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Order bump? Tripwire? Does it really matter what label you use?

Full Episode Transcript

Hey, hey, Erin Kelly here. So yesterday, I said that I might be sharing more information about the podcast resource. Yeah, that's gonna happen tomorrow. Because I'm gonna be working on the automated email and everything this afternoon during my work sprint time, so I was like, should I try and hustle it this morning? So I have a link for, for when I record the podcast, or should I wait, I went with wait. So we'll talk about that tomorrow.

But today I saw in our user community, the the collaborative on Facebook, a really interesting discussion. So someone was celebrating that she had done a tripwire in her MemberVault. And, and before I let go into it, she was like, I'm not sure if this is the right term. And so it was, it was really interesting to see what happened in the comments.

But basically, what she did is she had a $10 product that somebody bought. And then on the thank you page, she had a coupon code for one of her other products, which was like $97. And so the person bought the $10 product, and then took advantage of the coupon code, and also purchased the higher dollar product. So she was really excited. And she was like, Oh my gosh, like I'm going to update like all my thank you pages now like this is so exciting.

And, and at the bottom of the posts, she was like, I don't know if this is, you know, these are the right terms, but like, um, it was an order bomb visited a tripwire. And it was really interesting because like, obviously, people are celebrating in the comments, because that's the the energy of the Collaborative is people are super positive and cheer each other on. So there's a lot of like, Yay, like, Oh, you This is so awesome. And then there's a lot of like, how do I do this?

Of course, because we were like, Oh my gosh, like, this sounds magical. And then there's some marketing geek people like myself that are like, Whoa, like, that's not really a tripwire, like, that's not really a blah, blah, blah. And she actually and it was really funny, because when I pulled. So I've mentioned before, I don't have Facebook on my phone, and I don't do computer work in the morning. And so what I usually do, as part of my morning routine, is I check in with our team, I journal or I do a move my body kind of thing, like I do a bike ride, or I do yoga or something. And then I also if I have time, before I have to do the podcast and then go down for breakfast and everything. With kids, it's like there's a very set container.

And so I know when I'm about to run out of time, so sometimes I don't do this. But a lot of times, what I'll do is I'll pop into Facebook using my phone, and I just open it in a browser window. And the reason I do this is I've noticed that because the browser view of on phone on mobile is more janky. Like it's not as user friendly as the app or going on your laptop or your iPad to Facebook, actually, I don't know if it's better on iPad, it might be the same.

But definitely on mobile, if you go in your browser, the user experience is not that great, it's very glitchy, but it keeps you from falling into scroll ease. And so that is how I hack it. So I can basically check my notifications. I can't do messages. So I actually very rarely check my Facebook messages. And yeah, it just it really helps me not fall into the Facebook squirrel trap. So that's what I do.

And so if you're looking for a solution, just know that that has worked really well for me. And it is, you know, there's there's a limitations there, which is part of what keeps it from being easy to fall into the scroll and, and so occasionally I'll be like, oh, maybe I should put the app back on my phone. But then I'm like and use the screen time limiter on it. I've done that in the past and like it's totally a slippery slope. So. So that's how I do that.

Anyway, so this morning, I actually had a little bit of time. So I went on Facebook. And so that's how I saw this post because it was like the first thing on my Facebook feed. And it was really funny because the the comment that was surface because like it collapses the there were so many comments that it collapsed it so it was the post and then like a comment. And the comment was from Mike, which again like he's the co founder of MemberVault, husband, CTO like and he is to say that he's a punk about marketing terms is like putting it very lightly. And I laugh at him because I'm I'm a marketing geek.

I mean, I have a communications and business major. I worked in PR like I mean I love I love all the geek stuff right like that's that's something that I love reading about. But he doesn't and so like he's you he can get into a big tizzy about like funnels and all this stuff. And he used to do a lot of he's an extra and so he's do a lot of podcasts, basically being like the the speaker for the voice of MemberVault, but he would get on these like more business oriented podcasts and like be ranting about funnels. And I'm like, you need to watch yourself friend, because that is not the opinion of MemberVault. That's your opinion.

So it's really funny because and I'm a total I'm a punk about tech stuff. So we basically, you know, give each other crap for the things that we're like really passionate about. So, yeah, but his comment was like, I don't care what the right term is. He was like, what's this is like, just awesome. Like, it doesn't matter what term you use, like, this is awesome that you served your customer. And I honestly, I laughed, and I screenshot it. And I like, sent it to him on telegram chat.

And I was like, this is such a like, great encapsulation of your opinion about marketing terms. And, yeah, but I mean, in short, I do I do actually agree with them. I love using the lingo, but at the same time, like, I think it's very easy to get caught up in labels and terms and like, oh, should I do this? Or should I do this? What's this? Is this really what you know, like, to the point where you don't do the thing, or you are so nervous that you're doing it wrong? That it kind of short circuits, your brain and you stop having fun with it? Because you feel like there's a right or wrong answer.

And so I really appreciate Mike's response there just because I do think that that that ultimately is what matters. Like are you serving your people? Are you making the buying experience fun for them? Are you are you increasing your bottom line at the same time, like that's what matters, and who cares what label applies to the thing. And it is interesting, because while both of the marketing geeks that commented on this thread, agreed what an order bump is they kind of disagreed on what a tripwire is, and, and then it was, and then I appreciate it cuz she actually tagged me and she was like, Erin, what would you call this? And I was like, yeah, that's that's a really interesting question.

And so I actually I did a quick Google because I like to always check my assumptions. Before before, I'm like a voice of reason on these things. Because I'm like, Well, I could be wrong, too. Like I could be going off of like outdated information, or because someone way back when told me that a tripwire was this, but actually, like, it's very common knowledge that it's this other thing, right? So I Googled it. And one of my favorite blogs is Crazy Egg like, I feel like they always have really great resources for marketing. And so they had a really great breakdown of like, what tripwires are. And, you know, they they even were like, well, it's kind of like two different, it could be like two different things.

And so the scenarios that they gave, were, you know, that you have, the intention is that you have a low low cost offer, which is also sometimes called like a lost leader, like, you're not going to really make a lot of money off of it, but it's leading people in for your higher dollar offers.

And so, you, let's say in the example that they have a like, you have like a $900 course, it's like this mega course. But then you take like a little pinch of that off, and you create something that's like, I forget what dollar amount they did, but it's you know, something like $20 or $97, or something like that. So that people can get tasted that bigger course, and can get some results. And then go ahead and you know, then go and buy the bigger course.

And so you can give them a little discount or whatever. And so that was their first example of what a tripwire is, and that's my understanding of what a tripwire is, is that you are giving someone something low cost with the intention of leading them into your higher higher dollar offerings, you're giving them a little a little low friction result so that they feel more comfortable and interested in buying the bigger thing.

So that's how I've always looked at tripwires. And it's less about, like, where it's positioned. Because that was one of the things I forget both people said this, but in the comments, but it was like, oh, it always comes from the thank you page. And it only comes after free things I'm like, this is where you start getting a little too precious, in my opinion with with marketing. Because it's like, it's more to me, the important thing is like what's the intention of what you're doing? And so I like that crazy I brought out that was like, the intention is that you are taking something low cost with the intention of leading them into something that is higher dollar, right. So period, like it wasn't like you have to do it here. And then only it's only if it looks like this and you know, it's that's the intention, right.

And then the other example that they gave for tripwire marketing was if let's say you have a membership, like a $30 a month membership or something and someone is a member for six months and then they cancel that sending them an email with a like can't miss offer which is like so sorry to see you go and you'll see this with like, I've seen this Netflix does this like Hulu does this like if you try and cancel.

A lot of subscription services will say like they have a very refined cancellation process and it'll be like, Oh no, like we don't we don't want you to leave like here's here's a special offer for your first month. Like for next month like, and this is this is really smart because like maybe people are canceling for financial reasons, but they don't really want to cancel. And so if you drop it down to like $5 a month for the next month, you're giving them a little breathing room. So that is that was their other example is like, okay you give them like a campus offer of $5 for their next month instead of canceling or like, you know, come back for $5 for your first month and then and then it'll go back to $30.

So that was their two examples of tripwire I completely agree with it. And I like that it's it's less specific than what was happening in the comments of the Collaborative post. Because it's not so much about like, where and this is my opinion, obviously, because, clearly, clearly, people have different opinions about what a tripwire is, which is why I'm like, don't get stuck on that. It doesn't matter. Like, think about your intention, like your intention is to give a low friction option to your audience, with the intention of leading them into higher dollar investments with you, right.

And then the order bump thing. I mean, that's, that's a little bit more, you know, both of the people agreed with what an order implies I agree with that, too. And then it wasn't a crazy, I actually forget which I think it was like the click with like, it was like CLIKK or something like that, that I googled what is a what is an, I think I just did order bump marketing, right. And it was the the important pieces that it happens before the person checks out.

So  I'm sure you've seen this in, in purchasing things online, where it's like, you're in the checkout page. And it's like, cool, you're buying this thing, before you finish checking out like this other thing is a great compliment, or recommended item or whatever. And here's a special price for it that like this is the only time you can get that price. So that's an order bump. And those are really, really great.

And we will eventually have that as an option in MemberVault. We don't have that yet, as part of the checkout process, but is definitely a really great way for marketing people, they're like it to group and funnel people out there. Like it's a great way to increase your ROI and like conversions and everything, and your lifetime value. And I'm like, Yes, all those things.

But also it can be very customer centric, because you can do special offers that you wouldn't necessarily want to offer. publicly, like it's not, it's not a good enough deal for you to do it like as a one off purchase. But it is a good deal if you're layering it on to, you know, something that someone else is like already purchasing, because they can only get it if they check out with this other product. Right? So that's an order bump. And I think those are fantastic. I think they're great. And that's why I laugh at Mike cuz I'm like, actually, no order bumps are pretty awesome. And he's like, they're stupid. I'm like, no, they're not.

So this is that's a little peek into business conversations around here at MemberVault headquarters. But yeah, I wanted to speak to that. Because I think that, especially when you're new to business or new to online business, you can get caught up in the social media frenzy, the Facebook group frenzy of like, only do it this way, and it has to be this way and make sure you use the right label.

And if you don't, then you're gonna feel really stupid and like you're doing it wrong. And that's just not how we that's not how we roll at MemberVault. It's more about like, Okay, how are you serving your people? And Isn't it awesome that you did that thing? Like, I don't care what label you use. So I wanted to share that. Both because I think it's fun to talk about things like trip buyers and order bumps and upsells and all of that good stuff.

And also because I think it's an important reminder, because even I was like, ooh, I don't know, am I do I know the wrong definition for a tripwire? And I'm like, this is so goofy, like, Who cares? And that's what I told her. I was like, you did an awesome thing, like this person, obviously was enjoying the checkout process, and was excited to buy the thing with you. You just did some sort of selling like, that's what matters.

So that's my thoughts on that's my little nutshell thoughts on that. And tomorrow, I will be back. And I will share how to sign up for the podcast resource that we're doing. And this is again, you know, it's perfect. Whether you are considering launching a podcast, and you kind of been like, oh, like, I don't know, is it gonna be a good ROI? Like, is it? How should I do it? What do I need? Or if you're, you've been doing a podcast, and you're kind of wanting to shake it up, maybe change how you're doing it. Or if you're curious how we do transcripts, how we're, we're going to actually be putting transcripts in on a MemberVault product, and it will be on this actual product.

So if you want to see how that works and like how we do transcripts, like that's going to be included. So I will share the link to sign up tomorrow. And yeah, I'm curious if you have thoughts on the whole marketing lingo, or anything that I shared on this podcast episode. If you're listening on Anchor, I'd love to hear from you with a voice message or you can just send me an email, erin@membervault.co


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