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The lowest hanging fruit to see quick results

Episode Transcript

Hey, hey, Erin Kelly. So let's talk about the, I feel like the beginning of this podcast series is definitely looking at big picture, right? You know, what are what are the things to focus on? What should you focus on first is your product ready for it.

And the next topic that I want to talk about is what is the lowest hanging fruit, aka, the easiest thing for you to do. To get that you're actually going to see results from for all three, so sales, for completion rates and for engagement. And you might kick me for saying this, I think you already know what I'm going to say. But the easiest way for you to get results on all of these things, all three things, is by staying in front of mind.

So when I say front of mind, it is not doing a one sales email to your list and telling them about it once because there's going to be a bunch of people that don't open it, are they open it and they get distracted, etc, etc, right. So it's not one email, it's not one post on social media, it's staying front of mind, like, keep mentioning that you have this product and whether you know if it's an open shut launch, which I have my own opinions on that, but I will not talk about them on this particular podcast series.

But if you, if you are selling something that is evergreen, that's always available, you know, consider putting it on the as a footer signature on all of your emails, make it easy for people to buy this thing from you to get the support from you to get results on this thing that they want.

And so, you know, like, you don't even have to if you're a little squeamish still about sending, quote unquote, sales emails, then make every email that you send a very low pressure sales email, in the sense that you have a link at the footer of all of your emails, that tells them how you can help them.

This is one of my favorite, favorite things that people do. And unfortunately, it's very, it's still pretty uncommon. And I subscribed to a lot of emails for entrepreneurs. And there's just not that many people that do it. And yet the ones that do I'm so grateful, and I can't even tell you how many of them I've actually purchased from and how many people that don't do it, that I'm like, Oh, yeah, what was that thing that they were talking about, like last month, and I didn't have time to really look into it. But it's something that I want, like, I want to and had to like go dig through my like deleted emails to try and find the link, because they haven't mentioned it again. And it's not clear on their website, like how to buy it, right.

So one of the things I think is like really, really cool is that people will put on the footer. So like, underneath your signature, it does not have to be in the body of the email, you say, here are three ways or here are two ways to get help from me and you can change this up, I would recommend, you know, not like having exactly not having the copy exactly the same over a long period of time, because people get eye fatigue, and they just don't they'll stop seeing it. And so you can mix up different products, I would do a mix of free and paid a mix of low cost and higher costs, or like next steps you can even include, like a link to a waitlist, you know, those kinds of things.

And it's, it's not, again, if you if you're listening to this, and you are still kind of like, like I feel like it, I feel like I can't mention paid products in every email, because people are gonna feel like I'm always trying to sell them, try and flip that internal messaging that you have. And remember that you are here to serve your people, you're here to provide a service, and that they want to get results that you are going to have that you can help them with, right. So you are Yes, you're selling Yes, you are asking them to exchange money for your knowledge. But you are doing it in a supportive way.

So if that is one of your mental blocks, know that it's super common, pretty much everyone has to go through it when they're first starting out. But kick that to the curb because it is not helpful for your people or yourself. Certainly not to your bottom line. So. So yes, you could do like two ways to get support from me. One is your Facebook group or your podcast. Or maybe you have a signature freebie, or maybe you have a bunch of freebies, and one of them is actually really in line with whatever you're talking about in the the email.

There's so many ways to make this really fun and supportive and relevant. And then, you know, the second thing can be a discovery call link or it can be just a link to your member vaults that shows all of your paid products or it can be if you're if you're an email marketing nerd like myself, like it could be conditional content.

That is, you know, maybe you have like three different segments that you have in your list like previous clients, hot leads and people that have never purchased from you before and like then you could put like, even more personalized, relevant sales message there, right like, because to people that have worked with you previously, like you might want to offer them an invite to - you only have three spots or something and you want to do a special deal for people that you've worked with before. Like there's some many ways to play around with this.

But it's it's a really easy, low hanging fruit, to increase your sales and traffic to your member vaults to always in every single email that you send, have a footer and you can add it to your personal email as well. A footer that leads back to ways that you can support people.

So if this is like still kind of an uncomfortable idea for you just do your MemberVault account, right, because you have a mix of free and paid stuff there. So it's not like knocking people over the head, like I'm asking you for money, which again, is not really what you're doing. But if that's how it feels like that's what you're doing.

Just put your MemberVault marketplace link, you know, your main link, so that people can go and binge and buy, they can self serve. So that is like, so so, so easy to be front of mind, make it easier for people to support themselves and to purchase from you or to sign up for things that you're doing. And to continue the journey and the relationships with you, beyond just reading your emails. And the same thing goes for social media posts as well, like I wouldn't necessarily in every single social media post, you do have the same sort of thing. But I would definitely make sure that it's like 30, 40% of your social media posts, has, if not more, has a link back to your marketplace, or has a link to a specific product, whether it's free or paid.

So that is saying front of mind there, then front of mind with you know, people that have bought a course or digital offer or a program. You know, you can do this with automated emails, I would recommend doing that. It's too easy to let it fall by the wayside. And realize that like a whole month has gone by and you haven't reached out. But do do like a staggered set of automated emails, it's like checking in with them one week after they purchased, checking in with them one month after they purchased, checking in with them six months after they've purchased, right.

That's something that you can absolutely do to really, you are going to stand out from the crowd because most people I can't even I think like 90% of the digital offers I've ever purchased. I got one email from them. And that was the Yeah, you just bought this thing. Here's the link, and then nothing, right? No follow ups, how's it going like none of that.

So that's easy, then if you are doing a challenge, or a course, or something where you have like, more than like a small taster amount of bingeable content, I would definitely do some follow up emails just to be like, Hey, don't forget, like you really wanted this outcome, I recommend you check out this. Or if it's a challenge with like a drip date or something, make sure that you're sending out daily emails or weekly emails, depending on how you have your challenge structured, make sure that you're actually checking in with people.

Because not only will that help with your engagement, and your completion rates, and even your sales of other items, like this happens all the time, we get so many love notes in the collaborative, which is our user community on Facebook. So many love notes and you're like, Oh my gosh, this is so cool. I ran a challenge and like people are logging in for the challenge. And they're buying all my other like they're buying all this other stuff from me because it's there and they're memorable. And so people are binge and buying, and they're self serving. And it's amazing.

So not only are we making it easy for them to to buy additional things, but you are making it easy for them to engage with you again, to remember that they bought this thing that maybe it's been like a week since they've checked it out. Right. And it will, you know, obviously increase your completion rates as well because you're making you're like adding some accountability.

And just the intangible is that in the online space, I think that we often as consumers feel like numbers like dollar signs, especially when people post like pictures of funnels will like people going in and dollar signs coming out the bottom which is like so distasteful. But we we get we don't feel like we are seeing we don't feel like we're appreciated. We don't feel like we matter like the people that we're buying from really actually care. Right? Like, they care before we buy it, but then after we buy it, it's a ghost town.

So when you actually do follow up with your people, like you are going to stand out you are going to make an impression you are going to create so much goodwill and trust that they are going to not only talk about you to their friends to their social media, like audiences to purchase from you again.

And, you know, obviously you're gonna see all the other stuff the sales and engagement, the completion rate, but that is like absolutely lowest hanging fruit. Is this just a friend of mine. And I I will be the first to admit that there have been things that I have sold that I had grand plans for in terms of having like a year, years worth of follow ups that I didn't you know, I just didn't get that done.

So start small like you don't have to go from nothing to crazy, impressive nurture type of sequence type thing. But just know that the more you show up in people's inboxes. And in their lives, the more they're going to remember you, the more they're going to finish the things that they purchase from you, the more they're going to engage with you, the more they're going to buy other things. And so that is easily easily, the fastest way for you to get results, is to just stay front of mind.

And really, and we're gonna, I'm going to make a whole nother episode about this. But just to make it really easy for them to do the thing, make it easy for them to log in and check out the thing they bought, make it easy for them to buy the thing, which I already, you know, I mentioned having that in your footer of your email, but just make it easy for them. And they will love you for it.

So lowest hanging fruit, stay front of mind, don't disappear, especially for people that have purchased something from you. And if you like, literally, if you have a course or digital offer that you've sold in the past, like, listen to this episode, and then go drop an email to everyone that has purchased from you. And just be like, Hey, what's up? Like? How's it going with this thing? Like how's it going with the result that you want not so much like how's it going with the digital offer you bought, right?

So remember, like, make it relevant to them, they don't really care about the thing that they bought, they care about what they wanted to get out of the thing that they bought. So be a human check in with them, you will be amazed at the responses that you get the goodwill that you got the engagement that you got. And as always make it easy, do the link to whatever they bought. So they can go check it out again. And they're like, what was the thing that I bought, you probably will see a spike and engagement. And you know, they can if it's a MemberVault, they can check out the other stuff that you now have available. So that is an easy action step for you.

You're listening to this and you have sold something in the past, like send an email, send an email to people that have purchased just to check in with them doesn't have to be like a two liner. So yeah, that's pretty much it for this episode. So if you want to check out our supporting resource Action Lab, with additional trainings from our Certified Partners, you can go to membervault.co/actionlab. And that is available complimentary to our paid users. If you're a free user, you can upgrade and get access.

And you can just continue listening to this podcast if you're not ready to upgrade, and in the future you will get access. So in two months, you can just like right now listen to the podcast, do some do some smart tinkering with your MemberVault and then when you're ready to upgrade, know that you will get the Action Lab access in the future as well.

So hopefully, this was a helpful one and I look forward to digging into sales with the next couple of episodes.


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