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Blog How Laura Cross Uses MV

How Laura Cross Uses MV


In this Brit Filled interview with Teacher Laura Cross, we chat about how she's triggering her end of product email...and upselling to other products using MV's actions and tagging features.

Below is the video, podcast, transcripts & links.


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Remi Oduyemi

Hello, and welcome back to another user spotlight. My name is Remi. I'm the user success Lead here at MemberVault. And today, I am meeting with the lovely Laura Cross, who is a member of MemberVault. And we are going to be digging into her business and learning about some cool stuff and some of the cool features of MemberVault that she is using. And I think you're gonna enjoy this one. So let's get into this. Hi, Laura. How are you?

Laura Cross  
Hello, I'm good. It's good to be speaking to a fellow Brit today.

Remi Oduyemi  
Isn't it just I'm so I'm so pleased that we are in the same timezone. And I don't have to stay up late tonight. So thank you for that. Thanks for being on the same timezone as me. So tell us how long have you been using member vault?

Laura Cross  
So I think it was probably about six months ago that I started thinking I needed to be a little bit more organized about how I hosted all my lessons and things. So yeah, I think probably about six months,

Remi Oduyemi  
and we're you anywhere else before did you move to MemberVault? Or did you just create your business on MemberVault?

Laura Cross  
No, so previously hosted everything on my Wix website, so I had to actually still have because I'm in the process of transitioning out of there a membership on Wix. And then I had events set up on Wix and special pages that are password protected on works. It did work, okay. But it was just becoming a little bit cumbersome to have everything like that.

Remi Oduyemi  
Yeah, no, totally. Can you tell us about what it is you're doing your business so that we know what you do? Because it's very cool. And and it's, I would say it's a little bit uncommon from most of the content that's on MemberVault Answer. Tell us about what you do in your business.

Laura Cross  
Yeah, so I run inventors and makers. And a big part of inventors and makers is kind of a sub brand called Little Steamers. And that's the bit that I mainly use for my MemberVault. So I am a STEM teacher. So if anyone doesn't know what STEM is, it's science, technology, engineering, and maths. Often they add an E into it steam with the arts as well. So little steam is is STEM classes for two to five year olds. So it's at the younger end. And we have loads and loads of online classes where kids get to kind of learn through play and exploration, they kind of they might learn about dinosaurs by getting out the sandtray and digging for fossils, and I give parents loads of ideas that they can do at home to make stem exciting for their kids.

Remi Oduyemi  
That sounds fabulous. So I'm guessing your ideal your ideal audience. This is parents who have kids who aged between sort of two to five ideally, is that correct?

Laura Cross  
Yeah, yeah, I do have some stuff on my MemberVault. That is for teachers as well, because I also work with a lot of schools and nurseries. But yeah, predominantly parents, they often tend to be from surveying people that I already have as members that often parents that work in the STEM fields themselves, see the educational benefit of STEM really want to maybe feel like they want to get their kids into it, but don't really know how to do it themselves and make it approachable for that age. So yeah,

Remi Oduyemi  
that sounds super cool. So what other bits of technology are you using to support? I suppose your your clients and your business on MemberVault What techie using,

Laura Cross  
so I use ActiveCampaign I've used that for a while now. And I've found that MemberVault was really worked really well with it. Like once you zone you know about triggering emails and things that fit really nicely with that. So apart from my Wix website, it's MemberVault and ActiveCampaign.

Remi Oduyemi  
Yeah, amazing, nice, nice and lean tech, but it does the job. And, you know, both really powerful tools, MemberVault and ActiveCampaign can deliver so much. So you don't really need too much Tech really beyond that. Because they talk to each other beautifully. And they they do what they need to do don't know. So let's talk about how you're using MemberVault. Now I know we wanted to talk about when you have a very special email sequence that goes out after somebody has completed a module or completed a lesson, John to talk us through what you've created and how that works.

Laura Cross  
Yeah, it's funny because I like to have no background in marketing. And some people might have seen that Erin Kelly had posted saying like, this is a really great image because Mike is has been using my classes with his kids, which has been really cool. And my oh my gosh, MemberVault I've done it. All right. You said you said he liked to have used it though. So hopefully I haven't made any mistakes. So like it was really nice when Aaron said I really like this email cuz obviously she's very good at marketing and knows how these things work. So what what I've kind of done is I have a general sequence of emails, so when like, pretty pretty standard. When somebody signs up, they get added to a list on Active Campaign, they get a welcome email. That kind of reminds them to do it. And then there's kind of various things about whether they've subscribed or not. And if they haven't subscribed sending them or you haven't subscribed, would you like to fail and then if not, never email them again. And then I wait a few days later, I send them a reminder to do it. And and then another reminder kind of like a week or so later, but I always have a goal in my Active Campaign that as soon as they watch the class, they shoot straight down to the bottom of the automation. And they go to the next step. So the way that I've done that goal is that I have one of the lessons and my MemberVault role lessons using the MemberVault terminology rather than lesson lessons is called watch class. And specifically on that one, I say in the instructions, make sure to mark is complete to see a fun celebration on the screen. And so it gives the user then a reason to actually click on Mark as complete, not just for my admin and Betty thing, and it says, You've done it, but then it also adds a tag to them that says that they finished that particular class because I have lots of different classes that have a specific tag because every class has a separate but duplicated automation in Active Campaign. So then they, when they get that time they shoot down to the bottom of my automation, and get an email and this is the email that Aaron kind of says like, it's got a little gif of a monkey blowing party popper. Is it for the party tapper in America? I don't know. No, I don't think it is one of those things that you blow and it makes a noise. And it says like well done on completing it, what did you think I'd love to hear how it went. So it seems like a bit personal, it's got their name on it. And then it says what next. So it tells them like what, like, if you want to carry on if you want to continue your steam journey, I'd love to have you join me, this is what you get, Click here to find out more. So it tells them the next steps, I put some testimonials in there like this is what other parents have been saying. And then there is also right down at the bottom because I wanted to keep like one call to action the main body with it is right at the bottom. PS, if instead of that you actually would like a specially selected set of classes with lifetime access. That's more your thing. Have a look at our courses here. So there's like one other optional sell right down at the bottom. So yeah, that's that's and then it. At that point, the automation ends.

Remi Oduyemi  
That sounds blooming amazing. Because he's like, it's like a congratulatory email to say well done, you've done all these things. But it's also like an epic sales page. That's kind of like reminding them these all the extra things that you can do. And you know, how you how we can stay connected? I think that's, I think that's rather genius, lower

Laura Cross  
highs, bit of a pain when I have to like duplicate it and remake it for every single class that I have. That's on me. So

Remi Oduyemi  
yeah, but once it's done, though, it's just yeah, then it's duplicating it out, isn't it, it's the hardest bit is getting it all set up. But I think that it's gonna be really inspiring for our members who, you know, perhaps are not yet fully completed that whole customer journey in a way that that you are in that sometimes we do maybe sort of send an end of, you know, end of you've got to the end of this product, or you got to the end of this course type thing. But what you've added in is that kind of that extra benefit of saying, Well done, you've got to the end, but also here's what's next, here's where we could continue working together. And I think that's a really important step that is going to inspire some people today. So um, thank you very much for sharing that. Because, yes, I was really, really good.

Laura Cross  
I hope it is helpful. I like I've listened to so many other marketing things. Hopefully I can help someone else.

Remi Oduyemi  
No, you definitely will for sure. And before we wrap up today, anything else you want to share with us about using MemberVault and your experience of using MemberVault.

Laura Cross  
I mean, I've really, really enjoyed it. I think the community on white in the Facebook group and our support for each other is really amazing. I've recommended it to so many people and said hey, you really like this is like the you might not have heard of this. It's kind of small. And everyone likes it being kind of one and yeah, that it I've really enjoyed. I think it's really intuitive. It works well with ActiveCampaign. So just in the middle of putting my enormous membership over at the moment, and it's taking me ages to get it in there because I've got so many different bits but I cannot wait for it to be on there. And then I can get my automations in and I can go and have the summer off 

Remi Oduyemi  
When you get your membership over to MemberVault and then you'll have everything in one place. And yeah, your life will be so much easier for sure. So Laura, where can people come and learn about STEM classes and all the cool things that you are doing for young people on your member vault?

Laura Cross  
Yeah, so my gosh, what is my membervault? I just type it in and it pops out. Let me look, I think

Laura Cross  
I think I think it's just... Yeah, it's inventors and makers. So my actual website is or little steamers dot but yeah, my MemberVault is Yeah, that was slick, wasn't it?

Remi Oduyemi  
Well, once you get your Wix membership moved over you can just pull over your main domain and then have Your shortened one rather than the long one. And if people

Laura Cross  
do go to it, there's various dropdowns because I have all my school stuff on there. So make sure to choose little steamers for parents and you'll see all the classes as a free one so people can try for free and then you can get my emails for real.

Remi Oduyemi  
Oh, my might just sign up just so I can get your email sequence and see what their live classes as well. Yeah, absolutely. I mean, my daughter was eight now, so she might be a little bit out of the remit. But I'll definitely share this with some of my mommy friends as well. And I'll add all of those links that Laura has mentioned that I'll add all of those into the blog and into the show notes if you're listening on the podcast, so you can come and check out what Laura is doing in her incredible MemberVault. So all that's left to say is thank you very much Laura.

Laura Cross  
Thank you so much. Nice chatting to you. Thank you.

Transcribed by

Visit Laura's account here:

Remi OduyemiHey, hey! 👋 I’m Remi,  User Success Lead here at MemberVault.
You’ll hear me over on the Vault podcast, see me in the Collaborative, and also hosting special user success workshops.

Outside of MV, I work with established entrepreneurs and ambitious business owners who are ready to scale their business using simple systems and cool automations.

You can find my MV site here:


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