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Blog How to increase your cash flow, without increasing your audience size
how to increase your cash flow, without increasing your audience size

How to increase your cash flow, without increasing your audience size


Want to increase your cash flow, without increasing your audience?

Think options. And stay focused.

You want more sales, and more revenue per sale, of your signature offer.

So think about what you can add as an order bump (aka a paid offer that people add on BEFORE they hit buy), and an upsell (aka a paid offer that people can add on AFTER they hit buy).

In my experience, and from others who use this layered offer strategy, 50%+ of buyers will take at least one of the additional offers.

If you read the words "order bump" and "upsell" and think -- NOPE, not for me! That feels pushy/scammy/spammy/etc. 

You're not alone. A lot of business owners who are uncomfortable with selling and/or don't want to feel like they are taking advantage of their audience get squirmy about these more jargon-y sales strategies. But here's the thing. It doesn't HAVE to be icky. Just because bro-marketers have taken those tactics and turned them into funnels with 7+ upsells...doesn't mean it has to feel like that with you. 

The strategy isn't bad. It's the INTENT that matters.

So I urge you to look at this as supportive selling.

Here's how I look at it -- streamline your signature offer so that you can offer it as an accessible price (vs packing it full of ALL THE BELLS AND WHISTLES), which is supportive as heck! And then add on options for people who want more. 

That's supportive selling. You're giving people options, and letting them choose what fits them best. 👌

Not sure what to offer?

Order bump recipe -- think self led that will help them do the thing in the primary product faster, i.e. templates, walk thrus, debriefs, etc

Upsell recipe -- think more access, i.e. set up for them, audit, coaching intensive, group program going thru the self led resource, etc

This gives YOU more options as the seller to increase your revenue, without having to bring in more interested buyers (although that's important too and a different topic).

And it gives your buyers more options to select the price and support that fits them best.

Remember to follow up with people who don't take the order bump and/or upsell after they've been in the main product for a bit (how long depends on your offer). They very well will change their mind and purchase the order bump/upsell later!

Pro revenue boosting move - also have a downsell (aka a secondary, smaller paid offer for people who don't purchase your primary offer) for people who don't buy at all. That can be a small snippet pulled from your signature program and turned into it's own smaller product.

Downsells are EXCELLENT for nurturing people into becoming buyers of your signature offer down the road.

And it can dramatically increase your revenue during a launch, especially if the primary offer is more expensive (which leads to people not being able or interested in investing yet for many different reasons) and/or more robust/complicated (which leads to people feeling like they don't have time yet)

And now you need to know HOW to add your upsell/tripwire to your product/offer! Check it out here.

As for the order bump, just add it as an additional payment option when creating/editing your product/offer. Easy peasy! 🎉


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