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Blog How to Use the Announcement Bar to Increase Sales (With Examples)

How to Use the Announcement Bar to Increase Sales (With Examples)


Today, let's talk one of my favorite under-used features. The announcement bar. 😍

This shows up at the top of your account, and is the perfect way to highlight one of two things:

1️⃣ an important sales message that you want more people to see (i.e. Get X% off my Y, to help [offer benefit]. Get it here, offer ends on [date]!)


2️⃣ an important step in your customer's journey (i.e. a channel that you know converts to sales, i.e. we know this Collaborative community is excellent as a nurture channel)

Even's super duper easy to set up. Learn more here.

Check out some examples below.


Illana's announcement bar is offering a grand opening sale. It says:

"Grand Opening SALE! Use code ILLANAISAWESOME for 25% almost everything [DETAILS]"


Emma's announcement bar is showcasing that a specific product is now available and WHY that's exciting. It says:

"→ Consistent Sales is open! Start making more sales in your business, with more predictable revenue each month"

👉 See other examples of people using the announcement bar (and share your own!!) here, and here.

If you don't have an announcement bar set up's a great time! Just pop into your account > Appearance > Announcement Bar

Remember -- done over perfect! Continuous evolution, all the way, friend! 🎉


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