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Blog The Power of a Down Sell in Creating a Supportive Buying Experience

The Power of a Down Sell in Creating a Supportive Buying Experience


Down sells are probably one of the most under-used conversion strategies out there, IMHO. Why? 🤷‍♀️ (Only in this for my Burger King story? Scroll to bottom. 👑)

Because you've put all of your energy into the main promotion?

Because you're worried you're going to overwhelm your list?

Because you're worried about seeming pushy?

Perhaps all of those, or none of them.

But not having a down sell is a missed opportunity for YOU, and for your people. People don't buy for so, so, sooooo many reasons.

Things like:

➡️ Missed the emails (doesn't matter how many you sent)

➡️ Not in their budget. 

➡️ They already feel overwhelmed, and your main offer felt like too much. 

➡️ They don't know you well enough yet. 

➡️ The investment felt too high // too low // too much commitment // too LITTLE access // etc etc etc

A down sell (a lower cost paid offer presented after someone doesn't buy the promoted offer) is a great answer to all of those.

It can be a small slice off of your bigger offer. A taster sample. 

It can be a one off product instead of a recurring payment product. 

It can be a group program instead of 1:1. 

It can be ONE call with you vs an on-going series. 

It can be asynch instead of live. 

You see? Bringing in more conversions for your business is ALL about the OPTIONS.

And MemberVault makes it soooo easy for you to whip those up. You can copy a module/lesson from a larger product. You can whip up a quick offer link with an automated email. etc etc

Want to see the rest of the sales series? Here you go!

Alright, the promised Burger King story and how they leveraged a down sell that kept my 3 kids from TOTALLY melting down. 

SCENE: Hot, sunny day. Intense couple of hours at the playground/hiking trails. 3 kids under 9. One tired dad. No snacks on hand.

They enter Burger King for a little salty, sweet snack bc hangry kids. One kid wants a kids meal. The other two don't. 

Dad's head is about to explode with decision fatigue. The two kid's heads are about the explode because they want a TOY, but they don't want the kids meal.

Everyone is tired, cranky and hot. 

Enter the down sell. 

"Sir, you can buy just the toy for $1.50."

SOLD. 😍 Gimme two of those, two fries, a slushy, and a kids meal. 

Done. Handled. Crisis averted. 

Be like Burger King. Make it easy for people to get what they want, when they want it.


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