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Blog Why Brianna Wilkerson loves using MV for free challenges (instead of email)

Why Brianna Wilkerson loves using MV for free challenges (instead of email)


In today's episode, we have a special guest, Brianna Wilkerson, a holistic health and life coach who is passionate about empowering women to find peace with food, gain confidence in their bodies, and cultivate a healthy lifestyle beyond the numbers on the scale. Brianna shares her expertise on how she leverages Member Vault to host engaging and effective free challenges, offering valuable insights and practical tips for course creators, coaches, and online business owners. Tune in to discover why Member Vault has become an indispensable tool for Brianna's live events, and learn how she uses its features to create meaningful connections and drive business growth.

Key Topics & Highlights

  • Brianna introduces herself as a holistic health and life coach
  • Discusses her use of MemberVault for hosting live events such as summits and challenges
  • Discusses her preference for using MemberVault for free challenges over email
  • Explains her views on the effectiveness of engagement, growth, and conversion events
  • Highlights the role of MemberVault in hosting videos, questions, and live Q&A sessions for challenges
  • Describes the components of her challenges, including mini training videos, worksheets, live Q&A sessions, and quiz features
  • Discusses the convenience of having all challenge content in one place
  • Highlights the engagement benefits of using the quiz feature in MemberVault
  • Mention plans to integrate her podcast into MemberVault

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Full Episode Transcript

Hey everyone, it is Brianna Wilkerson here back for another episode of Made with MemberVault. I am a holistic health and life coach. I support women in finding peace with food, feeling confident in their bodies again, and developing a healthy lifestyle that's more than about what they weigh. I'm also an essential oils advocate and educator and love supporting women in using them as non-toxic solutions for their health, home, and family.

So in my MemberVault, you will find information on all that actually. And I just love MemberVault I think it's just such a powerful tool for us course creators, for coaches for online business owners to use. And so I have done multiple things in MemberVault. But two of my favorite things to do.

Well, one, the overarching is I love to host live events. And two of the ways I love to do that is through summits and challenges, which are very similar events. It's just some it's tend to be with a ton of other people as guests. And challenges tend to just be with me leading them right, but the users kind of engage in the same way.

And so I did a previous podcast episode on summits. But today I'm talking about challenges, and particularly why I love using MemberVault for free challenges instead of just through email. So early on in my health coaching career, I started to just you know, I did challenges that were something people did, and I love it, I think it's one of the best engagement, well growth, engagement, and conversion events you can ever do.

And I just want you to know, at the time, I didn't even do videos with it, I just did some texts and delivered them through email, which is still a very effective way to do it. But I'm finding that personally, a lot of people love to engage with you as their leader through voice and through video. And text, of course, like they want to space to hear you learn from you, but respond to you. And so MemberVault can do all of that.

Remember, while you can have videos for your challenges, you can have questions that they can answer you can do you know, you can link to a live Q&A call you're doing you can do so much. And so kind of the core ways that I use MemberVault for challenges is. Well, these are some of the elements that I include, I include a little mini-training video just kind of giving people an overall idea of what we're talking about for that day, I typically do five to seven-day challenges, and then a worksheet so they can download it. Either I do this through Google Drive, or sometimes through Canva if I'm doing a whole workbook, and they can download it and print it off or make a digital copy.

But I also recently started doing this. And this has worked really well to increase engagement. Don't just put the questions in the workbook, excuse me also put the questions in MemberVault. Because I find that right after people watch the video, they want to process it. Right. And so they'll just type in their answers. And I'm able to get a lot more data of where they're at and what they're struggling with. And I can reach out to them after that.

So definitely use the quiz feature for your challenges. And just capture that information. Because what I found is that I also use my Facebook group, that's one of my core platforms for growing a community. And a lot of people will join the Facebook group and share it's a really easy platform to do that. But a lot of people aren't on Facebook and are kind of moving away from that or just don't want to have to click that extra step.

So using that quiz feature in MemberVault is just a really great way for them to interact with you right away. Yeah, and I think some of the reasons why I love using it. Let me go on to some of the elements that I do, then I'll tell you a little bit why I love it even more over email. So I do the mini-training video, the questions, and the worksheets, and then I usually do a live Q&A session.

And because I have my Facebook group, I'll typically go live there, and then put the replay in MemberVault for people who couldn't make it live. Now, if you don't have Facebook Live, you don't want to use that you can simply do Zoom. And that actually might be easier, where anyone can click and join that during your live session. And, you know, you can really interact, you really want to engage and interact with your challenge scores as a challenge is happening.

Okay. And so I love putting the Q&A replay there as well. And what's really cool is that I dripped my content. So all that set up, and then I'll drip it out for each day. And also, of course, send an email just to remind them to go to MemberVault and, you know, email serves as a reminder, but I'm not delivering a lot of the content. I'm delivering it through MemberVault. But the emails serve as a reminder.

And then, of course, I mentioned my next steps in there to where, you know, on day seven or day eight, I'll say hey, congrats. Here's your next step. And that's where it's really important to do a video, right? They're just saying like, here's summarizing what you went through. But here is my next offer. I love to do the next step of my offers. Currently, I'm offering one-on-one coaching. So I have a 90-minute intensive and then I have my six-month program and I typically offer the 90-minute intensive as that transitional product right after and so it's just a really great way for people to go book work with you.

And really, if you offer 30-day courses, or what's the next step, you want to make sure you offer it to them right there on right when you're done. And then I typically go live as well to answer more questions and get more people on it. So why use MemberVault over email, email is still a really great option. And if you're just getting started, and you're overwhelmed, maybe that's easy for you to do.

For MemberVault, I mean, between Erin and Mike and the whole team MV, I would love to help you with challenges. And I'm hopefully going to do some more things around that. It's just such a great tool because let me tell you why I prefer it. It's all in one place. So I link all my worksheets, all the questions, and all the videos in one place, the only thing that people have to go to other places for is the Facebook group and the live session.

But hey, if you there's a new feature called Circle, which I'm going to test out soon with challenges and summits, but where you can integrate that and have it all there. So if you do live sessions, which you don't have to, you could still just do simply through zoom and put the zoom link in there. So it's just a one-stop shop. And even if you use the Hello Audio integration feature people, you know, you want people to listen to it, you can have that integrated there as well. I love that I can send them there to sign up.

So I used to send set up, you know, a landing page on my website and all that. But actually, for almost everything now my free and paid resources, I usually send people straight to MemberVault. Why? because when they sign up right there, they can access the welcome video and get dig in right away. It increases their engagement, which is what you want, and anything you're offering to people whether it's free or paid. They can also answer right there, I said that I can see who is engaging. That's very important. Because I felt like my email, you can still open and see how this is received, who opened the email, see who clicked the video.

But it's just so much easier and clearer in MemberVault to actually engage with your users, you can have hundreds of people sign up for your challenge. But if you're not following up with those who specifically engaging, you're really missing out, alright, so that's another reason why I love it there.

And then fifth, I'll summarize these, they can see your other programs and products, which is key. So I've had people sign up for my summit and sign up for my challenges. But then there are other freebies there, which may be, have like a, you know, an email sequence set up, that they'll sign up for, or they'll maybe buy one of my tripwire products, one of my like little journal habits tracker or a free challenge on our pay challenge or something. So you increase exposure to all of your products.

So five reasons I think you should do challenges in MemberVault is simply it's all in one place, you can send them there to sign up, and they can actually engage with the challenge right away. They can answer right there through the quiz questions so you can see who's engaging and you can interact with them, and they can see your other products, right? You know, I'm always evolving the way that I serve my clients through MemberVault. And so again, I'm going to try something like Circle, maybe try Hello audio to really just increase the usage of that.

But let me tell you MemberVault is my go-to, it's you can do so much there. I'm actually also I have all my freebies in there, I have my you know, $27 products, I even have my one-on-one coaching stuff there. And I'm going to soon integrate my podcast into there. So just anything that I offer, basically, they can go there, and then just say follow me on social if you want to see me behind the scenes, right?

So if you have been considering MemberVault, if you're on the fence about the paid version, or just you're not sure how to engage it, just get started, you know, one of the biggest pieces of advice I can offer anyone starting their business is just get started. And then you can fix it up along the way. When I first set up my website when I first set up MemberVault, looking good. And because not all, you know, whatever, whatever.

But over time as I did the work and served more people, I figured out what worked better. So don't let fear or being overwhelmed, hold you back. That's why, you know Erin and Mike have a whole team here to support you and other users. So feel free to reach out if you have any questions about challenges summits, I also in addition to health coaching, I have a business background and my MBA in business.

So even if you're like man, I just want some help. Little bit of business coaching would love to just hop on a business clarity call with you to just help you get unstuck and move forward. And particularly, you know how you can use MemberVault out So reach out if you have any questions, and yeah, reach out in the MemberVault collaborative and I'm hopefully gonna be doing some more stuff in there too, to support you guys in this.

Alright, so yeah, just to summarize, I think you should use you're using MemberVault for your live events such as challenges and summits's five reasons why I love challenges and memorable versus females is simply that he can have it all in one place. Sign you can think You can sign up and engage. You can pick an answer right there. You can see who's engaging and you can pick and see your other products.

Alright. Again, my name is Brianna Wilkerson. I am a health coach. I support women in finding peace with food, feeling confident in their bodies, and developing a healthy lifestyle that's more than what they weigh. Feel free to follow me on Instagram at madewell345 or join my Facebook group and I would love to engage with you. Alright. Have a good one.


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