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How to have ONE product with a base and VIP option

Hey, hey, Erin Kelly here, if you don't know me, I'm the CEO and co-founder of MemberVault.

I have, I have not been on this podcast for a hot minute, I think since what mid November, in season one. And of course, Mike kicked off season two, with his awesome update on Monday. And so today, what I wanted to do is actually share an actionable use case. So something to get you thinking about how to use MemberVault in your business. 

So we are really excited about the new feature that is landing. So depending on when you're listening to this episode, we have a new feature landing on Valentine's Day, actually, because we push features on Sundays. And so we have a new feature landing this Sunday, that's going to allow people to have multiple payment type triggers inside of actions. So what that means in laypersons speak is that you can have one product inside of your MemberVault, let's say it's for a group program that you're running, or a digital offer that you have, that's you know, completely passive. And you want to be able to have a VIP type addition. So if people want to do the higher level that gets maybe like one call with you, or one to one X with access with you, or whatever it is like the parameters are totally open to you. But if you want to have two different access types for the same product, you now will be able to do that as of Sunday. 

So if you're listening to this after Valentine's Day, this feature already exists, and has already been pushed, if you're listening to it before Valentine's Day, know that it is going to be going live on Sunday, which is Valentine's Day. So that's kind of a handy, Handy marker. So this is going to be this is something that we have had a lot of people request because they don't want to have basically the same like if it's, let's say we'll use the group program as an example. So it's a group program, where there's group calls, there's a community, there's some resources inside of the product. And they want to be able to have a VIP option that also has, you know, one to one access, and they don't want to have like all these products laying around. And they don't have to like clone, either. It gets complicated, right? Because they're like, how do I do it? Do I clone the original group product for the people that want to buy VIP. Because before we had multiple payment types, that was what was you had to do like if you wanted to be able to tell if someone spent more and bought the VIP option, it had to be a separate product, well, no longer. 

So this is all part of our goal in basically simplifying your life making it easier to run your business and put out the offers that you want to do and serve your people in the way that you want to. And so what you're going to be able to do is you're going to have that one product for the group program. And again, this is not specific to group homes, that's just the example I'm giving, because it is such a popular way to do two different kind of like access levels. And so there's the base group product. And that includes, you know, so you have your teaser, your teaser, or your sales page, if you're using an external sales page. And it shares you know, here's what you get with the group offer, you get these group calls happening on X dates you get, these are resources that you get instant access to or whenever they're going to get access to them, you get access to a community, whether it's Facebook, or Mighty Networks, or Circle or however you're delivering your community. 

And then if you want more support, you can also choose the VIP package and you don't have to call it VIP it can be however you want to name it. But the VIP package has one to one access. And again, there is no we don't control this, like you can set up the parameters however you want. So the one the VIP access could be one call, or it could be email direct email access or Voxer access to for the the length of the program or you know, however you want to do the VIP element. But it is different. It is it is the base program plus something else, right plus this other direct access to you. And so you would set up those two different payment types, you would have the base product, and then or the base payment price. And then you would have your VIP payment price. And you're able to label those now inside of MemberVault so they can very clearly see that they're buying the base price or that they're buying the VIP. 

And then on your end, on the admin side, you'll be able to set up an action says tag this person inside of my email tool if they purchase this product with this payment type. So if they you know purchase with the the base product, or the VIP product, right. And so then in your email tool, what you can do is you can and this again, this kind of depends on what email tool you're using. But you can either have conditional content if that's something that you're kind of doing On in your email tool, I know I use that all the time inside of Active Campaign. And so you could actually like have the message of the email be different, you know, inside the same email for whether they bought base or whether they bought VIP. Or you could just send different emails to, if they bought base, send them this, you know, if they bought VIP, send them this email. 

And then depending on how you're structuring your VIP access, you can either have it be just something that you give access to inside of that email. So maybe it's like the schedule link inside of your call schedule, like Calendly, or Acuity. Or you could potentially, again, depending on how you're delivering the VIP access, you could actually have it be an invisible product inside of your MemberVault, that when they bought the VIP through the VIP payment type that in actions, you also said when someone buys this payment type, unlock this product. And so they would have like a secondary product that they would also get access to. And so, you know, one, one way that you could do that is, let's say you're doing one call, or you're doing like an email assessment, or you're doing something that's like a little bit more off, like off off the cuff like, not like a typical, you get like two calls or something like that, where you would send them directly to a scheduler, if you want it to be something that's a little bit more innovative. I don't want to say innovative because I feel like that makes it sound like the doing the call scheduler isn't innovative. 

But it I tend to get kind of creative with my one to one access just because I don't have a lot of space to do one to one call. So I've done a lot of things using MemberVault where I have the invisible product be basically just a bunch of quiz questions. So it's a very simple product. And then once I get their answers, then I will either send them a box, or I will send them a loom, or I will send them an email, like a really robust email with like lots of like covering all the answers to their questions. So, you know, again, those are good, those are three ideas that you could do that are not your typical one to one, get on a call with someone. And that has worked really well for me in the past. So you can certainly do that. Or you could again, just do it inside of email and not have to worry about setting up a secondary product or anything. So it really opens up all kinds of opportunities for you. 

And then here is kind of a fun cash flow boost idea. So if you have an existing product inside of your MemberVault, and let's say it's a digital offer, or let's say it's a membership, or let's say, really anything, anything that you're already selling inside of your MemberVault, you could throw a special promotional payment type into that offer, and then send an email to your list. And it could be for Valentine's Day, or it could be you know, yay, middle of February, let's get excited, or however you want to position it and have it go away after a certain amount of time. 

So you would just delete that payment type out of that product. And so it could be something to drive urgency like, I don't normally offer one to one access for this product. But from now until X date, you can you can get access to whatever the product is, plus, VIP access, whether it's like a just one intensive call or a lightning round or however you want to position it. But that that is, you know, that's urgency. That's fun urgency. And it's like, I don't normally do this, this is not something that's normally available in this product, but I am doing it for now. Because of X, Y and Z. And you know, maybe it's because people are really, I see a lot of people struggling with this or because I know I see a lot of people positioning around their birthdays, whatever you want to do. But that would be a fun way for you to drive some some cash flow and bring some fun urgency into your into your MemberVault. 

And it'd be really easy for you to throw together. So all you would have to do is add that extra payment type, add the action trigger on the back end that says when someone buys this product with this payment type, tag them with this and then set up the email that gives them the additional information for whatever it is they just, you know, just got access to it, whether it's you know, whether it's a one off call with you, or a whole month of calls or email access or Voxer access, or a special Hot Seat group call that's not normally available. Because again, you can put it on any kind of product. So it could be a digital offer that normally doesn't have like any kind of element or it could be like a pop up mastermind group. 

Hopefully this is getting you thinking about all the different ways that you could use this and it gets you excited about one specific thing that you can put into action in the next couple of days. So again, if you were listening to this podcast before Valentine's Day, know that this payment type action trigger will be landing on Sunday Valentine's Day, if you're listening to this after Valentine's Day, it is already available and you can just go in and start using it. And if you are not using it yet, definitely go and grab a free account you'll be able to use this inside of our free account plan too. You can just go to membervault.co and grab no credit card forever free account plan and start playing around with us. So hopefully you have some fun. I know this was a really popular requested item that should be should unlock lots of potential for you to bring in cash flow and support your people and make things a lot easier to you.

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