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Blog How To Setup & Use Webhooks

How To Setup & Use Webhooks



This week we're going to take a look at webhooks.  You'll learn what they are, where to find them in your MV, and how to combine them with your email service to magnify the reach of your products, courses, etc.

It's actually very simple, as long as you have your account set up with existing Products, and your email service connected to run Automations.  

Enjoy the video, listen along in Audio and find the Transcript below.  Thanks for visiting!



Hey everybody, this is Steve knots from the User Experience podcast. And today we are going to talk about webhooks. Webhooks are a communication from MemberVault to another site that tells each other to do something. So for example, if someone buys a product on an external shopping cart, and you want to tell member vault, this person with this email address, bought this product of MemberVault, give them access inside env. That's what a web hook can do.

Like Sam cart, for example, the shopping cart platform, a person could buy something and Sam cart put in their email address, and you use a web hook for Sam cart to go through to member vault. So the product, the person gets access to the product. Another way to use web hooks might be with your email service where you have an email and you send a link. And when someone clicks that link, you want them to get access to your freebie hub. So I'm going to show you how to set that up today. That means the person opens the email clicks the link, and automatically your email service uses a web hook to go into member vault, take that email address, put them into this MemberVault product. So the person instantly gets access right inside web hooks are super cool. They're basically think of web hooks mainly as something coming into member vault from another place, and telling them about what to do.

Now you can also in some situations, use member vault to send a web hook out to another service, and deliver email address name, first name and last name. That's the final thing. So for now, just think about there's another site, something's happening. A web hook is a message coming from out there into member vault. And we're going to look at how to set that up. And a few examples of what that looks like. Now normally, I do this as an interactive podcast where you can pause and set up something in your env or whatever. This is a little bit more advanced. So I'm not going to do the pause and activity for this one, I just want you to watch and absorb what we're doing. And then decide what you're going to use this for and map out the steps before you start connecting it, it really does make a difference to map out the steps. So you can go through each one one by one and figure out which step goes in order to get it all connected.

So let's go to my MV. And we'll start looking around we're going to go to Advanced integrations first. So we go to the integrations tab, click Advanced. And you'll see all these different integration services. I use Active Campaign so we're going to do a demonstration with that. But just for example, if you want to have if you want to zap with Zapier or Zapier, I say Zapier zapping someone from another app into member vault. So you set up a trigger in Zapier that says, When this happens, we're going to send a message to member vault to have that person add user to the product. And it lets you choose all the parameters and everything for that to happen. If you're zapping someone from member vault out to another app, mainly for unsupported email services, then what you do is the trigger event, which is like the starting thing that makes the webhook happen, you could say, oh, a user is added to a product and member vault, okay, like maybe they purchased it inside the member vault cart, or they signed up for a free freebie product, then you select your account name and everything and decide the data to get sent out. So member vault will use a web hook to send that out to some other email service, for example, so that that email account will get the user's email address, first name and last name, put them into the email list. And then you can send them your follow up welcome message about the product they just signed up for. So that's where that's how you would do this with Zapier for web hooks coming into MemberVault, or web hooks coming out from MemberVault.

Let's look at Active Campaign, this is the service I use. Let's say we're going to add a person to my new subscriber hub, that's called the sub hub for purposes of demonstration. And the webhook is all about having a message coming from somewhere else, we're gonna set that up in a second, that adds a user to the sub hub. Super cool. So for Active Campaign, I select which product and I do show URL. And I want to copy this URL, you can say it's a bunch of stuff. The part that makes sense to me is the beginning says courses dot mix a texture.com say, okay, that's my custom domain, there's API, which means it's doing some magic code that Mike built. And at the end, it says Course ID equals 100. That's the course number in MemberVault. For this course, you don't really need to know any of that stuff. I'm just telling you what I see in case it in case you have a techie brain, and you want to know what's in that piece of code. So now I have the API URL, let's go over to Active Campaign. Let's say I want to send an email. And when a person clicks a link, they're going to get added to my subscriber hub. So let's do start trigger, and clicks a link in an email, which should be fun.

I don't have a new email coming up for this. So I'm just going to pick an email from from what I sent on Saturday, select a link, I had a YouTube video in there. And it's going to run once. So now basically, even right now, after Saturday, anytime somebody opens an email and clicks the link of that YouTube video, it's going to automatically add them to my subscriber hub. Why would I want to do that? Well, let's say I had a video that shows something that subscribers get access to. And I want all my new people to come in, watch the video and say, hey, I want to be part of that. I want to be part of this live review stream or this q&a that Steve is doing on YouTube. It's available where they could maybe go into my subscriber hub and drop questions

in a quiz. And then maybe I go live in a YouTube video and answer the questions on YouTube. That would be cool, right? But they have to be in the sub hub. So what's gonna happen they're gonna click the link

In the email, they're going to go to the YouTube video and watch one episode. And then next time, they're going to go to the sub hub and drop their questions. And I'll answer the questions in a YouTube video. So that's my theory for this demonstration scenario, what just happened is, so far, I just started the automation, contact clicks link, okay, that's the trigger. Now what's going to happen, this is where we're going to paste in the web hook thing, I want to go to conditions and workflow and drop a web hook, it says post a contact, post contact data to a URL of your choice. So there is my little field, make sure I get the HTTP s only once. That is the exact link that I copied from my MemberVault webhook setup.

Okay, so that's my URL. Inside Active Campaign, I want to post that URL. So now basically, Active Campaign is in charge of email, right? They know my people, their names, their first name, last name, and their email address. So Active Campaign sends the email, the person clicks a link, Active Campaign sees the click and says, aha, that link is going to take this email address and tell member vault to put them into the sub. Okay, that's the exact connection. Active Campaign knows which person is reading the email, they know which email address, click the link, they track the link, they tried to link in the click. And they are using the web hook to bridge out of Active Campaign over to member vault to add that person into that sub freebie product. Which means next time I send an email, I can use a one click link and tell it Hey, click here to drop your questions for next week's YouTube stream. And then they click the email, they go directly into the product which they already have access to like the magic of web hooks, and they can type in the answer and the quiz and I get a notification on it.

I'm going to actually do that. That's a really good idea I hadn't I was making up this demo scenario. Usually I collect questions from my Facebook group. And now that I think about it, like why don't I just use quiz answers for that. So this is an evolving process. But these web hooks will definitely work for you for multiple applications of what you want to do. So that's basically all you have to do. And then I go up here and click active to switch on the automation. And next time anybody clicks that link in that email, the web hook is going to run, and they're going to be added to that product. Now I'm going to set this to inactive because I don't actually want to run this yet. And realistically, what I would do also is after adding them to the product with the web hook, that's all that happens, nothing else. MemberVault doesn't tell them you're added to the product or send an email or anything.

So what I want to do after that is send an email, create an email and say, hey, guess what, you just got access to this great subscriber hub. Here's where you drop your questions for the next

just got access to this great subscriber hub. Here's where you drop your questions for the next

YouTube live stream. Click this link, it'll take you directly to the quiz where you put in your questions, let me know what's on your mind. We'll do an Ask Me Anything video? And I'll answer your question on on live video. As soon as you know we start. So you know, you want to have your automations after a web hook, you want to go to the next step and enter them into an email sequence to let them know you have access to the product. Welcome. Here's your login information. Here's Step one, click into this module, start the lesson, get some engagement points, anything you want to do in the world of MemberVault can follow up with emails that you do after the web hook. So that's a basic example of how to add a user to a member of our product by clicking a link in an email.

Now, let's say we want to use a purchase example. This is example number two, a person goes to another site buys something and we need member vault to know like out of this, but how do you know? Well here's what we're gonna do. For my example, I have some Gumroad products which are like small little one off things that people can sign up almost like a lead magnet, but with a pay what you want kind of thing. The product is called Project pack. Epic buildups. $19, pay what you want, you don't really need to know about all this. The point is that I'm just showing you an example of where a person would put in, let's say $25 They click the Buy button. And here's the interesting part, name and email address. So when they complete the purchase, all this information is going to go over somewhere else. where's it gonna go?

Well, I set up with Zapier, a connection and this is where it gets. I'm not sure which email service you're using or which shopping cart service you're using some shopping carts like Sam cart, you can integrate directly with your email. So they buy in SAM cart, it adds a tag or does whatever and your email service gets the new contact with their email address that name. In the case of Gumroad and ActiveCampaign. I had to bridge with Zapier so they make the purchase here in Gumroad. Zapier says Aha, we have a new sale. Let's add a contact to this automation and Active Campaign and within Zapier, there's more details but the main idea is purchase at Gumroad. Zapier sees the purchase and says Active Campaign wake up wake up new purchase coming in. And over inactive campaign. Let's get to that automation. There is one for the product purchase of the project pack. And that's right here.

So load load load.

Now to start this automation, we can have, well Zapier just said, run the automation, add contact to automation. And there's all kinds of parameters to just define which product goes to which automation but I'll tell you I set that up.

so that this automation is going to run. And we have another one of these web hook links, that looks kind of like the other one, Add to Course ID number 98, which is the product they're purchasing. So over here, in Gumroad, they're buying something on Gumroad, that's going to deliver a quick little download. But, you know, I don't want them to have the download get lost on their computer, and then they don't know where it is. And then they forget to look at it, and then we're just lost in space. So what I did is I deliver the purchase immediately, when they buy it on Gumroad. And they can see what it is they can see what it's all about. And in my industry Gumroad is really popular. So it's like a very easy way for people to get to download a free lead magnet, get a PDF, get a video or download a short little audio thing, then they're gonna get access inside member vault with follow up emails where I can say, Hey, how did you like the project pack? What did you use it for? Can you share your work in our group, and I want to follow up, I want to make sure they're engaged, I want to make sure they do the lesson, consume the content, get the result, get the benefit, have fun, feel good, and actually share a testimonial about it by showing the rest of us what they use it for full circle, it's not just you know, take the money and run. It's make the sale, follow up, bring the person into your community, have them involved with other people, have them get feedback from other people. It's all about the engagement.

So what I'm doing is using the purchase at Gumroad. Again, to go through Zapier, they buy it, they add it, Zapier adds the contact to the automation and Active Campaign. With this an order over here active campaign says AHA Gumroad has started a purchase let's post the contact to this product in member vault. Now.

Here's the user I did my test user Steve user knots. Watch what happens when I click into this activity log. And this is why I love member vault because you can see what your people are doing. So let's go to the activity log. And what do we see right on top April 25. That's today, added to product project pack 125 BPM, and look at this web hook dash AC, which tells me it tells me the web hook worked. But if I look at this later, I can see oh, well, if they got added to this project pack from the web hook, that means they made a purchase somewhere else, the web hook kicked through told member vault, here's the name, here's the email address, stick him in this product and give him access. So now I can send a follow up email and say, Hey, thanks for your purchase. Really appreciate it. I'd love to hear what you do with this, click in here and drop a link to your feedback work or whatever. And it's all connected in one nice smooth system to lead the user, your user, not you the account owner but your people, your customers, your clients, you can lead them from a purchase to a welcome email to the experience of playing with your content to the follow up of engaging with it, completing lessons completing modules, earning bonuses collecting EP getting celebrations on screen, all the fun things we can do with member vault are much easier when you have web hooks telling MemberVault Here's a new person came in from Sam cart, he came in from PayPal and Stripe on another shopping cart, it came in from Gumroad it came in from wherever came in from looking like clicking a link on your email, not clicking a link, clicking a link on your email.

And then all of a sudden member vault has all this fun stuff that you can do with the people who are engaging with whatever you have out there as your triggers. So I hope that makes sense. It's really actually a pretty simple thing. Just remember web hook is communication with member vault and another site.

So finally, if you happen to be using a different email platform that's not available for the main integrations, then you might want to send data out from member vault to your other email service or Zapier. So I just loaded up one of my products and I went to the Action section. So here's actions, right, you open up actions go down to add a new action when this happens added to product. And I put by now from the MemberVault shopping cart. Now I'm going to call a web hook. And let's say I'm going to paste in the web hook that I copied right from the other place, which is ID 100. Which means if a person in this example, remember ID 100 was my sub hub, that's my free subscriber hub. So in this example, if a person came in as a raw new visitor, cold traffic, never signed up, never heard of me before and not on my email list. They came in from outer space, saw my member vault and they're like, I'm gonna binge and buy on this product. That might happen!

So now I want to have them buy this product, all the web hook, and this is going to send information out to the other location and give the email address first name and last name. Now in this case, this web hook goes to Active Campaign. So it's not really necessary because Active Campaign is connected. But if you didn't have active campaign, your URL would be different. It would say, you know, it would go to another location to deliver the contact info, so that your email service is going to know that this person with this name, and this email address, bought that product. And now you can follow up with them and set up your emails. That's all we're doing. It's just making a connection so that you can have an activity in member vault translate to an activity in another site. So going out from member vault person buys something, you send the contact info to an external email service, and then you can deliver your

Your email sequences, your onboarding, you're welcome. All the fun stuff. Click here to go to lesson two. Oh, you finished lesson two, click here to go to lesson three, set up all that fun stuff somewhere else. And you can use the web hooks to translate EP or activities or any kind of any of these triggers a complete a lesson. Show celebration, nope. Let's call a web book. Or let's say they pass a quiz.

Follow ebook. How about this one? Choose quiz answer. That's a new option. That's really fun, which means you can have a quiz and say what do you like best A, B, or C, and they click B,

you can have a web hook that says when they click B, send them email sequence b, that's like,

you can have a web hook that says when they click B, send them email sequence b, that's like,

Let's say A, B, and C is like real estate for professionals, real estate for amateurs, real estate for teenagers, whatever. And then they click B. They're self segmenting. And you can send them an email sequence. It's like oh, real estate for amateurs. Here's the first thing you need to learn. And you could customize what how you're going to follow up based on their quiz answer that should be a whole different lecture. But the point is, web hooks are fun. And you can use them in a really cool way. Most people generally are going to use web hooks for something coming into member vault from external purchase or email activities like clicking a link or something like that. And you find them in your integrations in the advanced setting, just like we looked at over there for if you're, you know, if you're not new, if you're not so used to this, we could say okay, ConvertKit, what do we do? Well, let's say ConvertKit, fix ConvertKit tag is clicked link three, whatever, let's say you have ConvertKit, you set up a tag that that happens when three people click a link. And then you can add user to product, the sub sub, add product webhook. Click that button.

Well, my ConvertKit is not connected. But that's what you would do to have MemberVault Create a custom web hook to perform that activity. And each of the different email services have their own custom thing. So I can only demonstrate ActiveCampaign, because that's integrated right now. I hope that makes sense. A lot of people ask about web hooks. And I remember when I first started, I didn't quite get what they were until Mike said, look, it's a message coming from somewhere else into MemberVault tells MemberVault what to do. That's what it is. And then I started using it. And honestly, it's not that hard to set up. Try it, set it up, use it.

And as I said at the beginning, if you're not sure in your mind what this is all about, write it out on a piece of paper, say write it but draw a little box that says Email link. And then step two clicks link, step three, email service, sees the link, step four web hook, you know, draw out the series of steps that have to happen, and then you can connect each piece and then you can test it and you'll see that it's going to work. That's it for this episode.

Thanks for listening, everybody. Stay tuned for upcoming stuff on comments and notifications and really cool features that are gonna get released in the very near future. And thank you so much for listening. I'm Steve knots. I'll see you next time.


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