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Your support system is invaluable

Full Episode Transcript

Hey, hey, Erin Kelly here. So we are wrapping up the week, it has been an exhausting week for me, I hope it has been a more productive week for you. But I can say that I actually still got some very high impact things done because I was focusing on my most important, important mission.

So I still feel like it was a good week, even though it was not, it was not the most productive week, it was not the most fun week. But oh, my gosh, I got sleep last night. And I feel like a different person today. So that is awesome. I'm very grateful for that. And what I what I have been really thinking about this morning that I wanted to end our week on is the importance of having a really good support system.

So that has changed for me over the years that I've been in business. I mean, a support system is important, whether you own your own business or not. But I think it is especially important if you are a solopreneur. Or even if you have a small team, and you are running your own business, because for various reasons, and there is a total tantrum happening outside, I've got like three walls in between me and the tantrum happening. Mike is with her. She's not having a tantrum by herself. But hopefully you can't hear it.

Although I have to say I was Voxing with someone and hearing their kids in the background. It was it's just such a good dose of reality that we're all we parents are all kind of struggling with the same sort of thing, or at least parents that have kids in diapers. So the the support system has, for me has changed over the years. But like I was saying, I think it's really important when you own your own business. And you have you have questions that come up, you have mindset things that come up, you have kind of comfort zone stretchers that you you really want to challenge yourself with.

But sometimes you need an outside opinion, just to help you sort of reframe whether it's the right decision for you. And really only you can ever know that. And I want to be very clear about that. Because I think sometimes people get wrapped up in in a very bossy support system. That, you know, I've I've worked with a lot of clients over the years that have said, You know, I wanted to do this, but my coach told me that that was a bad idea and that I need to do this instead.

And I was like, I don't agree with your coach like you, it's important to follow your own gut. But, you know, it is helpful to have someone to say, you know, are you sure that's a good idea? Are you sure, like you mentioned last month that like you didn't want acts like this kind of feels like it's backsliding? You know, it's it's very valuable to have people that you can trust and also resources. And so, yeah, I wanted to speak to that, because this has been a week where I really need my support system.

So in the past, my support system has looked like other team members, when I was working with a client, you know, it has looked like being a part of a mastermind. I've been a part of several mastermind, like pure, pure and paid masterminds that were very, like high level. So there was like six to eight people in the group, you know, weekly calls all all that jazz. And that's not going to work for me now. Like I, I literally to the depths of my soul did not want to be part of a mastermind. But at the time, like that was that was what I needed. That was really good for me, I learned a lot.

And they were a peer group. And actually, a lot of them are still MemberVault users, they were the original users. And they are still users. And they're still people that I have connections with. So you know, if this is a stage of your business and your life where a mastermind is really attractive, go for it like it's a really great, it's a really great way to connect with people at a deeper level than say, like a membership, which is a lot more kind of surface level. So yeah, so that was a big thing. For me, I was working with a business coach. So I was working with someone one to one.

And that was a part it was part of the mastermind package. It was like a hybrid thing. And that was really, really important too. Because you have that like undivided attention, where someone is holding you accountable. where someone is, again, reminding you like, hey, like last month, you said this, but like you're kind of like this is your kind of sliding back into that bad habit or like, are you sure this is really the great, greatest thing for you, or you need to raise your prices or and again, always check in with your gut.

Like if someone's telling you need to need to do something, make sure that it resonates for you. But it is helpful to have someone push you and bring things up. So that's what you know. And I wrote a bunch of books. And you know, I was listening to podcasts and doing my own podcast and talking to a lot of podcast guests. At that point. I was doing a podcast where I had I interviewed guests. And so yeah, I mean, that was a really great support system for me.

And what it looks like now is you know, I have my own team, the team for MemberVault and they're amazing. And they are just this morning, I have tapped two of our team members to be like, Hey, I remember like eight months ago, we were talking about this thing like, do you remember what we decided? Because like, we kind of fell through the cracks. And I don't remember. And she not only, like, sent me a telegram audio right back being like, Oh yeah, this is what we decided. And then she like linked to the Google Doc that we had created, which is just insanely amazing. If you suffer from mom brain, like I do like that, it was like the biggest gift. And then my other team member, like I was saying, Oh, you know, I have my work sprint today, which is yay exciting and can't wait to have one big like work sprint, every week, I found that that works really well for me.

And so I'm, I'm excited to hit the ground. And I have a bunch of things I want work on, which I'm so glad I got sleep last night because it's like my batteries, at least half full. And I was like, I'm going to be reaching out to these podcast guests. But I forget, like, what we set up because again, life and so other things have taken priority. And so like the, the process that we had set up, like a month or two ago, I don't remember. And so she was like, Oh yeah, here's the link like, this is how we set it up. And so it's just, it's really nice, like, I so so value, not only that they get worked on, when I'm not working or, and or they you know, it's scalable, like they're doing stuff that I'm wouldn't be doing or couldn't be doing, I don't have enough hours in the day. And that that's their zone of genius, I still value them for that.

But I also it's just really nice to have a team that is really excited and passionate about the same things. You know, they're all really invested in MemberVault, and our users and so like, we're always sharing wins and customer feedback. And it's just a really cool group. And then they helped me remember things that we have set up. And it's just really nice, because sometimes my brain is just total mush. So a lot of appreciation for our team right now. They're a huge part of my support system.

And we're going to be growing that team, which is, you know, even as someone that has hired several team members at this point, like it is a very scary stretchy thing, especially because and I think you've probably heard this before, like you hire before you're really ready. It's not like you're like, I've got extra money in the bank, like, you know, this is not a big deal. Like I'm, it's gonna be easy to, to flex and hire this person. Like, if you're at that point, like, it's probably waited too long. Because it takes time to like, onboard someone and you know, you need that help. And it's just amazing how exponential your growth can be when you hire the right people to fill in the right roles.

And so we're going to be hiring another person, it's like, you know, I know, I know, we need them, but just the, the the work of finding the right person is is just kind of like a big hurdle. So if you don't have a team yet, and you're just like, ah, like you're talking about a team, being your support system. And that sounds like a great in the future thing. And but I'm too scared. I'm not ready yet. No, it's just always scary. It's always scary.

And then once they are on the team, and you've on boarded them, and you've kind of found the the groove, that's when you're like, Oh my gosh, how did I live with all this person? But like every hire we have made, I did not feel ready for someone, be sure that I call that out.

And then I have my mindset. And I always feel kind of goofy saying mindset because it sounds like so I don't know, it just doesn't, it doesn't feel like me like that I would have a mindset coach. But really what she does is she she helps me look at things.

She helps me reframe things, she helps me look at things in different way, she helps me deal with the stuff that comes up when I'm pushing past my comfort zone in different areas. She helps me when I'm having a rough week. And so I talked to her, we have three calls a month, and then I have unlimited Voxer access, which sometimes I use really heavily and then sometimes it'll go like a week or two before I use use the Voxer access.

But it has been so so helpful through all of the challenges that I've gone through, both personally as a mom, but then also in my laid growth path as the CEO. And I just like I consider her truly one of the best investments if not the best investment I've ever made in my business, like I can see a direct impact of like, how she has helped me shift my thinking that has allowed me to operate at a higher level and really challenge you know, limiting beliefs and really challenge just the way that I think about things and so that's super, super helpful.

And I think that you know, like I said, back in the day for me I had a business coach. So I think it kind of depends on like where you're at in your business, whether you should invest in a business coach or you should invest in a life coach or mindset coach or whatever. Someone that's helping the way that you're thinking they're not not directly giving you business strategy.

I think it kind of depends on where you're at whether one or the other is a better investment for you. Because usually can't afford to have both. And then that would be like a lot of chatter in your head, I think also working with two different people. So, you know, if you're just starting out, if you're really trying to figure out things with your business and trying to, you know, make sure that it's a viable business and all that stuff, I think it can be really helpful to have a business strategist coach, that can really help you find your perfect business. So again, like not telling you this is the template that you have to follow.

But, you know, this is, like helping you find the thing that feels right to you. And that's working, and giving you advice, because they have experience in the field and like, you know, all and also connecting you with resources and other people that can help you like, that's really valuable with a good business coach. Whereas a mindset coach is more someone that like you word vomit out how you're feeling. And then they challenge that assumption, or they challenge that, that perception, or they give you a different way of looking at it. You know, it's just, I always feel like I just got like an amazing massage after I talked to just like my mindset coach, because I'll come into a call just feeling super funky and like to kind of toxic, and then I just like the it out. And I end up feeling like so much more clear.

And, like I have, I mean, they're really excited about the thing that I'm going to do, or I have a clear action plan. And so that has been really valuable for me, whereas I would not want to work with a business coach, because you know, I think that when you are at a point where you are really, you know, what you want to do with your business, a business coach and actually kind of end up confusing you because they give you other options, and you're like, oh, maybe I should do that, like, you know, it gives you too much noise. Whereas you, when you're at a certain level of your business, getting a mindset coach is actually better, because they can help clarify what you already know to be true. So that has been really good.

And I also I've still read a ton of books. I kind of like in the middle of I don't feel like I have a great pack of podcast shows that I'm listening to but I'm auditioning quite a few. And yeah, I love podcasts for giving me different perspectives, I suppose this is sort of the taste of like, what a business coach would do, because I can listen to podcasts about like other SaaS companies and get insights that made me think about how I would want to, like, possibly apply that or, oh, that's something that we also have gone through, like, that's interesting that that's what their perspective was, like, it's given me a different way of looking at things.

But I have to say like most of the SAS podcasts are very male driven. And sometimes I want to hear a CEO and especially moms perspective, you know. So I'm still kind of like auditioning a bunch of different podcasts to find ones that I really, really, really are like, my go to. Meditative Story is a fantastic podcast is not business oriented, but is a really great chill podcast, if you're looking for something to help balance you out, I got Mike hooked on it too. And it's just, I would pay for it. Like, it's so good. I always I always feel so much more balanced after I listened to it. So, so yeah, so that's, you know, that's the big thing.

And then the thing that I feel like I'm missing, and it's probably because, you know, I had this when I was in the mastermind, where I had these really close peer relationships. I feel like, you know, as an introvert, I had to be so careful that I have kind of isolated myself a little bit from my peers. And so I'm trying to find a new, a new way of interacting with a few people. And I really want this as I was talking with my coach about like, I really want someone that is looking for the same things as me in terms of not wanting to hustle all the time, like wanting to spend a lot of time with my kids. And, and also work like best of both worlds. And so I really would love to find, you know, one or two, maybe three women that I could really connect with that are going through the same things that have kind of the same goals that want to talk about business strategy, but they also want to talk about like sensory bends.

So that's sort of the hole that I that I still see in my in my support system is that I don't really have I don't have a lot of that because I've been so intentional of like making sure that I'm not spreading my energy too thin that I have, you know, isolated me myself in certain ways and I think this is just really difficult. I think it's true for a lot of people right now with with Coronavirus is like we're not getting out very much. And you know, our kids don't they don't go to daycare and we don't belong to a church and like there's just really not any way to like bump into people.

I don't spend I'm on Facebook anymore, which I've mentioned before, you know, other than our, in our community, and so I'm not like, you know, interacting with peers, I'm not on social media, I am not in a mastermind. And so it's like, okay, like, how, how do you connect with those people, right. So that sort of the, the my two support system challenges is one, I know we have a new hire that we need to make, that's going to be focusing on like, revenue Ops, slash, like user success, and finding that person, and then, like, Mom CEO friends, that I can, that I can Vox with, that want to talk about their kids and their businesses. So that's sort of like, those are the two gaps that I have. So I do not have it all figured out. But the people that I really, really treasure that are so so important, and like instrumental in like, keeping me balanced and running, the best that I can be, is definitely our support, or our MemberVault team. Right now. And also my my mindset coach, those those people like make a huge, huge difference. So if you are listening to this, and you like, immediately are like, I know who my support system is, like, awesome. And then think about like, where do you wish that you had a little bit more support.

And if you're like, I don't have any support system, then I think it's really, really valuable. And it's worth the time or money that it takes to build that support system, whether it's your first VA, to help outsource maybe your email management or help you out with with customer service, or social media engagement, or just do the things that you don't really want to do. That can be a little bit more invested in your business. Like that's amazing.

First step, joining a mastermind can be a really great first step. You know, I don't have any advice for my holes, because clearly I'm, I'm struggling with them myself. You know, it's expanding our bubble for hiring team members is, is definitely stretching for me. And then, you know, again, like I said, it's like, it's hard because for me to connect with other moms and CEOs, because I'm just not on social media much anymore. So yeah, so working out my action plan for that. But yeah, support system is super valuable and worth the time and energy to to start to build it and to have people that you can reach out to that can support you that can give you answers if you forget the link that you're supposed to share, etc, is just incredibly powerful.

So this is a longer episode than normal, but something that I just really wanted to speak to. And I hope you have a wonderful weekend. Tomorrow I will be showing up on the Vault podcast to talk about our upcoming feature this landing on Sunday, the hot lead feature which I've been waiting for for a while so I'm really excited as an email marketing geek. So I'll be over over there tomorrow. But then I'll be back on Monday to talk more mom, SEO strategy, who knows what will come up, but I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

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