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Ep 7 - How to decide whether you should optimize your offer

Erin Kelly [00:00:01]:
All right, this episode we're going to talk about how to choose which offer to optimize. And I am speaking about this in specifically in regards to the optimize your offer and growth experiment that we're doing every month inside of the All Access membership. But it's also relevant to like where do you, which offers should you spend your time on? Like, which offers should you try and get testimonials for like offers? Should you be improving the sales page on? Should you be adding additional payment options or samples so that people can get a better experience of what is going on? More consumption options? If there is an audio or video component, like adding a private podcast feed to it, which offers should you add more depth to is really an important question. I think that most entrepreneurs, myself included, are guilty of always creating new things and not really revisiting past content. And I know I personally am really making a concerted effort to change that because I have so much content that I have created over the years. It's really, really good. And when I go back through the old member vault products and our Mvlearn, I'm like, oh my gosh, I have so much good stuff in here. And I was not even particularly prolific with audio or video content.

Erin Kelly [00:01:22]:
A lot of it was products that I structured in a different way and then gave one to one feedback on, and it worked really well. So if you're someone that has, and I'm now changing that to creating a lot more audio content. So there's all kinds of optimizations to be done there. If you are someone that has a whole backlog of live workshops that you've done, where you have the workshop replays and you've done a lot of challenges and you've done a lot of x, Y and z, like you've created a lot of pdfs or whatever it is, there is so much opportunity for optimizing what you already have and repackaging it and packaging it up in different ways, and slicing and dicing it into upsells and downsells and cross sells, and just optimizing the existing offer as it is so that it converts better, and then optimizing how you're talking about it and getting more eyes on it, but also refreshing people's memory that you even have this thing. There is so much to be done there instead of always starting from scratch and kind of doing the imperfect action like bare minimum of quick and dirty content creation. I mean, there is absolutely a place for that, and there is a place for the dopamine that that creates optimizing things takes a different part of your brain. But I think that even though it doesn't quite have the same quick hit of dopamine, the more you make a habit out of looking at what you already have and how to make it better and how to get in front of new people and in front of people who haven't purchased before again, and how to support the people who have already purchased it. So much goodness comes from that.

Erin Kelly [00:03:06]:
And it's like a deeper satisfaction than the quick hit of like, oh, I just created this thing, let me see how many people buy it. Right? Like that dopamine response. So I definitely am really excited about creating this container with the experiment that we're doing every single month of optimizing. But even beyond that, how to choose which offers that you want to actually spend that time on. Obviously, like I just covered, there's a lot of opportunity there, but maybe not for every single offer that you have, right? And so I think the best things to look out for are, is it evergreen? Is it something that's going to be relevant over time? That is definitely something that you want to check on. If it's something that, let's say it's like a tool walkthrough or something that's going to change pretty quickly. Tools are always evolving like tech tools. If it is something that is specific to an event that has happened that people are really excited about or scared about or whatever right now, just think about how long is that going to be something that people are searching for or thinking about? And if it's not going to be more than like six months, I wouldn't waste your time on optimizing it personally.

Erin Kelly [00:04:20]:
I would look elsewhere, maybe do like bare minimum optimization if you need it. But I wouldn't put all your eggs in that basket. So the timeliness, is it evergreen? That's the first thing. The second thing to really check in on is, is it something that you still want to be supporting or teaching or selling? Is it even something that you're interested in anymore? Because if it's not, get rid of it or don't worry about it or retire it, whatever you want to do, but don't spend time on optimizing it, because that is putting energy into something that you are done with and that is not worth it. So then the third thing that I would really look at is, are people interested in it? Have people signed up for it? Have they bought it when you created it? Was there like a buz of energy when you talk about it? If it's something that's not created yet. Is it something that you get a good response from? If not, then I wouldn't recommend spending time on optimizing it because it's probably going to be one of those things where you're like pulling teeth to try and get people to be interested. If you believe in it, it's something where you're like, this is really important, and it's the thing that is going to help my people who really want to get x outcome, then maybe the optimization needs to come from, how do I talk about this in such a way and package it in such a way that it makes it shinier for people and it grabs their attention? Because the way that I'm doing it right now is not getting interest. But I definitely think that is a place where you need to spend some time on, like, it's not converting and people aren't interested.

Erin Kelly [00:05:59]:
When I talk about it, is it something that I shouldn't even be doing? And if you feel very strongly that it is and that it is going to be really helpful for them, then you could spend some time on optimizing how you're packaging it to make it more enticing. So wrap it in a shiny bow that people are like, ooh. And then they're getting the thing that they need, but they're really buying the shiny bow. They wouldn't buy it if it was packaged the way that it had been. So that's definitely a place where you can optimize things. So those are the ways that I would recommend looking at. Is it converting? Is it something that I want to support and is it going to be evergreen? Is it something that I'm going to be wanting to continue to sell or promote over time? And I'm not saying, like for years, but at least I would say six months to a year. It's something that you're interested in that really ties in well with your other offer suite, with your offer ladder, whatever language you like to use, the other things that you're offering that are available, the things that you're talking about that you want to be known for, don't spend time optimizing things that don't fit in with that anymore just because you really liked it or because you spent time on it or whatever.

Erin Kelly [00:07:05]:
It's not a good use of your time. There is definitely other ways to spend your time that are going to work out better and be a better roi over time than spending energy on things that aren't a fit anymore. So that is how I would do a gut check on whether it is an offer that you should optimize. Bye.

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