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Donā€™t underestimate the wow-factor for brand building and customer loyalty

Full Episode Transcript

Hey, Erin Kelly here. So Happy Monday, I am happy to say that I have gotten more sleep. So I feel a little bit more chipper. And had, I'm having a hard time actually deciding what to talk about today because there's a couple of things that I wanted to talk about. But I think I'm just gonna like touch on one or two things, and then we'll we'll dive into something a little bit deeper.

So first thing is I did an episode over on the Vault Podcast, which is the the main MemberVault podcast. And I did it last Friday, about the the feature that we launched this or that we push this weekend for hot leads. And so if you are wanting to increase your sales, if you're wanting to get a little bit more fancy with how you are nurturing people that are hot leads, which means that they are looking at your MemberVault product that you don't have access to, over multiple days, they become a Hot Lead.

So there's a couple of different ways that you can do it. And I talked about that more in the podcast episode. So if that's something that's interesting to you definitely go check that out.

The other thing that is definitely increasing an interest, again, is podcasting. I feel like I've seen people talking about that so much in the Collaborative and also in our Maximize Community. And as someone that has done six podcasts at this point, with a varying amount or types of formats. I have a lot of thoughts around that.

And so we're actually we're putting together a revamped podcast resource that is going to talk about the different points of like I've done one where it was like asynchronous interviews with other people that I use Voxer for. And that worked really well. This one in particular is I just recorded right into Anchor, I don't use a microphone. And what I wanted to say today is normally I am in my closet when I do these Daily Hive Mind episodes.

Today I am in my car, because this morning was a little chaotic. And I didn't get my episode recorded earlier, which means that my house is very noisy right now. And so I'm in my car. And I happen to have my air pods and which in the past I've learned is not necessarily the best acoustics. So but I, I don't know if you have problems with your Bluetooth like checking in and out. But I was worried that if I didn't do that, that and I don't have the case. But if I just had my air pods loose, that I'd be in the middle of recording this, and they would like try and reconnect. And so I am I'm totally flying with the done is better than perfect and using my air pods today.

So if you are interested in doing the podcast without doing your own podcast, I should say without a microphone and you're curious about the sound quality between using air pods or Bluetooth headset versus just doing it right into your phone. You can listen to any of the previous episodes that I've done this season versus this one and get to hear a different sound quality obviously like there's also the the difference of doing it in your car versus your closet. But those are the two places by the way that I recommend for podcasting is is your closet because the clothes are great acoustics. They really like muffle the the echo. And then the car actually works pretty well to definitely please do it in a parked car not at not driving. So those have always been my go twos for for podcasting.

So those are my two topics I just wanted to like kind of glance on and just know that that we're working on the resource. I don't have a link to share with you yet. But I will probably share it tomorrow, if not the next day, because it's almost ready to let you sign up for the kind of early access content. It's also where we're going to be putting teaser modules for all of our transcripts for all of our podcasts. I'm pretty excited about that. So I'll definitely be talking to that more this week. But the thing that I wanted to dive in a little bit deeper on today is I'm not under estimating the wow factor of going above and beyond.

So I have been trying to find a new breakfast bar because I like having a little something with my coffee and I want it to be gluten free and I want it to be high protein and low sugar. I don't follow like the keto paleo diets but both because of pregnancy and just what makes me feel better those those are kind of my like guidelines I don't like super sweet things. Gluten free makes me feel better and high protein like keeps you going longer. And so I was trying to find some new things to you know, to test out and I stumbled onto the bulletproof bars which I don't know if you are familiar with that, but it's like a very well known, kind of like paleo, and then they also liked it and it has become a business brand and they have like coffee and they also you know it's definitely patterned after the the famous bulletproof coffee, which I tried back in the day, and I was not a fan, which if you are, everybody's different, but like, I thought it was so gross. I couldn't do it.

But, you know, I thought, hey, let me let me try these these bars because they they do have so many of the benefits that I'm looking for. And I happened to look on Amazon because I wanted to see what reviews there were like, you know, is this is this is disgusting bar, or is it something that I might want to try. And all the recent reviews, kind of like bounced between like five stars and one stars, which is always an interesting always makes me go like what's going on here. And to the one star where people saying this is disgusting, this thing tasted rancid, like I will never buy this from this company again, like stay away like bla, bla, bla and those usually. And that's all a product has like if they just have one stars. You better bet people are not gonna buy from you.

But then the five star reviews were, oh my god, I just bought this from this company. And also not just like I bought this like a, you know, a month or so ago. And I got a box from them. And I was like, wait, what is they like, quoting a specific area here, she's like, did I sign up for an auto ship, and she's like, got all like mad. And then she opened it. And it was a apology letter from the company saying, we know our last batch was not up to our normal standards. And so we wanted to be preemptively send all of our customers that bought that batch, a replacement box of bars. Plus, they also included their bulletproof coffee, coffee beans.

And I was into Of course, like, so all the five star reviews where people were blown away by this gesture from this company. It's like, I was talking to Mike about it. And if you don't know, Mike's my husband and the co founder of MemberVault. He's our CTO and everything. And so we talk about business stuff, like all the time, and I was talking about it this morning. And I was like, you know, as soon as I saw that I wanted to support that company, he's like, That's so cool. And you know, that was a significant expense for the company. And if you're not running a customer centric company, you'd be like, well, like, they'll, they'll buy another one or like if they if they don't give us like cut us some slack, then, you know, we don't want them anyway, it's not worth the expense, like, you know, how many of these people are going to buy again, you know, all of those like kind of thought processes.

And the thing that I thought is so important for for all of us running online businesses is not so much that we're going to be sending packages of product, and I'm glad that I don't. That's even more expense, right. And just like thinking about manufacturing, and warehousing and like quality control, and all that stuff is just like not a business that I want to be a part of, but for online business, thinking about how the ripple effect of going above and beyond, can make such a huge difference for your business.

Because all of these people, even though they had a bad experience with these bars, which are not cheap, in the realm of breakfast bars, you know, they were like blown away loyal customer shouting it from the rooftop, you know. And so what could have been potentially kind of a business killer, like not necessarily because they are a pretty large business.

But I mean, I assume that Amazon is a pretty large percentage of their revenue. And all those one star reviews would have tanked their purchases. And so by doing that, which was a significant outlay for them, they were able to counter the effect with these rave reviews, and really standing out as this amazing company. And so it just, I wanted to speak to that, because I feel like you know, we, we get rave reviews, about our customer service where we go above and beyond. And, you know, we're always kind of tweaking and optimizing and all that stuff, because we are still running a business. And I recommend that for you as well. Like make sure that you're not going above and beyond that you're not actually making any money. But we choose to do that and our customer services, a significant amount of money every month.

And it's worth it to us because it's the kind of company that we want to run. And because people are so blown away. I mean, we have we actually people that come into our user community on Facebook, and they are asking about other tools. Like I know, this isn't really like the right place to do it. But I love this community so much. That, you know, I I wanted to ask about such and such tool because they have really terrible customer service or whatever.

And that happens in our chat support too. And obviously, like, we can only do so much there. Like we're not going to be troubleshooting for other tools. We only troubleshoot, you know the points that that connect with MemberVault. But that's just an example of, you know, people come to us as the first contact because our customer service is so awesome. And we really, we really try to do that, like we put a lot of energy in there. And we put a lot of investment into that. And so I wanted to bring up the the Wow, were they going above and beyond and recognizing that it can have a ripple effects far beyond that of what you immediately are addressing. And it can create a lot of brand loyalty, it can really stand, set your brand apart.

And so to just to get your kind of thinking cap on of like, okay, like, how can I just go like above and beyond for my customers right now. And just one point of contact, like, I'm not saying, like, keep doing it. But what is going to make them just like, Whoa, so so and so is like blowing me away. And so that could be I also heard that from our I showed up pretty much every day in February inside of our Maximize Community, which is for our paid users and gave support. And I actually really enjoyed doing it because I like working with our users. So it wasn't a pain point. But it certainly was an investment of time that I couldn't put elsewhere. And people were just like, Oh my gosh, like this is like this is huge. Like this is amazing. Like I this is why I love MemberVault.

And so be thinking about that today, like, how can you show up for your customers with a short burst that really set like sets you out from these other businesses. And it will not only impact the people that are paying you right now. But it will impact everyone that they talk about. And people will talk about either negative experiences, or really incredible experiences.

And so you want them talking about the incredible experience is not the negative ones. And so yeah, it's just I guess that's like, the best way to wrap this up is, you know, and even in dealing with with negative things is like, Okay, how can you do it in such a way that it becomes a wow, earthy experience for this person, instead of another drudgery like negative experience. And so, yeah, food for thought. And I will be checking in.

Again, like I said tomorrow, or maybe the next day in terms of this podcast product. So if you're if you have a podcast, and you're kind of wanting to change it up, or if you're wondering like how to transcripts or how we're doing transcripts, and like all that good stuff. Or if you're thinking about doing a podcast, this is definitely going to be the resource for you.

So I'll be sharing more this week on how to sign up and what's going to be included and all that good stuff. And then if you are wanting to test out the hot leads feature that landed that we pushed this weekend, definitely go over to the Vault Podcast and get the most recent episode. Listen, because it'll get you thinking about all kinds of cool things that you can do.


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