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Blog Rainy Days and Rave-worthy Programs: A Chat with Juci Kisistók, a Pro at Giving Your Online Course a Makeover

Rainy Days and Rave-worthy Programs: A Chat with Juci Kisistók, a Pro at Giving Your Online Course a Makeover


Juci Kisistók (pronounced "UC Kee-shee-shtok", if you're curious!) is an online course consultant and the founder of Code & Glitter, where she helps thought leaders create online courses so addictive, their students cancel their Netflix 💅 

She also dubbed herself The Woman Rescuing Your Program From The Online Course Graveyard -- one look at her offers and program and you'll agree that this title fits her perfectly!

We're so excited to bring you behind the scenes on her business as well as a glimpse at her personal life as she talks about the place she calls home, what makes her cringe, the moment she got hooked on MV, and more. Keep reading to find out!


Hey Juci! 👋 We'd love to know -- where in the world are you? What do you like about it? Dislike?

I was born and raised in Hungary, but I'm currently living in Denmark. Pros include easy access to the sea, amazing people, and those 1-3 beautiful days each year; cons include the weather on the remaining 364-362 days.

I kid, I kid. It's a gorgeous place and I'm grateful to have found a second home away from home. But my gosh, the rain needs to chill every once in a while.

What’s your favorite way to create content? What’s your favorite way to consume it? Why?

My favorite way to create content is definitely writing, so there's zero surprise that my email list is BY FAR the most consistent online presence I have. When I'm consuming content, I love written and audio - written so I can easily skim and get the nugget of information I need the most, and audio so I can listen while I'm taking a walk or folding my clothes begrudgingly.

Describe your dream client.

I work with thought leaders and online creators who want to craft modern, dynamic, customer-centric, and visually gorgeous online programs they are ridiculously proud to sell. Ones that showcase their body of work in the most impactful light - and ones that their students will be massively pumped to go through AND get epic results from.

Why is that person a dream client? How would you help them?

Because they are confident in the value of their work and they KNOW that they could have such a massive impact on their students - if only they got past Module 1! They give a damn about their students' experience and results, and they refuse to settle for mediocre, cookie-cutter online course designs. 

I offer 1:1 services and digital templates to help my clients create their own rave-worthy online programs. My strategy offering, The Rave-worthy Audit, is designed to help them get out of the dreaded overthinking mode - by looking under the hood of their programs and pinpointing those bits that could use some adjustment for a better student experience.

My signature service, Rave-worthy VIP, blends strategy with implementation - here, we turn online course platforms into luxurious statement pieces, and programs into devilishly addictive experiences. Think of it as a total glow-up for your online program: gorgeous, on-brand design, thoughtful customer journeys, sanity-saving systems, and all the techy bits done and dusted.

My template shop, The Customer Journey Bar, is an ever-growing collection of straightforward and easy-to-implement customer journey templates for all those amazing DIY types.

What’s a funny anecdote, related to your area of expertise, that you can’t believe you did (or believed)?

I CANNOT believe how long it took me to take my email list seriously! I'm still not the most consistent person around - but in the first few years of my business, I barely even sent a single email. Now, in my 9th year (PHEW), I deeply understand the role it plays not only in sales but also in the human aspects of online business. So, obviously, I cringe HARD at the thought of ignoring it for so long. (Although that cursed phase when I thought it was a grand idea to do a Facebook live every single day is also a strong contender in the Cringe Awards - but I digress.)

How would you describe MV to an online business owner who’s never heard of it?

The most customizable, customer-centric, and easy-to-use online course platform I've ever stumbled upon.

What made you decide to use MV? Why do you keep using MV?

I signed up for a trial ages ago, and then the Golden Hamster hooked me :) Also, I can't really leave now, the custom CSS capabilities and MV Actions have ruined me for every other platform.

What frustrates or annoys you about using MV?

If I want to be super nitpicky, then the offer creation screen can feel a bit clunky with the product overview, product description, and whatnot. Nothing I've ever cursed about though.


Check out Juci's Expert of the Week session inside our FB group, The Collaborative where she shared 3 ideas to turn your program from "MEH" to "WOW" 

⚡ DAY 1: Intro + The Week's Curriculum

⚡ DAY 2: The magic of thoughtful curation, aka don’t threaten me with 72.5 hours of video content

⚡ DAY 3: Design matters, aka web-inflicted eyesore is so damn 2010

⚡ DAY 4: Essential customer journey touchpoints and how to tame them, aka leave that nasty ghosting to Tinder


Want to get in touch or learn more about Juci? Check out the links below!

Visit Juci's MV site here.

Connect with Juci here:
🖥️ Website


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