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I wrote your next 6 emails for you!

Full Episode Transcript

Hey, hey, Erin Kelly here. So if you listen to my episode yesterday about my biggest pet peeve, which is spoiler alert, making it really hard for people to buy from you, especially with, like, delayed cart opens, etc. but but just making it difficult.

And I was using a specific example of something that I was interested in purchasing, which is a workshop, and that they have this delayed open where they're sending a bunch of emails, and they have the sales page, but they don't let you buy, they make you sign up for basically, it's basically a waitlist until they open the door.

And that I emailed them, and I said, Hey, like why I want to buy this, why can't I buy it now? Like, can you explain the reasoning behind this? Obviously, strategically, as a marketer, I know, the reasoning behind it, but I was curious how they would answer.

And so I actually heard back from them. And I honestly would qualify it as sort of a BS answer, because it was like, you know, it's it's opening in February, which we're in February to mid February. And it doesn't start until I think they said, like, February 28, or something like that, I believe. So towards the end of February, and that I would be able to buy, you know, on that date.

So I don't know if this is a limitation. Oh, and then they said, if you want to be removed from our drip sequence, we can do that so that you don't have noise in your inbox. And we'll let you know when when the doors are actually open. So I mean, at least they gave me an an option to still stay in the loop.

But they kind of missed the point of my email. Or maybe they didn't, and they just didn't feel like answering it. So yeah, I mean, maybe it's a limitation of their software, maybe it's because the way that they're running this this workshop, you can't buy because of the software until the workshop actually technically starts.

In my opinion, though, it's probably not that it's that they are trying to drive as much interest and then drive a bunch of sales when they open the cart with that urgency of like, we're closing the cart soon. And I'm just, I'm just not done with that. So. So that's an update, I did hear back from them. And I didn't really get a great satisfactory answer. It's it's basically they're, they're doing it to my assumption is they're doing it to drive higher sales in that initial cart open.

But again, I said this, and in my podcast episode yesterday is that I think that there's actually a lot of loss that you don't take into account. So yes, you might get a really flashy number out of your launch. But you're not, you're not seeing all the people that are falling out of your funnel, or that are falling out of the sales experience. Because because it wasn't the right time for them, and you're forcing it on your schedule rather than theirs.

So yeah, I mean, again, like it's not the end of the world, like I'm not saying they're evil or anything, or that they're they're operating out of integrity, I'm just saying they're not being customer centric, because I wanted to buy it a week ago, or five days ago or whatever. And at this point, I just don't, I don't want it anymore. Because I'm annoyed by all of these emails, that you're sending me that you're not letting me buy the thing. So yeah, so that's my little pet peeve rant that I that I covered yesterday.

But today, I wanted to talk about a real quick and easy if you are avoiding emails because you don't know what to send to your people. Or if you have a product or service that doesn't have any nurture emails set up, after they get that first initial welcome, thanks for buying this thing, then I have an end, you might if you're a longtime member about user, you might have already used these.

But this goes under that repurposing content and talking about things a lot, because you always assume that people have heard it when he talked about it once. But actually, it takes like a lot of mentions for people to to actually hear about.

And obviously if you're new, you probably don't even know we have something called the six emails to send. And they are free email swipes, I write them, like mad libs style. So you can fill in your own copy and make it your own. So it just gives you the structure of the email so that you can not be staring at a blank page.

And I'm always amazed because I'm actually on a lot of MemberVault user email lists. And I will get I'll get emails from the email sender from our other email swipes. And I won't recognize it at all right, I'm gonna be like that was a really great email there'll be like Yeah, that's from one of your email swipes. And I'm like I didn't even recognize it like, because you can customize it so much and make it your own.

So first off the link to get that in there free. You don't even have to sign in to get it or give me your email address or anything if you're not a subscriber already or a MemberVault user is membervault.co/sixemails.

And you can either do that numerically or you can actually write out six, either of those links will work. So membervault.co/sixemails. And it's Madlib style email swipes, that you can either use for onboarding for a course or any kind of service or whatever that you can use for a nurture sequence after someone completes one of your services or your free offer or whatever. So basically, like a sequence that is helping them continue to achieve that outcome that they signed up for, you can use it as your welcome to my list.

Especially if you have like one like signature freebie that you use, this would be a really great sequence to use, to really make sure that people are getting good results, and they keep going back into your MemberVault site. So they will, all of these emails have opportunities and reminders to send people in every email back to your MemberVault marketplace.

And so if you are wanting a little bit of help in the email department, or if you're just feeling kind of burnt out, or if you want to, you know, writing emails on your own, or if you want to maybe schedule these out and take a month and a half off from writing emails, this is my gift to you. And even if you have used them in the past, you can again, you can customize them so much. And if it's a different product, I wouldn't necessarily use it in attachment to the same product.

So again, you can grab those at membervault.co/sixemails. And what I recommend doing and this is how I do it, is I just like copy and paste it into my email. So we use ActiveCampaign and MemberVault.

So I just copy and paste it into the campaign inside of ActiveCampaign. And then I like add it inside the email. But I know some people prefer to do their emails inside of like a Google doc or whatever. Especially if you're collaborating with like a VA or something and you want to add in your kind of copy flare, and then have them incorporate it into your email tool, you can always do that. So you can just copy and paste it.

So like, if you have, if you have it set up as like the initial welcome sequence after they buy a course, I wouldn't then also repurpose it for like, long term follow up nurture for that course, just because like I mean, it's it's Yes, you can customize it to a pretty amazing degree. But like there's still the same kind of structure. So I probably wouldn't use it, like back to back like that. But otherwise, like even if you've already used it elsewhere, and you're kind of like email ecosystem, you can absolutely incorporate elsewhere.

Or if you want to use it to your main list, to kind of talk about one of your products or services that are in your marketplace inside a MemberVault, that would be another really great way to do it. So it doesn't have to be automated, it could totally be, like I said, if you want to just like batch it out, and then take a month, month and a half off from emailing your list, you could totally do that and use it as a way to drive sales and engagement inside of your MemberVault site.

If you're not really familiar with email swipes, it's just copy and paste it and then add in your information and then go to town. So feel free to use to use it as your own. Once you've customized obviously, like Don't, don't don't sell or offer up the templates as is to your audience.

But yeah, I've gotten so so so so so much feedback because like I said, we've had this for a while for a number of users and I've had so much feedback about like oh my gosh, like I saw such a huge spike and engagement I got so many replies like my open rate like spiked up like these emails really work.

So highly recommend it if you haven't done it before or if you want to incorporate it into a different product. Go to town, membervault.co/six emails and I'll put it inside of the show notes as well.

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