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Blog Gabby Grimaldo on Setting Boundaries and Growing Your Membership Revenue

Gabby Grimaldo on Setting Boundaries and Growing Your Membership Revenue


Introducing our Recurring Revenue Summit speaker, Gabby Grimaldo! She helps membership owners boost retention and increase engagement so that they can grow their recurring revenue.

She’ll be sharing the 13 tactics to increase engagement in your membership during the summit so if this sounds right up your alley, stay tuned! First, let’s find out her take on what makes for a successful recurring revenue offer 🙌


What is a recurring revenue offer you've tried in the past (or currently) that you really didn't like? Why?

Monthly (or whatever frequency) retainers. This was in my first business when I was in the course creation niche. Because I was a bit of a newb, I didn't really outline my boundaries and so I would have clients that would just pile on the work. I guess I would do it again - but with some firm expectations in place.

In your opinion, what is the biggest element for success with the type of recurring revenue offer/deep dive you shared in your session?

Set. Your. Boundaries. And keep them. I know my session is all about increasing engagement in your membership, but if you start adding "stuff" to your membership and you start to blur the lines of where you end and your membership begins - you're gonna burn out. I've seen sooo many people just shut down memberships because they didn't have this in place.

What's an "oops!" that has happened during creating and/or running your recurring revenue offer(s)?

Back in my early days when I didn't quite have email marketing software figured out, I kept accidentally adding a tag that showed MY name instead of the contact's name.

So anytime I sent an email, instead of it saying "Hey [NAME]", it would say "Hey Gabby" in every. single. email. It happened like 5 times before someone pointed it out 🫠.

What do you wish your current tool, whether it's MemberVault or something else, had to help you with your recurring revenue offer?

I really do wish the analytics were better. I want to see last time members logged in, when they joined, how active they are in the community... all of this helps inform the strategies you need to put in place to keep a community active.

What tool do you currently use to deliver your offers, ie MemberVault, Teachable, etc? What do you like best? What things frustrate you, overall?

I use Heartbeat for community and Gold Star (Go High Level) for standalone courses. I love Heartbeat because it's communities and courses all in one. Like I mentioned before, I do wish the analytics were a bit better. With Gold Star, I wish I could upload captions! It means my courses are not as accessible :(

How would you describe MemberVault to someone who has never heard of it?

I would say it's a platform where you can sell digital products, courses, memberships and other offers. It's also got some perks like tools for gamification and personalization.


🎁 Extra Goodies for You!

13 Power-Packed Tactics to Increase Membership Engagement

Is your membership community feeling a little half-hearted💔??

In this guide, you'll get 13 power-packed, move the needle tactics that have been tried and tested by me and my clients. These tactics will:

⚡Transform passive members into engaged advocates
⚡ Boost your retention and revenue
⚡ Keep you ahead of the curve of your competitors

Sign up here. 


Want to get in touch or learn more about Gabby? Check out the links below!

Visit Gabby's website here.

Looking for a way to work with Gabby? Explore your options below:

⚡️ Membership Momentum: Gabby will do a deep dive assessment of your membership to see what could be impacting your retention and engagement. You'll receive a report that outlines which areas need improvement and she'll give you actionable strategies to implement over the next 30-90 days to fix the issues. You can either DIY your implementation or she can stick around and help you see it through.

Connect with Gabby here:
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