Blog User Spotlight: How Therese Prentice uses MV

User Spotlight: How Therese Prentice uses MV


"I've never, ever, ever purchased a lifetime. Anything, No product.
I've never purchased anything lifetime, but I purchased membervault."

In this interview with Therese Prentice from 'Eclectic Soul Collective' we discuss how she uses MV. This is a jam packed episode of goodness and worth the whole watch.

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Remi Oduyemi
Hello, welcome to another user spotlight with me, Remi from team M V. I am a user successfully that limbo vault, and I get this opportunity to interview our lovely paying members of member vault, to find out and get a bit more behind the scenes about what they're doing in their business and how they're using member vault. And hopefully to give you guys some inspiration and some ideas about things that you can do in side of your member vault. So this week I am joined by Therese. How are you? 

Therese Prentice
I'm well I'm well,

Remi Oduyemi
It's lovely to have you thank you for taking the time to be with us today. Can you tell us how long have you been using member vault?

Therese Prentice
I really think I'd be using member vault probably about three years, because it's going on three years. Like I'm approaching my three years is a solid tube, but I'm approaching the 3m or of using it. It there's been such a, it's been a while. I love membervault.

Remi Oduyemi
Was you using any other platforms before? Was this your first business platform?

Therese Prentice
Oh, no, no, no, no. I've tried them all. I was on, I was with Kajabi. I, you know, I've been with different platforms, but you know, I landed with membervault men, you know, I'm, I'm, I'm excited. I'm excited to use it. I use it all the time. My clients love it. So I just stick with it. I'm the one I'm kind of the one that sticks, sticks and stays with things.

Remi Oduyemi

Yeah, that's brilliant to hear. And who do you mostly work with? Who's your ideal client that you work with?

Therese Prentice
My ideal client is an aspiring or expiring herbalists and, or an even those that are seasoned herbalists are people that I work with too, you know, because they come to me and they lack confidence. They may have taken classes, they're healers, they're people that want to incorporate herbs into a business more so. And there's some people that come, they just want to learn about herbs. So they come, they take a course with me and they, you know, then they go on, but those that want to build a business, they stay around so that can help them build that business.

Remi Oduyemi
That's awesome. And how do you mostly work with these people? Is it one-to-one you do? small groups or memberships? how's your business setup remember about?

Therese Prentice
Well, my, my business starts with a course called urbalism in a weekend. So we start with that. And then from there they're invited into a membership. So all the content, like for herbalism in a weekend, that's set up in membervault. Then from there we have they can move into the membership. All the content is in membervault. And then from there we have a mastermind, you get invited, it's a mastermind, a higher level, but you get invited from the membership to the mastermind based on, you know, where you are in your business. Have you implemented your systems? You know, we were very, I'm very systems driven. I come from an operations background and so systems allows you to run your business from the front base of your phone. So that is kind of the process. And then I do VIP day clients. So I use member vault in addition for them to house their, you know, the zoom recordings, any handouts, any questionnaires I use member vault for that as well. So, you know, the one thing that I love is that everyone has a portal and as you grow and go through my, you know, my Ascension ladder, Or through the funnel, whichever term you want to use, everything can, you can see your growth, everything that you use, everything that you've purchased from me is all in that one hub. And, you know, it's just like checkbox. If you want to give somebody that is product, you know, you only upload it once and you can just, you know, an assistant can just go in and go check that box and you can give them access. So that's what I love about it, you know, and that's how we used it. And then, because they are using it as their part of their experience with me and my company, it's easy for me to get them to use it because they already know how to use it. Yeah. Right. So it's just, it's just, it's just a great segue into, oh, okay. Now you have your business. They've already used the tool. So it's just natural for them to use, buy that tool for themselves as well.

Remi Oduyemi
I love it. I love it. I love how you're using it as a single print in everything.

Therese Prentice
And it's like you say, there's the Ascension ladder so people can move through and it's easy. It's an easy transition. Remember vault to just add people to the next step of the, of the rung of the ladder and to keep them moving. My friend bees are in here too. I have two freebies. So the people, so they're, it's beer, they're experiencing member vault from any interaction that they have with me. Right. So to get the freebie there, a membervault everything else that they do now, they don't need to learn how to use a, yet something else. They just continue on with the experience. And I really will tell you, we don't get customer service issues. Yeah. Oh, that's brilliant. So it cuts down on the customer service issues. Right? My team, they learn how to use it because I have an online business manager that does all of the videos and training of the team. So she just made one video and I just show up as a talent. I just show up, do what I have to do. And She knows what she needs to do and the clients have what they need in their portal. And I just said, go to the portal, go to the portal. And they know portal is membervault.

Remi Oduyemi
Oh, I, I love that. And I love that you talk about systems as well. Cause I, I I'm, you know, I'm very systems driven as well.

Therese Prentice
And it's so important that that there are systems in place because it allows you as a business owner also to be able to just show up as the talent, you don't have to be doing all of the kind of drudgery on a day-to-day basis, which a lot of business owners still do because they don't have systems in place. And if you don't have systems and it's hard to hire people and bring people in to help you to make your life easier. So yeah, no, you're, you're, you're speaking my love language there. And what tech tools do you use alongside to support your, your member vault account? I'm a techie. So I, you know, my claim to fame is I wake up when I'm done sleeping and I run my business from the proper face in my phone. Yeah. Right. So that's my claim to fame because you, you know, I, I had to create tools that could also be on my phone. Right. And so I use active campaign on the backend of member vault and I used, what else do I use? I don't use a whole lot of things. And I also use mighty network. I use mighty network because I'm very much into community. I, we need somewhere for people to go and for people to ask questions and for them to meet each other and connect with each other. Because I, what I teach is that you you're, you have a whole supportive community here, not just me and my team, but there's other talent and a wealth of knowledge within the community at large. And so we use member, we use member vault as our front based active campaign to run all of our emails and our automation. So if we teach a class and is automation attached to it, so that they're able to receive updates times to be places, zoom links, remind them that to log into where to go to login, to get their information or updates or replays and things like that. So we do that on the back end. We also use it I use a free camp as my CR not CRM, but more of our project management tool. It's, I love it. It's easy. It's easy to keep track of. And so we use that on the back end as well, but I don't, and I'm, I started using now Zapier, so that we, we now can have real cohesion between mighty network membervault and and active campaign because I tell people there's levels to this. So the biggest piece that you do in the beginning is to connect that active campaign because you have that robust interaction and can follow up and an automation on the backend for your clients. And then we're now just adding in the Zapier connection. I also liked some of the things I love is that so much automation is available when you have that integration between member vault and all the other inactive campaign and the other pieces, right? The web hooks and things like that you learned about on the back end. But I liked that because it's easy because I work with healers and healers are not necessarily techies. They run away. So I always have to find really simple solution. So I almost feel like I'm training them from the freebie on the tools that I'm going to use with them within their business. So it's almost like I sourced them, they're getting to use them. So when I recommend them on the back end, when we were building out their business, it's just a natural, they're like, oh, that's what you use. Oh, that's the name of it. Oh, okay, great. So there's no resistance. They just kind of move. And then they already know that I know how to use it because they've been using it to entire customer journey with me. Right. And so their whole journey, if they got a freebie, they were in membervault that they took the class, they were membervault. So they already know, and they're already kind of sold on the process. Now they have a name to attach to the process. So it's been just like a smooth, really small transition and interaction. I don't have customer service. I don't do customer service. It, we don't get customer service questions Just don't need it Because it works. And, you know, it's just like, okay, you always support them. You just tell them where it is, but you have to tell people where it is. And then I love the customization, you know, that we can have with the buttons. We can write what we want it to say. So it kind of aligns with our own vernacular within our communities. Right. So this way it looks and feels like an extension of me. Like, that's what I love and your brands and all of that, you know what I mean? So no two, no two memorables look alike, Look alike. You don't even know that you're there sometimes like yeah. Things that you can customize and make and use with it, for your school, for you and your random and whatever you're building.

Remi Oduyemi
Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, no, I hear you on all of that. And you mentioned mighty networks. Are you looking forward to the member vault community features that are soon going to be rolling out?

Therese Prentice
I'm open, I'm open. I'm open I'm here. Listen, I'll say this. I've never, ever, ever purchased a lifetime. Anything, No product. Have I purchase a lifetime and I've been out here since 1994, online working since 1994. Right. I've never purchased anything lifetime, but I purchased membervault. Lifetime is so good too. It took a year and a half ago. So that suggests say to you that I'm sticking in saying, okay, today I never bought anything lifetime. Okay. And, oh, there is one more tool that I use with it. Right. For My car. I forgot that I use Thrivecart with member vault as well. And I moved over to there because it's that adds to this ad, takes it up a level. Right. That's all it did. It just took it up a level. And then it makes the customization and integration even, you know, better. So I, you know, I use Stripe thrive cart just for the cart functionality. Right. And then I use membervault, but everybody comes through member vault anyway, you know what I mean? They can't do the port door. And they, you using Thrivecart you do any upselling, other products and stuff by that? I don't know. I personally don't do a lot of upselling, you know, I'm on clubhouse a lot. That's kind of been my, my place to hang out. You know, everybody has their, you know, their special place that they hang out. My audience seems to be there. You know? So I've been on clubhouse for the last year and a half. And, and that's, you know, in my, I know my audience really, really well, and they, and they, they have had really a lovely experience that most of them have member quote as well. Yeah. Oh, that's wonderful. Wonderful. Can you tell me a little bit more about your membership and maybe how you've set that up and how that works inside the member vault? Okay. So membervault. I could all my content there. So I have I have a course in there. So then the course, all of the replays are in member role. And then each month I have three sections, three things that I do in my membership. We have a meet the expert. So we have an expert that comes in and presents and it, and the teachers that goes into membervault. Right. So we put the videos sitting there and we put any handouts, any notes that we want, like anything that we want, let's say the person gave late to a site. We can put that in member vault. We all add that there any PDFs we have, we'll add that there. Then we also have coworking. That's where we have a coworking. So anything related to the videos or anything related to coworking that goes in there. And then we also have one other, I, I teach a module every month, so that will also go into membervault. But what I liked the most is we can break down each month. So each month we'll have there like a product. Right. And then underneath that product, all the, all of the content for that month. And so I'm like the traffic cop. And that's what I say in my business. I'm the traffic cop. All I do is like, someone will say, well, Miss. Therese, can I, yeah, that was April or go search for this. And then they, they, they never come back again. Like they find what they need and it's all right there. That is the one thing that I love is that everything is in one place. Just don't have to go over here over there. Or sometimes people use Facebook groups as they're back in for their membership. And then the people, they have a huge customer situation because they all have to go, right. They all have to go To the Facebook group. And then there are those, like, I can't find it. Well, what search term do I have to search by to find it? And we, I don't get that. I just say, go into your portal. I believe it was January or March and you're like, okay, all right. And it all depends on what they're looking for. Cause I can direct them to what they may be looking for. You know what I mean? So that's the difference. And and it's organized, you just go in and you can see everything right there, you know? So it's real easy. And I like the fact that I can, one of the other things I like is a simple thing, but I like that I can reorganize my content. So if I have a new, like, let's say this month, I'm focused on this product. Right. The digital products, because it's, most of my stuff now is evergreen. But when you have live ones, you had that as well. Right? Yeah. Some of my stuff is evergreen. So now I have the ability because it's evergreen to just move it to the top because this is what I'm going to focus on. I want to make it easy for them to see. Right. So I can just say, go to my academy and click on the first product. It's right there. Yeah. Like, okay. And they never have to come back with a question. I like how you described yourself as a traffic cop that made me, I just want you to, because when you set up systems properly, all you have to do is tell people where to go because you it's already set up is when you don't take, I I'm, I'm like, I don't like always on my soap box about systems, Because If you ever want to sell your business, you have to build it with the sale in mind. If you ever want to sell your business, what are they buying from? You they're buying your systems. Right. And that should be in an operations manual with some SOP. Right. And then what do you do? You slide that across the table And they can slot which your financials, of course, right. You day access to your database where your clients, right? Yep. There's your operations manual on how to run a business right along with those SLPs, you slide that manual across the table. That binder, as I call it and they slide back to check, Right? So if you build your business from day one or day 100 or day 90 or day 500 either way, right? Isn't that? What isn't that? What it is? That's that it's that simple, but I don't know why people don't teach that, but that's what I teach. I teach the importance of systems and I help my clients build those systems so that we can wake up when we're done sleeping and run our businesses from the front base of our phone, anywhere in the world. Yeah. I love it. Honestly. You're literally speaking my love language. This is what I do in life. So I'm just saying, Thank God, thank God you and I out here, like, you know what I mean? Because most people are not teaching it. What's next, what's next. And I'm not teaching what's next. I'm saying build it. This is what you're known for. Right. And now go live your life. I'm not trying to work every day, all day and be a slave to a business that swells to provide me with lifestyle freedom. I'm sorry. I'm not doing it. Oh, I honestly, it just gives me so much takeaways in essence loads of brilliant business advice that I know a lot of the MBA users are going to be grateful for because yeah, it's, it's important stuff that we're talking about here. It's really important systems, operations processes, you know, without that, you know, you're just flailing around and wasting a lot of time and yes, it takes some effort to set all these things up, but once they're up and running, you know, you can then live the life you wanna live.

Remi Oduyemi
So yeah, I, this is really important stuff. And thank you so much for sharing how you and I know you said you're quite techie.
Did you find building your memberships and your off your one-to-one and all of your stuff that you did, did you find it quite easy to use membervault? Or did you think there was a bit of a learning curve with that?

Therese Prentice
Okay. So I'm going through a learning curve with some things. Now, some new enhancements that I'm adding to my business. So the answer is no membervault, membervault. Here's how I learned to simplify it. The most challenging part for me with membervault was knowing what size the images were. And when you really think about it, it really isn't the Mo it's not, that's an easy pitch to some of the technology goes out here to do the learning curve. So what we've done now is we've just created a like a template. These are the, these are the images that you need, right? And so I am going to be using membervault. As I teach my clients, I'm doing a court I'm launching a VIP day, for course, creation for the holistic wellness community. And I've done this for at least 15 years. I put it on hiatus, but I'm bringing it back in as an offering and I'm freshening it up. And so what we're doing is, is a VIP day and they're going to be using membervault, right? So we're going to have all their images done. So at the end of their VIP day with me, their course will be in a physical binder, right. So that they can, because I believe that everyone should have a binder for their courses. And then they'll have all of their images and be able to sell their VIP day at the end of the day. Oh, well. Yeah. So we, so the last hour I'm going to show them how easy it is to load all of this stuff into membervault, get their images up and be ready to sell. And that's how easy membervault is to set up, because we just need to load our, we have our constant, right. We're going to pull the content from the course material. We're going to load that in there, right? This is going to come from their pre-work and the day work. And then by the end of the day, when they get off the phone with me, they're going to be able to go somewhere, press pause, and say, my thing is open for Sam. And that we're going to do that in the last hour. And I'm going to show them how to use member boat, load up their pictures, because we'll know the back, we'll have the various sizes ready to rock and roll in their folder. Right. And we just have to upload it. Now they just have to, you know, get copy and paste the verbiage, you know, the little teaser and you know, whatever sales, little sales copy, because I personally have never done sales copy. Like I don't go get a copywriter and do all the fancy stuff I speak from my heart. As you probably can tell, I don't need rehearsing. I speak from my heart and I've sold.

I mean, I've sold over six figures in one course that I had last year. Wow. The one course that's a membervault, which is urbalism in a weekend that did, oh, that's it almost $200,000. That's incredible. Last year, right. Through between a membership in herbalism in a weekend and did almost $200,000.

Remi Oduyemi
That's amazing.

Therese Prentice
You know, and we only use membervault that's that's there. That's what we did.

Remi Oduyemi
Yeah. I love it. I like it. It's so inspiring. Yeah. I'm, I'm, I'm really blown away by that. I think it's amazing.

Therese Prentice
You know what? I'm going to tell you why we were able to do that. The biggest thing is because we have systems in place and I can't stress that enough because all you want, you set it up, you don't, you'd like you set it and you forget it. Now, all you have to do is tell the people where to go. And then once you've found Them, where everything happens for them in the background, and then the, when it's, when the class is over, you say, go right back to the same portal that you signed up in signing near your replays. A leader too. Yeah. Oh, wow. Really? So you're basically teaching them from the door, how to use the tools that you're using. And then on the back end, when my clients need to put their courses in there, they're already had that experience because they work with you already. Right. They're not green and now they just announced like, oh, that's what you use. Okay. So this is how it's done. And now they can just kind of move slowly into the expansion of what they're doing and how they're going to use it. Yeah, no, that's brilliant. Oh Yeah. My laptop. That's I love the gamification also. I didn't understand how it works, but now I, in the beginning, but I, I liked it. I liked it a lot, you know, because it helps me see what's going on now? Let me tell you something else that I forgot that I really got The the ability to see who is interacting with the content. Right. Because you know, sometimes you have those people and like, well, I don't have so-and-so, you know, I didn't do girl. You haven't logged in. You haven't reviewed any of the content. That's why you don't know anything. Cause you haven't reviewed. Like they don't know. It's like, oh wow. I think that you don't know.

Meanwhile, you got all the stats for you and your house. Got it. Tell you how membervault saves me from an of chargeback. Yeah. So I had a client who was a little dishonest. I took all the reports from the back. How many times they logged in how many times they re watched, because we can see the percentage that you used and all of that. And I sent that to my, to Stripe. Okay. And won the case. And Also the facts that you can click the box with the terms and conditions. And you have a tracking, like all that tracking is done on the backend saves you money on the front end Because let's be, let's be honest. We would love to think that all of our clients are, are, have integrity And gratefully I've only had two. Yep. Right? In, in all my time here in the last two and a half years, only two that were dishonest. But member vault back in saved, came and say, That's all I secret system. So I've seen the back end. So that's why I'm not going anywhere. Cause we got that secret sauce on the back end that, you know, the numbers don't lie and entry tracking doesn't lie either. I mean, I, you know, I've looked at different tools before, but I'm really impressed with how M B the level of stats that you get on the on your dashboard. I think it's really far advanced a lot of these digital platforms that you get to really see your business on like one bank. And we need to know that because you need to know your numbers and you need to know what's working and need to know who's working. Because when they start complaining, now you can say, well, you're complaining. You just never logged in. And all we got, we have thousands of hours of content because I don't take away content. Yeah. You come in now you get the content. Right. But here's something else that people don't realize to the membervault Facebook community. They are at the post. Like you guys are at the post. Like really, like you would think there's thousands of people in there and you nobody's paying attention. No, no, no, no, no, no. You're at the pulse. And this is something I tell people, you, if given that Facebook group, even if you're not even fully using it yet, you're new to it in here. So you can see that you're not alone. And you can ask questions. Because one time I had something was going on that I couldn't figure out. I went in a group and it was like 11 o'clock at night. Somebody came back and answered me. And I was just like, but you don't just have Erin and Mike, you had all these other people that know the system. And they will just try and write in and say, try this or do this. And then you're like, wow. You know, like customer service is not open, but here it is a whole community open to you to answer your questions. So when you look at solutions and I've done others, I've done Kajabi. I've done. Tried, looked at some circle. I looked, I mean, I looked at a whole bunch of them, but I'll just stay here because it's not broken. And I don't, I'm not the one that fixed things that aren't broken. I'd like to take a stake because here's the thing. When you stick and stay, you don't have, you don't have, life gets easy because every time you move something, every time you add something, you now have added another set of confusion and potential chaos to your life. That's what I tell my clients. Don't start over here with the lower end. Like maybe a MailChimp, go get active campaign. Cause I'm telling you, they, these things don't, you don't need to move with life. It's like when you have time.

Remi Oduyemi
Yeah. No, I agree.

Therese Prentice
You always need to move when at the, when it's, when you don't have time to move, right. When you don't have time to move in the middle of a holiday season or a launch, now you see like, oh wow. I need this upgraded tool. This, why is this happening to me right now? Yep. So I said, go to where you need to go and pay the little extra, But you go and pay later. We headaches. If you don't get the right tool from the beginning. So I just say, get the right tool from the beginning. Even if you have to delay it a month or two, because in Pain or payment, Amy made is an unknown entity and they bite hard.

Remi Oduyemi
No, you're absolutely spot on. And also the, what you said about the collaborative grade, right? We have people in there it's global, it's all around the world. So, you know, we've got America, we've got the UK, we've got Europe, we've got people in Australia. So there's always somebody in that

Therese Prentice
And be available and then depth and breadth of knowledge. Some people have tech knowledge and they've customized this. They got all the, you know, the fancy bells and whistles radio on what I've ever want to do. You know, they got all the bells and whistles and that's the other thing you can do it as, as advanced as you want to, because you can then go into the CSS to do all that kind of stuff where you can just do like me. Oh, okay. I can change the colors. Great. I can upload some pictures. Great.

Remi Oduyemi
So yeah, you can go from simple to, as a advanced and high-tech, as you want, like the platform gives you that freedom to grow, how you want to grow and grow when you're ready. Right. So yeah, it's, it's super powerful and I love it and I recommend it to all my clients as well.

Remi Oduyemi
So before we go, how can people find out more about you? How can they find your member vault? Tell me where people can find you.

Therese Prentice
So you can always go to eclectic soul collective right? Cause that's my hub. And then from there there's academy. So we, we link to the academy from there and everything. We put all of our digital products, any courses that we teach, anything where we're sharing knowledge goes and membervault. So you're going to always reach the academy from there. And, you know, you can learn more about me and eclectic soul collective. We have a podcast and we do all sorts of things all around herbalism because we believe urbalism is a lifestyle. So it's not just about drinking. Herbs is our deep, deep, we're deeply connected to nature. And when we begin to understand that we are connected to nature, then we'll also understand that we're connected to each other and how deeply we are connected to each other. And so that's what I teach.

Remi Oduyemi
Oh, I love that. I love that. I have one final final question because I know I've got you up super early. Are you going back to bed now or are you going to stay looking all glamorous for the rest of the day?

Therese Prentice
Well today I guess the spirit had it as such that I overbooked my entire day. So I have another podcast this afternoon. So I'm up for the day. See, that's the thing once I get up. So I try not to get up before one, Because then I'm up right now. I have a full day ahead of me today. So, you know, you know how they say when, when they, when they do the videos, they batch Batching the day, The, the getting out and getting dressed that brings this the whole day. So we probably going to have a lot of content today cause you're going to love,

Remi Oduyemi
Well, I thank you so much again, early and for doing this and this has been absolutely brilliant. And I think there's lots of people are gonna learn from you today. So just thank you so much from my heart and from the team MV for being here for sharing, being open. I feel like I went to church today. I feel like I've been,

Therese Prentice
People has said to me on club house, you know what I mean? Like I'm clubhouses my hub. And so they say that to me, they're like, dang, but you know what? Here's my philosophy on life. Whenever I meet someone, it's my goal in mind intention to lead them in a better place than when I met them. And that's how I live my life every day. So whether you meet me outside at a farmer's market or you meet me online, my intention is to give you something to help. You have some type of awakening to give you something more than when I met you five minutes ago. So that's how I live my life. So I can do that for someone that listens to this and with you, then I'm done, then I've done my job for today. And yet then I can go back and take a nap.

Remi Oduyemi
Well, thank you so much. I really appreciate it. And this has been a wonderful chat and just, yeah, genuinely thank you so much for taking the time and enjoy the rest of your day.

Therese Prentice
Okay. Thank you to stay in. Nice to get to know you and meet you and chat with you. And I'll see you in the, the internet streets.

Check out Therese's MV site here: 

Remi OduyemiHey, hey! 👋 I’m Remi, the User Success Lead here at MemberVault. You’ll hear me over on the Vault podcast, see me in the Collaborative, and also hosting special user success workshops.

Outside of MV, I work with established entrepreneurs and ambitious business owners who are ready to scale their business using simple systems and cool automations.

You can find my MV site here:


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