You're using multiple choice quiz questions in a product to get more insights about who is signing up, and you're wowing them (and increasing answers) by dropping some confetti and an unlocked product. Plus using the insights to personalize future emails. 👌
You'll learn more about your existing email list, or buyers, etc -- which will result in you creating better content 🔜 more sales. You'll be able to personalize your emails which will ALSO increase engagement and sales.
Plus, more long term benefits from creating a wow-worthy sign up experience.
When you give people a reward for answering, you WILL get more answers.
So use this when you REALLY want answers, like in my case where I want to get insights AND I want to personalize the engagement emails that I send before/during/after the Recurring Revenue Summit.
1️⃣ Add your quiz questions. I recommend multiple choice as essay will absolutely reduce your answers AND you can't use essay answers to personalize your emails.
Below are the questions I used for the Recurring Revenue Start Here module/lesson.
2️⃣ Go back to the main product edit screen for the product you just added the questions to. Refresh, and scroll down to actions at the bottom. Add in tags for each of the multiple choice answers. See a selection of mine below.
3️⃣ Now add "completes module" and choose the module (or lesson) where your quiz questions live. This is where you'll unlock the gift product, do the confetti drop and optionally send yourself a notification. I like to do this early on, and then I take the notification off to avoid inbox overwhelm.
4️⃣ Tadah! Last little thing is to set up your triggered/automated email that sends when they unlock that product. Here's what I sent (total minimal viable email, and that's OK!), feel free to copy and tweak over time.
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