up to date all the time. So that's why when I have an idea, of course, I just put it out there waiting list and the other things they put on the platform.

Remi Oduyemi  
Yeah, no, absolutely. And you just gave me a thought that anybody who is watching this who who is a bit like Gabriella, myself, I'm the same, I have an idea, I kind of build the shell of it, and then put it out there to the world, we do actually inside a member, but we have a pre selling template. So if you wanted to create a course, and it gives you ideas about how you can pre sell it, so you create your waiting list, and you allow people to sign up. But you can also give them some little activities to do sort of while they're waiting, whilst you're sort of in the background, building out your course. So they don't kind of forget about you and you know, forget that they're on a waiting list even and that this thing is coming. So if you want inside the MV, when you click on add a product, there's templates now all at the bottom, so you could use one of those as well if you wanted to create a waitlist. And also Aaron has put all of our strategy in there. So there's loads of ideas, that if you don't know what to do, when you're pre selling, there's loads of strategy in there. So do check those out. They're all they're all free. They're inside of MemberVault, as well. So I just want to share that for anyone else watching as well.

Gabriela Casineanu  
Is this what I love about LinkedIn about envy, it's not only you created a platform for us to use, you also provide us a lot of ideas and templates, how to use it, how to market it, strategies, it's an amazing product is not just the technical side of it. But kind of It's a full package. Yeah. And it keeps growing it keeps adding to it. So it's it's a very nice product, I recommend it to everyone. When I'm talking about business. I'm like, do you know about

Remi Oduyemi  
and that's what I'm like to everyone. I mean, I'm exactly the same. Alright, Gabriella, thank you so much for your time, this has been really wonderful. It's been personally very helpful for me, and I know it's gonna help lots of others with LinkedIn. And I'm gonna follow you on LinkedIn and be stalking you to see what you're doing so that I can up my LinkedIn game as well. But no, this has been

Gabriela Casineanu  
just the last nugget until you figure out how to use LinkedIn. Just start what you have. You're saying, start building connections following people connect with people. So you have a network on LinkedIn, when you start putting content on, you know, what kind of things you want to share that you have some eyes on your content. Yeah,

Remi Oduyemi  
absolutely. That's a brilliant tip. Absolutely. Start building those connections. Absolutely. All right. We're gonna wrap there. Thank you so much for your time. This has really been wonderful, and I really appreciate you taking the time today.

Gabriela Casineanu  
Thank you for having me. Pleasure to be here. Thank you

Transcribed by https://otter.ai

Check out Gabriela's MV Site here:  https://learn.introvertsacademy.org/

Remi OduyemiHey, hey! 👋 I’m Remi, the User Success Lead here at MemberVault.
You’ll hear me over on the Vault podcast, see me in the Collaborative, and also hosting special user success workshops.

Outside of MV, I work with established entrepreneurs and ambitious business owners who are ready to scale their business using simple systems and cool automations.

You can find my MV site here: https://www.onlinebusinesstemple.com


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