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Recurring Revenue Calculator

Monthly Revenue Goal (MRR)
Recurring Price
Conversion Rate
Churn Rate
Audience Needed

The math has to math! Here are some ideas.

Keep in mind that with a recurring revenue model, you also need to consider churn (aka people canceling). The average churn % varies quite a bit by audience, but you can estimate between 4-6% as a good average (although in some industries it'll be higher, and until you really dial in your member value fit, it can absolutely be a high %). 

You'll quickly see -- if you want a low ticket recurring offer to be a primary offer, you need volume.

If it’s a lead in to a different offer, then the revenue is not as key — and it’s more about optimizing it so that it’s a good funnel for your higher priced offer. OR it’s a multi tiered membership or a membership with add ons to get you to your desired revenue.

Want to learn more about different recurring revenue offers? Check out this blog post, and check out the Recurring Revenue Action Lab here -- it's a micro-course with ideas to get you inspired about different options, with the pros/cons from people actually running those types of recurring revenue offers + walk thrus of how to set them up in MemberVault.

Recurring revenue is one of our favorite topics, from the ideation/creation phase, to the optimization phase (i.e. retention, growing your member lifetime value, onboarding, etc) because it's a solid way to build a sustainable business that you love...and MemberVault is the perfect membership partner. If you don't have an account yet, snag a free trial here. No credit card required, and our 5 Product plan is only $19/mth.

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